Uranus in Pisces: The Dawn of the New Age?  ·  October 4, 2024, 1:29 GMT
Right now: Moon at 25°07' Libra, Sun at 11°20' Libra

Uranus in Pisces:
The Dawn of the New Age?

by Raymond J. Sette,
guest writer

The birth of a new age is upon us. In the 1960’s, we sang about the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…and believed it. However, I feel the country was so drug-induced and obsessed with anti-war demonstrations and care-free sex that we were barely aware about what was really dawning at that time. During that era, the United States’ chart received a hard square from Neptune to its Mid-heaven and its Moon, certainly we did not see things with crystal clarity where our goals and objectives were concerned. We simply were not ready to live as an enlightened culture.

In the past few years, world events have caused our sense of awareness for the people and world around us to come to the forefront of our thoughts. Most profound of these events was the tragedy of 9/11. These events have shown us that we are all one; we are connected rather than separate from each other. The most recent of these events, the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003, was and still can be very influential if we open ourselves up to its power. The configuration formed by the planets at the moment of the Eclipse was a “Star of David,” this is also known as Harmonic Concordance. I feel that this could be the beginning of our transition into the Age of Aquarius, that the Harmonic Concordance can begin to awaken a sense of spirituality in this country that we have yet to experience. (For more information on Harmonic Concordance, please visit: www.harmonicconcordance.com).

Spirituality in our country is something that has never been a priority to the majority, and when I speak of spirituality, I do not mean organized religion. I define spirituality as a sense of who we are as individuals living in balance with nature and God, whomever we perceive God to be.

To bring another example to the table, back in 1989, we experienced the Uranus/Neptune conjunction. I feel that the children born during this time, which can range from a few years prior to the conjunction to a few years later, will bring a sense of healing, spirituality and awareness to the planet. The accompanying article, “Indigo Children: The Color of the Future,” will go into greater depth about this phenomenon.

To Every Season

All things occur in cycles and in Astrology we look to the previous cycles to indicate what may come to pass with the present cycle. The last time that Uranus was in Pisces was from 1920 to 1927. It was the “Roaring Twenties.” In 1921, Einstein made his first visit to the United States and lectured several times on relativity. Uranus rules relativity and in the sign of Pisces brought it from our collective subconscious to our awareness.

The interesting thing about Uranus in Pisces during this transit is that Uranus and Neptune are in what is called “Mutual Reception” to one another. They are each in the sign that each other rules. Uranus is in Pisces, the sign that Neptune rules, and Neptune is in Aquarius, the sign that Uranus rules. This mutual reception is adding to the sense of Spirituality that can come to pass, also this mutual reception is strengthening the connection and influence of the two planetary bodies. So the transit of Uranus in Pisces at this time will be interesting and unusual (unusual for Uranus, since Uranus also rules the unusual as well as the unexpected).

Pisces is a water sign. It is emotional and it rules our subconscious and it has ruler ship of the twelfth house in Astrology. Pisces also rules over hospitals and institutions, as well as the medical profession. We could see tremendous advances in the medical profession during this transit and even, perhaps, an incorporation of a spiritual sense to the medical profession. Alternative medicine and the Holistic healthcare provider could be the “doctor” of the future. It was Thomas Edison who said, “The doctor of the future will prescribe no medicine.” I believe this could hold true during this transit. This transit can also represent an awakening of the subconscious!

All this can pave the way for the onset of the Age of Aquarius. We are most certainly living in unusual times given all that has transpired over the last few years. If we are to survive as an enlightened culture, we must truly “wake up” to ourselves, discover who we are, and who we are in relation to each other.

ray sette Raymond J. Sette is a professional astrologer living in the New York area. He holds a BFA Degree in Communication Design and Technology at the New Jersey City University is a practictioner of the Silva Method of Mind Development.

He set up a website offering current forecasts and a quarterly newsletter, Astrology for Tomorrow. Visit his website: www.mr-wizard.com
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