Best astrology text books  ·  September 15, 2024, 6:23 GMT
Right now: Moon at 13°19' Aquarius, Sun at 22°55' Virgo

Best astrology text books

most recommended astrology text books

Based on: Dave's "Top Ten" Astrology Books

The best books on Relationships/Synastry:
Astrology & Sex - Vivian Robson, Astrology Classics
How to Handle Your Human Relations - Lois Sargent, AFA
Synastry - Ronald Davison, Aurora
Love Formulas-2 - Nance McCullough, Namac Publishing
Karmic Relationships - Martin Schulman, Weiser
Prediction Techniques Regarding Romance - Ana Ruiz, AFA

The best book on Transits:
Planets In Transit, expanded 2nd edition - Robert Hand, Whitford Press

The best book on Progressions:
Delineation of Progressions - Sophia Mason, AFA

The best books on Solar Returns:
Solar Returns: Formulas & Analyses - Nance McCullough, Namac Publishing
The Key Cycle - Wynn, AFA
Planets in Solar Returns - Mary Shea, Twin Stars Unlimited
New Solar Return Book of Prediction - Raymond Merriman, Seek-it

The best book on Solar Arcs:
Solar Arcs, Astrology's Most Successful Predictive System - Noel Tyl, Llewellyn

The best books on Primary Directions:
Primary Directions I , Rumen Kolev, Astro-Research
Primary Directions II , Rumen Kolev, Astro-Research

The best books on how to Combine Forecasting Techniques:
Art of Predictive Astrology: Forecasting your life events - Carol Rushman, Llewellyn
Predictive Astrology, The Eagle & the Lark - Bernadette Brady, Weiser

The best books on Fixed Stars:
Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology - Vivian Robson, Astrology Classics
Brady's Book of Fixed Stars - Bernadette Brady, Weiser
Fixed Stars - Ebertin-Hoffman, AFA

The best Astrological Reference Books:
Encyclopedia of Astrology - Nicholas de Vore, Astrology Classics
Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology - H.L. Cornell, Weiser, Astrology Classics, hardcover
Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology - C.E.O. Carter, Astrology Classics

The best books on Money:
Planetary Stock Trading (3rd edition) - Bill Meridian, Cycles Research
Planetary Economic Forecasting - Bill Meridian, Cycles Research
Money: How to find it with Astrology - Lois Rodden, Data News

The best books on Employment & Careers:
Vocational Astrology - Judith Hill, AFA
In Search of a Fulfilling Career - Joanne Wickenburg, AFA,
See also: Money: How to find it with Astrology - Lois Rodden, Data News

The best books on Relocation:
Astrolocality Astrology, What it is & How to use it - Martin Davis, Wessex Astrologer
Where in the World with Astro*Carto*Graphy - David Meadows,AFA
Planets in Locality, Exploring Local Space Astrology - Steve Cozzi, AFA

The best book on Electional Astrology:
Electional Astrology - Vivian Robson, Astrology Classics

The best books on Horary Astrology:
Christian Astrology, books 1 & 2 - William Lilly, Astrology Classics
Horary Astrology, Plain & Simple - Anthony Louis, Llewellyn
Martial Art of Horary Astrology - J. Lee Lehman, Whitford,
Simplified Horary Astrology - Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson

The best Essays about Astrology:
Real Astrology - John Frawley, Apprentice Books
The Real Astrology Applied - John Frawley, Apprentice Books
Horoscope Symbols - Robert Hand, Whitford
Essays on Astrology - Robert Hand, Whitford
Cosmic Loom: The New Science of Astrology - Dennis Elwell, Urania Trust
Astrology in the Year Zero - Gary Phillipson, Flare Publications

The best books on Astrological Body Types:
Astrological Body Types: Face/form/expression - Judith Hill, Borderlands Press
Astrological Types - Howard Duff, AFA

The best books on Astrology as a Business:
Astrology: A Language of Life vol. 3: A Handbook for the Self-Employed Astrologer - Robert Blaschke, Earthwalk School of Astrology

