Mutilated Degrees · Astrological definition of Mutilated Degrees · Astrology Encyclopedia  ·  September 8, 2024, 0:53 GMT
Right now: Moon at 9°39' Scorpio, Sun at 15°53' Virgo

Mutilated Degrees

Mutilated Degrees - Astrology Encyclopedia

Definition of Mutilated Degrees Certain degrees are said by some authorities to indicate lameness if rising at birth, or if the Moon or the Ruler of the Ascendant is posited therein. These are:

6°-10°........................... Taurus

9°-15°........................... Cancer

18°-25°.......................... Leo

18°-19°.......................... Scorpio

1°,7°, 8°,18°,19°................ Sagittarius

26°-29°.......................... Capricorn

18°-19°.......................... Aquarius

Other authorities deem that if their influences exist it must be due to the presence of fixed stars in these arcs, in which event the position must be advanced by 1° every 70 years.

(Nicholas deVore - Encyclopedia of Astrology)

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