Caduceus · Astrological definition of Caduceus · Astrology Encyclopedia  ·  September 17, 2024, 7:53 GMT
Right now: Moon at 13°52' Pisces, Sun at 24°55' Virgo


Caduceus - Astrology Encyclopedia

Definition of Caduceus The wand of Hermes, or Mercury, the messenger of the gods. A cosmic, sidereal, or astronomical symbol; its significance changing with its application. Originally a triple-headed serpent, it is now a rod with two serpents twined around it, and two wings at the top. As a medical insignia it may appear as a rod surmounted by a ball, representing the Solar orb, and a pine cone, representing the pineal gland. The entwined white and black serpents represent the struggle between good and evil - disease and cure. Another form is the Thyrus, often pictured in the hands of Bacchus. Astronomically, the head and tail represent the Nodes - the points on the ecliptic where Sun and Moon meet in an eclipse. v. Aaron's Rod.

(Nicholas deVore - Encyclopedia of Astrology)

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