Why can't I keep a man??! VIRGO


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Well, I have a ways to go before I'm done school and working so I guess I'll wait LONGER lol. Your right I think I've just been in a weird place before to really meet anyone worthwhile. A strong emotional connection to me always trumped any other areas of compatibility but I guess I have to grow up.
Those strong emotional connections that you've been responding to are probably the result of your Scorpio Moon's pull. Those are very powerful drives indeed. But Scorpio isn't just about emotional or sexual intimacy. It's about everything transpersonal, everything that takes you a bit beyond the limits of your own self. That's why Scorpio is associated with such seemingly disparate things as sex, death, the occult, and other people's money. All of those things share the theme of transpersonality.

Your Scorpio moon is in trine with Chiron and your ascendant, and so is Pluto. When pieces of the birth chart are trine, each one's purpose suits the other's perfectly, and they work as a team in whatever they do. In your past romantic relationships, that Moon/Pluto energy worked with your Chiron/ascendant energy to attract people you would bond with sexually and emotionally. And the people you attracted satisfied that initial need. The only problem was that they didn't have the kind of substance to be able to sustain that connection once the initial thrills wore off and your wounded Cancer mask slipped to reveal the strong Virgo/Capricorn underneath. For a relationship to last, there has to be enough substance in both partners to sustain it when the initial thrill of falling in love is gone, and just enough friction to keep re-lighting the spark.

Your Moon and Pluto don't care about sustaining a longterm relationship, as long as their need for Scorpio sorts of things is satisfied. They live in the fifth house of high school boyfriends, not the seventh house of a lasting marriage. But you also have a seventh house, with seventh house desires. You also have a core personality that needs to grow through a vocation, and a need for the kind of longterm partner who supports you in your vocation and your growth. In order for this partner to be your spouse/lover and not just your platonic friend, it has to be someone who is sexually attracted to you, and vice versa, who also trips those circuits you have in Cancer and Scorpio, who is attracted by the face you present to the world, which is your Cancerian mask.

So far, you have not been able to attract anyone who can live with who you really are at your core. That is because the face you present to the world does not reflect who you are at your core. That can change. But it can only change within the parameters of your birth chart, because your birth chart says what you have in you.

You can never present a Virgo or Capricorn face to the world. They are not your rising signs. Cancer is. You can only present a Cancer face. But there's more than one kind of Cancer face. The Wounded One version of Cancer masks those strong earth sign qualities so thoroughly that it makes people think you're a completely different person from who you are. Some other Cancer archetype would let those qualities shine through.

I've been talking about archetypes so much because that's how I learned to understand astrology, in the only way that ever began to make any sense for me. I'm a Leo who never had the kind of Leo personality that all the astrology books describe. I have Capricorn rising, so I'm stuck with that strong Capricorn mask (and instead of wearing my wounds on my sleeve, like you, I carry them buried deep--wounded to the core--so I really do need lots of nurturing, despite having an independent streak. You and I are mirror birth chart twins in some ways!) The only way I could stop thinking astrology was a load of bunk was to understand the signs' personalities as archetypes, not people born under them. My favorite source for understanding the archetypes is Steven Forrest's "The Inner Sky," a book I highly recommend.

Forrest offers a quick cheat sheet on interpreting the first building block of a birth chart, which is the sun, moon, and rising sign: sun sign's archetype is what the person is, moon sign's archetype is what they have the soul of, and rising sign's archetype is what they wear the mask of. For Virgo, the archetypes he suggest include the Analyst and the Perfectionist, and when you got very analytical on yourself in that last post, I certainly saw the Analyst! But I see you as another archetype that Forrest didn't think of: the Abbess. For Scorpio, his suggestions include Sorcerer or Hypnotist. I've been interpreting your chart by thinking of you as the Abbess with the soul of the Sorceress (or maybe Hypnotist) wearing the mask of the Wounded One.

I'll post this so as not to lose it, then come back and finish up....


Staff member
Now, your Cancer mask....

