Mel Gibson biography, picture, astrology natal chart  ·  April 19, 2024, 4:18 GMT
Right now: Moon at 6°57' Virgo, Sun at 29°37' Aries

Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson astrology chart He was born on January 3, 1956, at 4:45 PM EST, in Peekskill, NY, USA.

Mel Gibson natal chart

Mel Gibson biography Mel Gibson got his start as an action hero in Mad Max (1979), a low-budget thriller which cast him as a grim, leather-clad ex-cop in a barren Australian future. When he reprised the Mad Max character in a bigger-budget sequel, The Road Warrior (1981), Gibson became an international star. His turn as a goofy rogue cop in 1987's Lethal Weapon cemented his status as Hollywood's leading young blue-eyed action hero. He made three more films in the Lethal Weapon series (1989, 1992 and 1998) and starred in other big-budget action flicks like Air America (1990, with Robert Downey, Jr.) and The Patriot (2000, with Heath Ledger). Gibson also showed a thoughtful side, taking the lead in Hamlet (1990) and directing and starring in the sentimental drama The Man Without a Face (1993). In 1995 he directed, produced and starred as historical hero William Wallace in the swords-and-Scotsmen epic Braveheart, for which Gibson took home Oscars for best director and best picture. His 2004 film about the last hours of Jesus, The Passion of the Christ (starring Jim Caviezel), stirred up controversy after critics accused it of anti-semitism. Gibson was born in New York but raised in Australia, which he has continued to make his home. He and his wife, the former Robyn Moore, have seven children.

Mel Gibson picture Mel Gibson picture

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