Contra antiscions · Astrological definition of Contra antiscions · Astrology Encyclopedia  ·  September 17, 2024, 7:40 GMT
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Contra antiscions

Contra antiscions - Astrology Encyclopedia

Definition of Contra antiscions Apolo-Edited Definition (Devore's having been inadequately clear in this case): These are the same degees of declination held by stars and planets tenanting Signs on opposite sides of the Aries 0º - Libra 0º axis. They are exactly opposite the antiscion points. For example, the antiscion of 5º Aries is at 25º Virgo, while the contra-antiscion of 5º Aries is at 25º Pisces. To find them recourse may be had to Tables of Declination. v. Parallels.

(Nicholas deVore - Encyclopedia of Astrology)

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