The best books on Medical Astrology:
Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology - H.L. Cornell, Weiser, Astrology Classics, hardcover
Medical Astrology: A guide to planetary pathology - Judith Hill, Stellium Press
Medical Astrology - Eileen Nauman, Blue Turtle Publishing
How to Give Astrological Health Reading - Diane Cramer, AFA
Medical Astrology: Healing for the 21st Century - Marcia Starck, Earth Medicine Press
Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology - C.E.O. Carter, Astrology Classics
Astrological Judgement & Practice of Physick, deducted from the position of the Heavens at the decumbiture of the sick person - Richard Saunders, Astrology Classics
Astrological Judgement of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the Sick - Nicholas Culpeper, Astrology Classics

The best books on Aspects:
Aspects in Astrology: A guide to understanding planetary relationships in the horoscope - Sue Tompkins, Destiny Books
Astrological Aspects - C.E.O. Carter, AFA
Dynamics of Aspect Analysis - Bil Tierney, CRCS
Understanding Aspects: The Inconjunct - Alan Epstein, Trines Publishing
Yod: Its Esoteric Meaning - Joan Kellogg, AFA

The best book on Arabian Parts:
Arabian Parts Decoded - Lind Weber, AFA

The best books on the History of Astrololgy:
A History of Horoscopic Astrology, from the Babylonian Period to the Modern Age - James Herschel Holden, AFA
Astrological Pioneers of America - James Herschel Holden & Robert A. Hughes, AFA
Moment of Astrology - Geoffrey Cornelius, Wessex Astrologer

The best translation of Ptolemy:
Tetrabiblos - Claudius Ptolemy (trans: J.M. Ashmand), Astrology Classics

The best Ephemeris for the 20th Century:
Ephemerides 1900-2000 - Rosicrucian Fellowship

The best Ephemeris for the 21st Century:
The American Ephemeris 2001-2010 (midnight) - Rique Pottenger (Neil Michelsen), ACS

The best Tables of Houses (Placidus):
Tables Of Houses (Placidus) - Rosicrucian Fellowship

The best book on Asteroids:
Mechanics of the Future: Asteroids - Martha Lang-Westcott, Treehouse Mountain

The best books on Chiron:
View from Chiron: Essence & Application - Zane B. Stein, Zane Stein
Chiron ephemeris: Chiron & the Healing Journey - Melanie Reinhart, Penguin Arkana

The best book on the Moon:
Moon in Your Life - Donna Cunningham, Weiser

The best books on Pluto:
Healing Pluto Problems - Donna Cunningham, Weiser
Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul - Jeff Green, Llewellyn

The best books on Cosmobiology & Midpoints:
Combination of Stellar Influences - Reinhold Ebertin, AFA
Cosmobiology For the 21st Century, Kimmel, Eleonora, AFA
A Course in 90 degree Dial Techniques (includes 2 C-90 cassettes) - Martha Lang-Wescott, Treehouse Mountain
Dial Detective: Investigation with the 90 degree dial - Maria Kay Simms, Cosmic Muse Publications
90 Degree Dial, Penelope Publications

The best books on Uranian Astrology:
Rules for Planetary Pictures - Witte-Lefeldt, Witte-Verlag
Phoenix Workshop, Uranian Astrology Manual, Cosmobiology Conference - Penelope Bertucelli, Penelope Publications
Orders of Light - Martha Lang-Westcott, Treehouse Mountain
Architects of Time - Martha Lang-Wescott, Treehouse Mountain

The best books on Weather Forecasting:
Weather Predicting - C.C. Zain, Church of Light
Astrometeorology, Planetary Power in Weather Forecasting - Kris Brandt Riske, AFA

The best books on Mundane Astrology:
Mundane Astrology three books by H.S. Green, Raphael & C.E.O. Carter, Astrology Classics
Mundane Astrology (Course XIII) - C.C. Zain, Brotherhood of Light
Fixed Stars & Judicial Astrology - G.C. Noonan, AFA
Book of World Horoscopes - Nicholas Campion, Wessex Astrologer

