Which house for an undiscovered murderer?


Well-known member
Hi all,

Which house should I be looking to in order to try and reveal the identity of a hitherto unknown murderer?

The nature of the question does not involve me at all, the inquiry is simply "who was the murderer?', so should I just go straight for the 1st? (Can we not just go straight for the first when the horary has nothing to do with us?).

I thought about the 7th, but this is not an open enemy, for the identity of the killer is undisclosed, which is why I ask the question. Also the 7th is opposed to he Ascendant, and this is not my opponent, my killer.

I have considered the 8th, because of it's deadly connotations, the 8th house is lethal, so here perhaps?

The house which I am most drawn to is the 12th, I keep coming back to this idea. The 12th is hidden enemies, and so appropriate in trying to determine the identity of a killer whose identity remains illusive. It is the house of secrets, mysteries and the undisclosed, so I think this might be the best bet.

I feel drawn to the 12th, but I will refrain from judcging from here until I have heard other's opinions.

I also imagine that the victim/s will be represented by the cusp which is opposite to whatever cusp represents the killer.

Draco :wink:


Well-known member
All depands of question. If your question is simly "who was the murderer?" I think you could use 1st house for murderer.


Well-known member
I may be wrong...But I thought horaries only worked
if the question was one directly related to the person asking?
I dunno I'm not an expert so don't be MAD at me!! LoL
I can see the chart being more valid on a chart where this
question has a personal relation connection...But
maybe if you felt strongly spiritually pulled to ask
by the powers that be it's an exception. :)

Summery Joy

Well-known member
OK. Here's what I think

First of all, I'm not pro 12th house on these issues at all. The identity of the killer may be unknown, but his/her nature is not a hidden one. I use the 12th house for threats of hidden nature and psychological problems.

Now, 1st or 7th house? Both could work. If you really, really don't care and have no personal interest in the case whatsoever, then the 1st house is most appropriate. But if you have personal interest in terms of collective social interest and you think of the killer as an enemy to your community, then the 7th house rules the killer.

Whatever house you choose to rule the killer, I would use the turned 8th house for the crime.

That's my take on it. Hope it helped.


Staff member
Draco said:
Which house should I be looking to in order to try and reveal the identity of a hitherto unknown murderer?

The nature of the question does not involve me at all, the inquiry is simply "who was the murderer?', so should I just go straight for the 1st? (Can we not just go straight for the first when the horary has nothing to do with us?).
Ok, Draco, here's the 4th different point of view :)

I think the 7th would represent best a person we're not connected to in any way.

Every question we ask involves us. There surely was a good reason for you to inquire about that particular murderer, even if the reason was only pure curiosity. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be a horary, would it? So, the 1st house will represent the inquirer and his situation. (yeah, and your body marks as well :D )

The logic goes like this: you are not the murderer and you don't identify yourself with him; nor he is your favorite murderer, so to speak, as there are situations in sports. Therefore I see no reason for assigning the murderer the 1st house.

Which house would describe him best? You might think of the murderer as a indirect threat to you as well, as you are part of the society, and the social wellbeing is threatened by him. You probably feel compassion for the victim, which makes you somehow identify yourself with him/her (therefore assigning the 1st house to victim as well) and consequently assign the 7th house to the murderer (as the direct aggressor of the victim)
The 7th seems to fit best as it represents "the other", just another person.
In case of a direct aggression, the 7th house is a better choice.

Why not the 12th house? It seems to me that events and persons represented by the 12th house are much more than hidden. They also act in a mysterious, unexplained, unthinkable way. You may feel them close, but not know who they are for sure.