For fun: composite matching! :-)


Well-known member
Okay, usually we take a composite chart and try to determine how a relationship will pan out. But of course, we study charts in books, so below I'm posting three charts, for the relationships of three different men with the same woman. Looking at the composites, see if you can order them correctly. :)

A. 20-year marriage, ended in a cold but not overtly hostile divorce after infidelity on the part of the husband. One child. As a couple, they mostly got along intellectually, but not so much emotionally. Each expressed feeling a sense of deception or at least misleading on the part of each towards the other.

B. 4-year close friendship. They get along well both intellectually and emotionally, but while there is some subtle sexual attraction (she's more aware than he is, although he acts on it and the rest of us notice), it appears to be friendship only (at present).

C. Stalker-type relationship, the two dated briefly in high school, and the male recontacted the female after 30 years to try to revive the relationship. She was increasingly put off and finally put a halt to it; he pitched a temper tantrum, but within a few months, came back to try to contact her again. He does not appear to be a physical threat, however, just annoying.

Try to match Charts 1, 2, and 3 below to A, B, and C above. :)

(Btw, perhaps obviously, the impetus behind this game was my attempt to compare these three charts, to see what the markers were that led one relationship to last a long time but die, the other to be very close but never get off the ground, and the third to be almost completely one-sided.)


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