Besides the Wounded One, archetypes for Cancer include the Mother, the Healer, and instead of saying Wounded One, Forrest suggests the Invisible Man/Woman. Invisible Woman also seems to fit you currently, from how you described yourself a few posts back, people thinking of you as shy and fading into the woodwork.

It's Chiron in your ascendant that makes me think Wounded One. Chiron represents both the personal wounds we carry and the collective wounds from family and society that we manifest. That you wear it in your mask gives me the impression that you are carrying childhood wounds in a rather obvious way from problems in your family. And the way you describe yourself as fading into the woodwork, sounds like you grew up as the Lost Child in a family with an alcoholic parent. That might actually describe your childhood, and if it doesn't, then there likely was some similar dynamic at play.

(That, btw, is another parallel with Gloria Steinem. While she didn't have an alcoholic parent, she was a parental child from a very young age. Her mother was mentally ill, her father mostly absent, and her only sibling, a much older sister, was grown and gone when Gloria was barely grade school age. She had to become her mother's caregiver before she was even adolescent.)

Plus, you mentioned living a life of "partying and lofting," which you have just begun to turn around. That kind of lifestyle is lived by emotionally wounded young people. Not that emotionally healthy young people don't party, but they do it as part of a more balanced lifestyle, and while they might outgrow it at some point, they don't feel like their life needs a complete overhaul for it.

But Chiron doesn't just represent wounds. His title is the Wounded Healer. He also represents our capacity for healing ourselves, and others, too. And you (and I) have Jupiter as his intimate friend and ally. Jupiter is expansion, growth, indulgence, encouragement. Whatever he touches gets a powerful boost. (It's only writing this that I'm beginning to understand what the Jupiter/Chiron conjunction means for me... making me very, very emotional!)

You are a nursing student. You intend to become, literally, a healer. That's the vocation you've chosen for your own path to growth and perfection. Perhaps that will also help you heal your own personal wounds, and the collective wounds you carry. Perhaps you also need some personal healing work outside your studies and your career. Perhaps you've done personal healing work already. Something spurred you to change your life around, give up the party life and go to nursing school.

So I can see the Cancer mask that will let your real personality shine as being the Healer. Maybe you'll be a strong, maternal, Earth Mamma kind of healer--you do have strong earth element in your chart. Maybe you'll be the bossy head nurse with nerves of steel or the trauma surgeon barking out orders. Those are also the Healer archetype. Maybe you'll be something like all of that.

When you wear the mask of the Healer instead of the Invisible One, anyone who is attracted to you will be attracted to who you really are. They'll see that strong and competent Abbess under the Healer's mask (many abbesses were also healers, in fact... Hildegarde for one was renowned as a physician, among many other things... so Healer wouldn't really mask Abbess at all), and be drawn to the hypnotic allure of the Sorceress just behind your eyes.

Now all you have to do is get there.

What do you think?
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Cold Fusion

Well-known member
Yep, Venus in Libra and the moon in Scorpio (conjunct Pluto in Scorpio, no less!) suggest, on the surface at least, a desire for partnership and deep sexual desires. But I think your unwillingness to compromise, as you put it, is something else entirely. This may lead to a lengthy and/or multiple posts, so bear with me:

You have Capricorn in your seventh house. Signs and planets in the seventh house indicate the kind of partner you really need and also say something about your own approach to relationships. Capricorn is a very disciplined, driven sign. The direct opposite of vulnerable, cuddly, coddling Cancer. Where Cancer is "maternal" love, gentle, nurturing, and unconditional, Capricorn is "paternal" love, the kind that sets expectations and demands that you meet them and shows great pride in you when you do. Cancer is the parent that kisses your boo-boos, while Capricorn is the parent that makes you do your homework and brush your teeth (and of course, people carry both archetypes, so in a real parent/child relationship, that's usually the same parent).

Think of a man embodying Capricorn qualities. What would he be like? Driven. Self disciplined. Intelligent and independent minded, and liking women who are the same. As your partner, he probably wouldn't baby you much, but he would encourage you to succeed, and when you do--get a big promotion, say--he would be the first to pop the bottle of champagne (literally or figuratively!). He might even be a Capricorn, but not necessarily--there are lots of birth chart configurations that could create that personality--so don't restrict yourself to dating guys born in the last week and a half of December or the first three weeks of January!

