Sun and Moon Data for One Day: sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset  ·  September 8, 2024, 0:00 GMT
Right now: Moon at 9°13' Scorpio, Sun at 15°51' Virgo

Sun and Moon Data for One Day

Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day: sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset

You can obtain the times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, transits of the Sun and Moon, and the beginning and end of civil twilight, along with information on the Moon's phase by specifying the date and location in one of the two forms below and clicking on the "Get data" button at the end of the form.

Use Form A for cities or towns in the U.S. or its territories.
Use Form B for all other locations. Both forms are immediately below.

Form A - U.S. Cities or Towns

Year:   Month:   Day:

State or Territory:

City or Town Name:

The place name you enter above must be a city or town in the U.S. The place's location will be retrieved from a file with over 22,000 places listed. Either upper- or lower-case letters or a combination can be used. Spell out place name prefixes, as in "East Orange", "Fort Lauderdale", "Mount Vernon", etc. The only exception is "St.", which is entered as an abbreviation with a period, as in "St. Louis". You need only enter as many characters as will unambiguously identify the place.

Form B - Locations Worldwide

Year:   Month:   Day:

Longitude:     east   west   degrees   minutes

Latitude:     north   south   degrees   minutes

Time Zone:     hours   east of Greenwich   west of Greenwich

Place Name:    

The place name you enter above is used only in the table header; you can enter any identifier, or none (avoid using punctuation characters).

Need coordinates?  Try NGA's GEOnet Names Server.
Need U.S. coordinates?  Try this USGS web page.
Need a time zone?  Try the time zone map.


For U.S. cities or towns (Form A), the output times will be on a 12-hour clock (with "a.m." or "p.m." listed); for worldwide locations (Form B) the output times will be on a 24-hour clock.

For U.S. cities or towns (Form A), the times of the phenomena are presented in the standard time of the place requested, using the current time zone of the place. Standard time in time zones was introduced in the U.S. in 1883, but the time zone boundaries have evolved considerably since then, with places shifting from one zone to another. There is no attempt here to track such changes.

Daylight time is implemented only for U.S. cities or towns (Form A) and only for years 1967 and later, in accordance with the Uniform Time Act of 1966 and subsequent legislation. Daylight time is not used for places currently exempt from it.

At the bottom of the output page for U.S. cities or towns there is a link to the map-generating service of the U.S. Census Bureau. Clicking on this link will provide a map of the area surrounding the location for which astronomical data have been given. The large red dot in the middle of the map indicates the location for which the data were computed. The width of the map is 0.25 degrees of longitude, equivalent to 1 minute of time in rise/set phenomena. Except for some critical cases in Alaska, the map roughly indicates the area within which the computed astronomical data are valid.

For worldwide locations (Form B) that require it, the time zone can be entered in hours and a fraction. For example, for locations in India, the time zone may be entered as 5.5 hours east of Greenwich. The time zone field can accommodate up to five characters.


Planetary movements
Moon aspects 2005
Astronomical data
Sun's ingresses in the cardinal signs