The best book on the Nodes:
Lunar Nodes - Mohan Koparkar, Mohan Enterprises

The best book on the Sabian Symbols:
The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle - Lynda Hill, White Horse Book
Sabian Symbols, A Screen of Prophecy - Diana E. Roche, Trafford

The best books on Traditional Astrology:
Matheseos Libri VIII - Ancient Astrology Theory & Practice - Firmicus Maternus, translated by Jean Rhys Bram, Astrology Classics
Classical Astrology for Modern Living - J. Lee Lehman, Whitford
Practical Guide to Traditional Astrology - Joseph Crane, Arhat Publications
On the Judgments of Nativities - Johannes Schoener (trans: Robert Hand), ARHAT
Essential Dignities - J. Lee Lehman, Whitford Press
Judgments of Nativities - Abu 'Ali Al-Khayyat, trans. by James Holden, AFA

The best books on Rulerships:
Book of Rulerships - J. Lee Lehman, Whitford
Rulership Book - Rex E. Bills, AFA

The best book on the Vertex:
Vertex: The Third Angle - Donna Henson, AFA

The best books on Astrology & Science:
Cosmic Influences on Human Behavior - Michael Gauquelin, Aurora Press
Planetary Heredity - Michel Gauquelin, ACS
Tenacious Mars Effect - Suitbert Ertel & Kenneth Irving, Urania Trust
Sun - Earth - Man, A mesh of cosmic oscillations - Theodore Landscheidt, Urania Trust
Astrology as Science: A statistical Approach - Mark Urban-Lurain, AFA

The best books on Harmonics:
Harmonics in Astrology - John Addey, Urania Trust
New Study of Astrology - John Addey, Urania Trust
Harmonic Charts - David Hamblin, Aquarian
Working With Astrology: The Psychology of Midpoints, Harmonics & Astro*Carto*Graphy - Michael Harding & Charles Harvey, Consider Publications

The best intelligible book on Esoteric Astrology:
Cabalah of Astrology, The Language of Numbers - William Eisen, DeVorss

The best unintelligible book on Esoteric Astrology:
Esoteric Astrology - Alice Bailey, Lucis Trust

The best books on Astrology & Kabbalah:
Kabbalistic Astrology, Sacred Tradition of the Hebrew Sages - Rabbi Joel C. Dobin, Inner Traditions
Astrology & Kabbalah, a rewrite of the Anatomy of Fate - Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi, Urania Trust

The best books on Eclipses:
Favorable Eclipses - Helen Adams Garrett, AFA
Your Prenatal Eclipse - Rose Lineman, AFA
Lunar Shadows, The Lost Key to the Timing of Eclipses - Dietrech J. Pessin, Galactic Press

The best Research (one tough book):
Astrology of the Brain, an introduction - Martha Lang-Wescott, Treehouse Mountain

More astrology articles by Radu 

Original ideas and theories

Mutual reception - between Uranus and Neptune
World history time line - an original astrological theory history
North node & karma - Moon's nodes astrology
Chakra system chart - original astrological insight on the chakras
Lunar Nodes Astrology - spiritual perspective
Story of Garden of Eden - original astrological perspective
Colors & Zodiac - experimental theory associating the a color to each degree of the zodiac
Sabian symbols - a new technique using the Sabian Symbols
Sabian Symbols on the map - astrology and geography
Astrology & Chess - Correlations

History and Astrology

A look back at medieval times
Hellenistic Astrology - What is Hellenistic Astrology?
Byzantine Astrology - a look back to the history of astrology
Time & Zodiac correlations - A.T. Mann's brilliant theory
Astrology of the "First Man on the Moon" - the astrology questions the history
The Internet's natal chart - a bit of internet history
Christopher Columbus' 1st voyage - Did Columbus use the Electional Astrology ?
Uranus and the History of Science - Uranus in signs and the scientific discoveries
Astrology History - Role of Egypt in the history of astrology