You don't have any planets in your seventh house, but you do have three planets in Capricorn in the sixth, and they run right into your seventh house cusp, so they also provide a few clues. The sixth house, as you may know, is the house of work (actually, of vocation; it's Virgo's native house, and we're talking about vocation in both the current sense of the word and the original).

Based on your sixth house configuration, when I first read your chart, I guessed that you were either a student or a professor. Looks like I was right: you are indeed a student, and your chart indicates that you might be inclined to become a professor, too, or a teacher of some kind, in addition to or instead of practicing some sort of healing art, like nursing.

Your Capricorn planets are Uranus, which is right on the cusp of Sagittarius and so would be infused with Sagittarian energy as well, Saturn, which is farther into Capricorn but within the orb of conjunction with Uranus, so likely to have a slight Sagittarian tinge to its Capricornian motivations, and Neptune, which is conjunct with Saturn but not Uranus and right up against the seventh house cusp.

Sagittarius is the sign of the lifelong learner, the kind who loves learning and experiencing things just for their own sake. Capricorn, on the other hand, takes a more driven and formal approach to education. If they were students together, Capricorn would be the one who works for straight As, makes the honor roll every quarter, graduates with honors, and goes for the PhD. Sagittarius would be the B student who outshines even Capricorn in the classes she finds interesting but completely shuts down in the dull ones, who loves to learn but has no motivation to work for grades. She might graduate with secondary honors, or she might drop out of school to hitchhike across the country--either way would satisfy her motives.

There are pitfalls to both approaches, of course. Capricorn might forget everything she's learned once final exams are over, because for her it was all about the achievement, not the learning. Sagittarius might learn plenty but never achieve anything. But you have a good mix of both. Sagittarius is at your sixth house cusp, so it informs the basic character of your approach to work, but the planets you have in there are in Capricorn, though somewhat influenced by Sag, so they emphasize a slightly more Capricornian motive in your approach.

Saturn speaks to discipline and achievement--it's Capricorn's ruler--so you are very disciplined and driven when you want to achieve something. Your description of getting up at 4 am to study is a perfect example of this. And it's informed by your Sagittarian love of learning, along with the drive to get that nursing degree, and in perfect keeping with your need for a career that serves others, that you're passionate about, and that helps you grow.

If you get farther into nursing school and decide you don't really like working with patients, it looks like you would have a great career teaching nursing instead. You've got lots of lifelong learner impulses, and teaching is also learning. And if you decide you do like working with patients, that in itself is a learning experience, so either way, you'll get that need fulfilled.

But you also have some interestingly offbeat notes there for a driven Saturn in Capricorn. Uranus speaks to the need to be unique and different and think outside the proverbial box. Neptune speaks to mystical experiences, transcendence, daydreaming... very different from Saturn's and Capricorn's hard practicality.

I would guess that as a healer, you'll be highly intuitive and drawn to try new and unique and unorthodox therapies. Or that as a student, you'll be drawn to learn about unique and unorthodox and "right brain instead of left brain" aspects of your field. Or both. If you ever become a teacher, you'll want to teach something "far out" and alternative. That's why I initially thought you might be a professor--that picture fits a professor in a rather offbeat specialty.

I have a friend who's studying herbalism and alternative healing right now, and she's also planning to go to medical school. That's the kind of thing I mean--unorthodox approaches combined with the "tried and true." If you're not interested in herbalism and alternative healing right now, you probably will be, either that or something similar.

More later, but I have to close for now. Just one more side note that I spotted in your post:

Interestingly, there was just another thread on here by a teenage girl dealing with crippling shyness, and her sun is in the exact same house position as yours--third house right on the cusp of the fourth. Only she's a Leo with Gemini rising instead of a Virgo with Cancer rising, and her chart is much more strongly infused with a communication theme, so that was the big challenge for her. That thread might be worth a read: http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78479

I am going to make a guess and say you are a capricorn?

