A few thoughts...


Well-known member
We each create the universe(s) we choose to inhabit, whether consciously or unconsciously or perhaps a bit of both. Each of us takes into our universe(s) that information that best reflects the path we are on, whether that information comes via the emotions, the intellect, the physical, the spiritual, the dimensional, or various other sources we do not currently recognize or understand. We each take this information to mold it and shape it so it is usable in our universe(s), changing it and hopefully allowing it to change us.

Sometimes universes collide with one another, just as galaxies collide. There are no winners or losers as this collision happens because it is not good or evil...it just is. From this contact a new universe will be created, with new places to explore.

We all get the universe(s) our souls need to help evolve experience back to the Source of All Being. All universes are correct in this way for they all evolve a specific set of experiences back to the Source of All Being for its use.

And as universes brush past one another, they leave a little bit of themselves with the other. It will be something useful in the future if not in the moment. The contact may not be at first appreciated but it will always leave an impression.

It is the act of learning to appreciate all the contacts from all the universes, whether wanted or not, that best advances humanity. Appreciating that it comes from another seeker, another searcher with some differing answers and some similar answers and is part of the truth of their universes and makes them unique. Appreciating that even in disagreement that all truths have meaning, even when they vary so greatly from one another. Appreciating that they have value and worth even when they are totally unfamiliar and foreign.

I think it is in this way that the Aquarian Age will help develop humanity to its next highest levels through balancing the many universes within the human galaxy so all can find their own uniqueness within the multitudes.



Well-known member
Nice post, Elianah.

I think it will a great evolutionary step forward when people realize that they are part OF a universe!!