Jan 26th new moon & eclipse conjunct natal Chiron


Well-known member
Hi all,
Firstly, I've hummed & hahed about where to put this query - and I settled upon Karmic Astrology due to the Chiron part of the question.

I know a person who is projecting all their wounds into their environment, and this is creating chaos, and they are unable to see that they are the actual creator of the chaos - because the cause of the chaos is further projected on to others in the environment. This has been an ongoing situation for over a year.

However, I've just noticed that the upcoming new moon and solar eclipse in Aquarius will be exactly conjunct this person's natal Chiron, 6 deg Aquarius. [I have no information re this person's birth time, but my own calculations put it in 4th house, which also `fits' with this person's deepest wounding re family, heredity & where they came from, and also places their natal Libra sun in the 12th house. They have a history - obviously traumatic for them - of being excluded/cast out of the family.]

I'm curious about what others perceive could be the effects of this conjunction for this person.

As I see it, at its best, the person could have an epiphany, and change their life - yeah, right! I recognise the fixed nature of this person's behaviour (moon in Scorp, Sun/Moon MP early in Scorpio, being squared by the New Moon, which could add stress and tension.) Natal Uranus will also be exactly opposed by the new moon. (The New Moon is only 2 minutes from their natal Chiron, and 6 minutes from the natal Uranus opp.)

At its worst, this new moon & eclipse has the potential to send this person even further into extreme behaviour...... and I'd previously believed this to be impossible, but it keeps happening.

The most likely thing, as I see it, would be for their primary wounds to be shown to them in an extreme way - this person does not do subtle! They have been through their Chiron Return, and it was during this time that they began `plotting' their current series of `assaults' on others whom they perceived to be The Problem.

(Sorry to be so vague, but I'm trying to really hide this person's identity, even though they have difficulty using the internet, and would never in a zillion years find their way on to this site!!)
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Joseph Ledzion

Well-known member
The ingress of Jupiter in Aquarius, to the midpoint of this person's Sun and Moon will magnify the fine line between what is right and just, true and okay; and what is "crossing the line," into the realization that they are going down "the wrong path."

It is obvious that this person is consciously choosing to use other people as a backdrop in order to illustrate their wounds, their needs, their hurts. There is nothing really wrong with this. In fact, it is the responsibility of those people involved to answer them with dignity, compassion and love -- qualities that this person is seeking.

Everything that is not love, is a call out for love, please realize that.

The effect of the eclipse, and Jupiter, on their Chiron, which opposes Uranus will likely be the opening off buried manifestations and fears that had previously been trapped in the subconscious of this person, covered by dreams and pride that have been left unfullfilled because of unwillingness to go deep within and serve the soul. There is an element of denial to be exposed in regard to this person's suffer. Moon in Scorpio often has to cut themselves off from their experience, because it is so overwhelming to them.

The Leo/Aquarius Axis on the other hand is related to the creative instinct and expression of individuality which can benefit the entire world. The moon is overwhelmed by suffering in this square position, it would appear, and the L/A axis is not fully tapped into. Not able to get passed themselves, their emotions spew out like a poison, their ego begins to shake, the wound turns to cancer.

Because Uranus is being opposed, their suffering will appear through the collective consciousness. They will have an opening to the greater mass collective. They should use this oppurtunity to meditate and see their pain reflected as it is throughout the cosmos, instead of being selfish about it (leo).

And this actually appears to be happening already. Jupiter opposite Uranus can really be like a sharp razor to the axium of common philosophies. This person may be coming to the realization that they are "out of wack" and, simply accepting it.

If you want to help, you can offer this person all the honor and dignity they deserve, because they are a Son of God, no matter what they do. Realize that you can help this person. Realize that this person is you, just in another place and time. To honor them, is to honor yourself, and the One Infinite Creator. Every oppurtunity is a call to disgrace or honor. Honor this person, always.

Peace be with you, forever and forever,

Joseph Ledzion
