Degree · Astrological definition of Degree · Astrology Encyclopedia  ·  October 9, 2024, 22:23 GMT
Right now: Moon at 6°47' Capricorn, Sun at 17°07' Libra


Degree - Astrology Encyclopedia

Definition of Degree One 360th part of the circumference of a circle. The rough measure of an angle of one degree is the apparent diameter of a dime held at arm's length from the eye. The apparent diameter of the Sun and Moon is about 0.5°. The longest dimension of the bowl of the Big Dipper is about 10°. A degree is divided into 60 equal parts called minutes of arc. The length of a degree of latitude on the Earth's surface increases from 68.71 miles at the equator to 69.41 miles at 90°. The length of a degree of longitude on the Earth's surface varies from 69.65 miles at the Equator to 53.43 at 40°. Degrees are equally applicable to the Zodiac or the Ecliptic. As a time unit it is applicable to the Equator thus:

Degrees of Arc......Hours and minutes of time

......360°...............24 h.

.......30° (1 Sign).......2 h.

.......15°................1 h.

........1° (60')..........4 m.

........1' (60")..........4 s.

(Nicholas deVore - Encyclopedia of Astrology)

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