Life in the retro stages


Well-known member
Mercury turns retro today at 26° Pisces 55 at 2:29 CST and currently is stationary. It stands opposite of one of the signs it rules, Virgo. The purification and observation of the ongoing perfection of the fully conscious human? This retrograde period may also bring out some Gemini coloration in the Pisces thought-scape world: deep consciousness flitting here and there.

Jupiter, which feels stationary at the moment, turns retro at 18° Scorpio 52 at noon CST Saturday. Internalized expansion of the twilight, allowing feelings to move beyond black-and-white duality, perhaps?

And Saturn remains retro in Leo and I will be so glad when it turns direct next month!


Summery Joy

Well-known member
Yup, I cannot wait till Saturn turns direct and perfects my first return and get it over with already! These conjunctions back and forth with my natal Leo stellium are driving me insane.


Well-known member
I hear you, sore!

With Saturn dancing between my Sun-Uranus conjunction and doing a trine thing with my ASC, it has been an interesting few months.

At least Saturn will turn direct on April 5/6 (depending on time zone). It will not get as far back as a direct conjunction with my Sun before it turns direct.

Before it gets to direct conjunction with my Uranus (it did not quite get there before it went retro), it will cross over my Pallas again. Still not quite sure how to weave that Pallas energy into the action.
