A question on Turned Chart


Well-known member
We examine radical 9th house (5 to 5) if a question is raised on grandchild. Here 9th house represents 1st son’s or daughter’s first child.. Suppose , for e.g., the question is about the 2nd son’s or daughter’s third child, which house should be studied ? Should it be 9 to 7 i.e radical 3 . And do we go on like this for other births depending on which child the question is directed .to.

Request clarification




Well-known member
If your question is about 1st and 2nd grandchild simultaneous, than you use 9R house for 1st child, and 11R for second child (brother or sister of 1st child). But if your question is about one of your daughter's child you go stright to 9 house.


Well-known member
Thanks Goca for your reply. Do I understand that 5H is common for all the children. If for example a querent has a question about his 2nd child which house we should judge, 5 or 7.




Well-known member
If the quarent's question is only about 2nd child you go straight to 5 house.
But if your question is "Will my 1st child get better mark at school from my 2nd child today?" than you use 5 house for 1st child and 7 house for 2nd child, becuse 3 turned house represent sister/brother of 1st child.


Well-known member
I'm thrilled to see other people using turned charts, derivative houses or houses within houses (whatever you feel like calling them).

The only thing I would caution you on is perspective or maybe POV would be a better term. When using a natal or horary chart to look at your children, siblings, spouse, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, in-laws etc, it's how you see them. If you're using your child's chart to look at siblings, parents etc, it's how the child perceives them.