Sign: Leo · Astrological definition of Sign: Leo · Astrology Encyclopedia  ·  September 7, 2024, 18:12 GMT
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Sign: Leo

Sign: Leo - Astrology Encyclopedia

Definition of Sign: Leo The Lion. The fifth sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is possibly an emblem representing the phallus, as used in ancient Dionysian mysteries. It is also an emblem of the Sun's fire, heat or creative energy. The Sun is in Leo annually from July 23 to August 22. Astrologically and astronomically it is the second thirty-degree arc after the Summer Solstice, marked by the Sun's passing of the Tropic of Cancer and occupying a position along the ecliptic from 120° to 150°. It is the Fixed quality of the Fire element, conferring an internal will motivated by an impulse of the heart. It is positive, hot, dry, choleric, eastern, diurnal, commanding, brutish, sterile, broken, changeable, fortunate, strong, hoarse, bitter, and violent. Ruler: Sun. Detriment: Saturn. Fall: Mercury.

...........................Loving Leo

..............Who praises all his kindred do;

..............Expects his friends to praise them too

..............And cannot see their senseless view?

...................Ah, Leo.

Leo exemplifies the principle of cosmic splendor; wherein character defects due to planets in Leo persist through long periods, and good qualities from planets favorably aspecting the Sign are never lost.

..........The Lion flames: There the Sun's course runs hottest.

..........Empty of grain the and fields appear

..........When first the Sun into Leo enters.

...................................................- Aratus

First Decan: Rulership, fiery love, and the desire to rule others; extremes of pleasure whether in love or asceticism.

Second Decan: Reformation, a convincing leader, given to ruthless onslaughts against his enemies; clear vision as to weaknesses in politics and religion.

Third Decan: Ambition, a determination to rise in life, at the sacrifice of anything and anybody.

(Nicholas deVore - Encyclopedia of Astrology)

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