Temple of Nebuchadnezzar · Astrological definition of Temple of Nebuchadnezzar · Astrology Encyclopedia  ·  October 10, 2024, 4:34 GMT
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Temple of Nebuchadnezzar

Temple of Nebuchadnezzar - Astrology Encyclopedia

Definition of Temple of Nebuchadnezzar A famous temple at Barsippa, unearthed in modern times. A veritable color chart of astrological symbols. Like many others it was built in seven stages, each marked by a different hue. The lowest stage was black and symbolized Saturn; the second, orange (the hue of sandalwood), symbolized Jupiter; the third, red, Mars; the fourth, yellow, the Sun; the fifth, green, Venus; the sixth, blue, Mercury; and the seventh, white or silver, symbolized the Moon.

(Nicholas deVore - Encyclopedia of Astrology)

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