General Astrology

Crystals in Astrology
Relocation astrology
Venus retrograde
Mars retrograde
Mercury retrograde
Mercury retrograde insights
Personal horoscope reading - on nowadays' astrology
Fertility & Astrology - how to identify the fertile days
Event astrology - on event charts
Electional astrology - introductory article
Electional astrology - detailed explanations
Electional astrology - more considerations
First meeting charts - in electional or event astrology
Void of Course Moon - introductory article
More on the VoC Moon - more considerations
Moon mansions - the 28 mansions of the moon
Scientific studies on astrology - scientific evidences to astrology
Best astrology text books
Astrology & Tarot, Astrology & Hebrew Alphabet - correlations
Animals & Planets, Plants & Planets - correlations
Birth Angels - Angels in Astrology
The Progressed Stations and the Mythic Quest
How Do You Choose an Astrologer? - Hints and Tips

Mundane Astrology

An astrological guide to Romania: History of Romania, Spirituality in Romania
The assassination of Benazir Bhutto - Mars and Pluto
The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Astrological considerations
Nicolas Sarkozy - Astrological profile
The BBC and the 9/11 conspiracy - Mercury - Lilith connections
9/11 lie exposed - 9/11 mastermind "confesses" in Guantanamo"
2006 Mid-year Predictions
America's Pretexts for War - a historical astrological study
Pluto square natal Mars in Mundane Astrology - a historical and predictive astrological study
Space arming race reaches peak - astrological comments
911 prophecy - astrological predictions on 911 by famous astrologers: Lynne Palmer, Robert Zoller, Jim Shawvan, Robert Hand
Japanese kamikaze plane attack - astrological charts of the first kamikaze attacks
Viktor Yushchenko sworn in as the President of Ukraine
Ukraine's astrology chart and the presidential elections fraud
Statue of Liberty - astrological chart and Pallas influence
Millau Bridge - astrological chart of the inauguration moment
Greece's natal chart - the search of an astrological identity

Horary Astrology

Taking Horary Questions - Querent vs. Astrologer
Background information - Details are needed

Vedic Astrology

The Moon: The Psyche - Vedic astrology perspective
Nakshatra - The Real Secret of Vedic Astrology
Esoteric Aspects of the Zodiac - Vedic perspective
Jyotisha - The Science of Hindu (Vedic) Astrology

Different articles

The Law of Seven and the spiritual astrology
Astrological chart of Jesus Christ
Chiron, the Mature Spiritual Warrior - Great article
The fate of Pluto - Astrology and religion
The extraordinary discovery of August 2003 in the Bucegi mountains (Romania)
Natal charts and past lives
Earth nexus and Mayan calendar
Portable astrology
Take what fits and ditch the rest - Thoughts for astrology forums
Presidential astrological cycles - Progressed Moon in declination cycles
Constellation of space charts
Voyager Spacecrafts and outer planets influence
Free will and Destiny in Electional Astrology
The transition to the New Energy of 2012
New Pope election at Vatican
Fr. Gabriele Amorth - the most famous exorcist of the Catholic Church
Horary astrology - horary astrology chart delineation
Uranus in Pisces - The dawn of the New Age
Astrology of SARS - the astrological signature of SARS
Gianna Beretta Molla - From pregnancy to sainthood
Sports astrology predictions - by horary astrology
Grand quintile - cosmic magic pentagram
Astrological Vacations - tips by Zodiac Sign
Figure What to Wear - by knowing your sun sign
Being a Virgo - Astrology of Perfectness

Astrology quotes

Wisdom quotes for the student of astrology
Principles of astrology - aphorisms on astrology
Koran astrology quotes - Koran excerpts related to astrology
Carl G Jung quotes - collection of quotes related to astrology
Latin quotes on astrology - Collection of Latin quotes