Spectroscope · Astrological defintion of Spectroscope · Astrology Encyclopedia  ·  September 17, 2024, 8:03 GMT
Right now: Moon at 13°58' Pisces, Sun at 24°56' Virgo


Spectroscope - Astrology Encyclopedia

Definition of Spectroscope A device whereby to disperse and separate a beam of radiation into its component wave lengths. Spectroscopic observation of moving bodies shows that with an approaching body there is a shift to the violet end, while with a receding body the shift is toward the red end: the angular amount of the shift proportional to the velocity of motion of the light source and inversely to the wave length and velocity of the light. This is a confirmation of the altered astrological influence resulting from motion toward or away from a gravitational center, and with or contra to the orbital motion of the controlling body.

(Nicholas deVore - Encyclopedia of Astrology)

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