Out of all the signs, capricorn is the one I find least worthy of being embodied. People should embody their own sign.
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Well-known member
Osamenor! sorry for the late reply, got busy with school! I appreciate you going through this with me in depth!

The nurturing Capricorn man you described sounds ideal! I wish! lol if only that existed in this day in age, I'm probably wrong and jaded and he's out there but I only know how to look in the wrong places. things always move to fast with me and I get attached to men who are not right for me or just nor right in their heads. I feel I have never met a man with these qualities or a man willing to share these qualities with me. It's hard sometimes not being able to keep my confidence in tact because of this. At this point whenever I meet someone amazing I picture them with someone more amazing than I. I feel I don't deserve them and they should be with miss sunshine, someone lighter and happier? I feel other women can give more than I am capable.

You said, "In this case, it was an even harder kind of discipline: perseverance against the odds and against what society would insist you do. The going against the grain reflects that Uranian influence, that out of the box thinking... well done, student of life!"

THIS! Yes, I've met a lot of opposition and judgment due to my decisions in life but I felt I was just doing what I needed to do, the rejection even from friends and especially family hurt deeply though.

You said, "That seems to be a reflection on where you are in life. By your own account, you've just spent several years leading an ungrounded partying lifestyle while working at menial jobs that didn't fulfill you. With that lack of groundedness, and lack of meaningful work when your personality needs meaningful work to thrive, it's no wonder that you're insecure. Plus, late adolescence to early twenties or thereabouts is often an insecure age. Many people that age bring out each other's insecurities, and even if you've dated people much older than you, you still had those insecurities to bring out, and if you were attracted to each other, they also had theirs... the part of them that never grew up past late adolescence... so, insecurity powder keg!"

OMG, Even though older men seem insecure around me! It's all my doing! lol I didn't realize my energy was so contagious. it's true I am building a better life so I guess i just have to wait and see what this brings.

Yeah I can be pretty care free in dating and short term relationships and fun but that never leads me anywhere due to my moon in the 5th house. but because of Pluto conjunct moon in 5th, I do feel like I tend to bring out the worst in guys sometimes. Actually all of the time. They get very comfortable and tell me their secrets and then resent me for it. I sometimes wonder if they would treat another girl the way they treat me or show that dark side of themselves and I'm assuming probably not, they would be on their best behavior around someone they actually cared about.

pt 2 on second page lol.
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Well-known member
You said, "So far, you have not been able to attract anyone who can live with who you really are at your core. That is because the face you present to the world does not reflect who you are at your core. That can change. But it can only change within the parameters of your birth chart, because your birth chart says what you have in you.

You can never present a Virgo or Capricorn face to the world. They are not your rising signs. Cancer is. You can only present a Cancer face. But there's more than one kind of Cancer face. The Wounded One version of Cancer masks those strong earth sign qualities so thoroughly that it makes people think you're a completely different person from who you are. Some other Cancer archetype would let those qualities shine through."

This is very interesting, so I would have to project a less wounded mask to be more congruent with my true personality? I wonder In with way I present as wounded? I guess I have to look at myself objectively but that so difficult to do.

And It's true when you talk about the initial stages, a lot of my failed relationships were great in the beginning and then something would always feel missing. I guess I need someone more intuitive to me. It's hard meeting guys who are like that.

You said, "I've been interpreting your chart by thinking of you as the Abbess with the soul of the Sorceress (or maybe Hypnotist) wearing the mask of the Wounded One."

That sounds so cool lol, except the wounded part. I think "Invisible Woman" might fit me better too, because sometimes I do feel just that, I feel when I do speak no one listens, but when I don't eyes are on me... wondering. I rarely get my needs met. I'm not sure what they are. I do want respect and to be listened to. The only time a really grab attention is when I'm being funny. When I was a kid I was rarely listened to, sometime flat out ignored, my parents still call me by my sisters name by mistake. I did have a hard childhood due to many factors, my sister keeps telling me to suck it up. So I don't know how to feel, other than guilt for being upset over it. Oh! my sister's older too like Steinem!

What prompted me to change my life is a series of bad decisions, deteriorating health, heart break, and fear of alcohol dependency. I hit a rock and a hard place.

To be a healer on the outside, is something I need to work on, I know I do have that in me as I'm always giving advice and people always tell me their problems, just naturally, people I barley know. People are comfortable sharing their darkness with me. I would definitely not rule alternative healing out, but Nursing is much more stable to me and I still have a lot to learn.

How do you deal with having that strong Capricorn ascendant and meeting you needs to be nurtured? How do you find the right Capricorn archetype that would allow for that and be able to present it while being true to yourself?

Thank you for this! Your opening my eyes! You're amazing!


Staff member
You said, "I've been interpreting your chart by thinking of you as the Abbess with the soul of the Sorceress (or maybe Hypnotist) wearing the mask of the Wounded One."

That sounds so cool lol, except the wounded part. I think "Invisible Woman" might fit me better too, because sometimes I do feel just that, I feel when I do speak no one listens, but when I don't eyes are on me... wondering.
If you don't identify with the Wounded One but do identify with the Invisible Woman, then your intuition is correct. I don't know you irl, only online. I can only base my assessment on what I read in your posts. If I met you face to face and we had this kind of discussion, I'd probably see Invisible Woman instead of Wounded One. It was the words of the discussion that stuck Wounded One in my head. Maybe you don't actually present as wounded, but you do present as vulnerable and in need of nurturing. And you are in need of nurturing, but a respectful and bolstering kind of nurturing, not a smothering kind that would interfere with your independence.

I rarely get my needs met. I'm not sure what they are. I do want respect and to be listened to. The only time a really grab attention is when I'm being funny. When I was a kid I was rarely listened to, sometime flat out ignored, my parents still call me by my sisters name by mistake. I did have a hard childhood due to many factors, my sister keeps telling me to suck it up. So I don't know how to feel, other than guilt for being upset over it. Oh! my sister's older too like Steinem!
That's a perfect description of the Lost Child. The psychologist who came up with that archetype (I forget his name) was using it to describe the roles children of alcoholics might fill in their families. However, it's not necessary to have a parent with a substance addiction for that kind of dynamic to exist. It's reflective of a certain kind of family dysfunction, which might or might not include addiction in the picture.

To be a healer on the outside, is something I need to work on, I know I do have that in me as I'm always giving advice and people always tell me their problems, just naturally, people I barley know. People are comfortable sharing their darkness with me. I would definitely not rule alternative healing out, but Nursing is much more stable to me and I still have a lot to learn.
So you're a natural healer! And by all means, start with nursing. Your chart shows that's what you're inclined to do, and then work those other things in later. Which actually would be a much more effective way to get those alternative healing methods out into the world than just being an alternative healer. The medical establishment can easily dismiss someone who works strictly with "unscientific" methods such as acupuncture or reiki or energetic healing or herbalism. But if a fully qualified nurse who has done everything by the book starts incorporating those things into an otherwise conventional practice, and getting good results, that's a great way to get the medical establishment to listen.

How do you deal with having that strong Capricorn ascendant and meeting you needs to be nurtured? How do you find the right Capricorn archetype that would allow for that and be able to present it while being true to yourself?
I've never had a great incongruence between my personality and the face I present to the world. That one-in-herself-ness that goes along with earth sign energies is part of me, too, and the need I have for nurturing isn't a need for nurturing from anyone and everyone, it's something I can only accept from someone who knows me well and earns my trust to the point that I'm comfortable opening up to them. The archetype I identify with in my Capricorn mask is the Hermit, and that's strong enough and loner enough to keep the wrong kind of people at bay, but flexible enough to allow someone closer if I'm comfortable with them. At least, with fire sign luminaries underneath (I'm a Leo sun and Sagittarius moon), it's flexible enough. If I were Capricorn all the way, maybe it wouldn't be.

I think of myself as like a cat. Actually, cat is a good archetype for Leo, so it fits my sun sign, too! Cats can be very aloof or very cuddly and snuggly, and usually the very same cat acts both of those ways several times a day. (My cat certainly does, and she's a prime example of trusting very few. She's very clingy and lovey with me and treats everyone else like furniture and complete strangers with suspicion. But even with me, if she's not in the mood to be petted, she tells me no thanks!)

But one of my personal challenges, once I've figured out all this, is figuring out how I can get that need for nurturing met in the long run in a healthy way. I can't count on getting it from human relationships, at least not all the time. It calls for some creativity.
Thank you for this! Your opening my eyes! You're amazing!
And you just gave me one of the best boosts to my self esteem that I've ever had!:D
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Staff member
The nurturing Capricorn man you described sounds ideal! I wish! lol if only that existed in this day in age, I'm probably wrong and jaded and he's out there but I only know how to look in the wrong places. things always move to fast with me and I get attached to men who are not right for me or just nor right in their heads. I feel I have never met a man with these qualities or a man willing to share these qualities with me. It's hard sometimes not being able to keep my confidence in tact because of this. At this point whenever I meet someone amazing I picture them with someone more amazing than I. I feel I don't deserve them and they should be with miss sunshine, someone lighter and happier? I feel other women can give more than I am capable.

Well, to paraphrase a quote from Gloria Steinem, it's not a matter of finding the right person, but of being the right person, and before you can find the right person, you have to be the right person.

You can't find the right person yet because you yourself are not the right person... yet. At best, you can only find people who are partway right for you. At least, that's true on the level of partnership. But it doesn't have to be true on the level of friendship. Friends don't have to be perfect for each other in every way, just good for each other in the ways that their friendship is about, and you can have lots of different friendships with lots of different people without anyone getting jealous... so get those kinds of needs met by lots of different people.

Your fifth house is fully activated and up and running. It's about friends, not longterm partners. Even if those "friends" include people you've had sexual relationships with, they're still, in a sense, just friends. Your seventh house has lots of indicators that it's going to take a little time and work to get it up and running and fully expressed in your life. The rest of your chart shows a need for self work... that medieval nun with her vocation again!

Your sun sign archetype may be the Abbess, but no real life abbess ever became an abbess without first becoming a plain old nun, and no one ever became a nun without first going through a novitiate (where we get the word novice). Right now, you're a novice. Or maybe just a nun. You're in a place, both literally and figuratively, where you can develop your intellect and yourself.

Your Scorpio need for connection is not purely a need for emotional or sexual connection, even if you feel those kinds of pulls. Scorpio also indicates spirituality, and you've identified yourself as spiritual, so you're apparently getting that need met. Your Virgo sun placement indicates a need to develop yourself through vocation, and your ascendant suggests a need to transform the Invisible One into the Healer.

If you really were a medieval nun, you would get all of those needs met under one roof. The convent would provide meaningful work, spiritual sustenance, opportunities for intellectual and personal development, and personal connections with the other members of the religious community. Since you're a twenty-first century nursing student instead, it takes some ingenuity to make that come together, but it looks to me like there are lots of parallels.

Nuns also took vows of chastity. That wasn't because sex was thought to be a terrible, evil thing, although the church has disseminated that kind of propaganda. Primarily, the reason for the vow of chastity (which is also taken by Buddhist monastics, even though Buddhism doesn't promote the viral fear of sexuality that Christianity does) was to eliminate the need to pursue or maintain a relationship. That left the nun free to focus on herself and her vocation.

You're welcome to take this or leave this, of course... but it sounds like something along the lines of a chastity vow would be helpful to you. That doesn't have to be a lifetime vow. It could simply be a decision not to get romantically involved with anyone for a certain period of time. Maybe for a year or two, or until you finish nursing school, or some other term that makes sense to you. During that time, you could have all the friends you want, but keep those friendships platonic, and put the energies that you're currently putting into wanting a romantic relationship into your own development instead. When you've developed yourself to the point that the Healer is starting to appear on your face instead of the Invisible Woman, then you'll be the right person, and when you're ready to find the right person, he will appear.


Well-known member
Thank you Osamenor! for all of this. Something tells me I'll be taking a vow of chastity whether I like it or not. I think the universe is going to make me focus on my self development at this point. It will be lonely but maybe this time in a good way.

Thank you so much for your help! I will definitely look back on this conversation when I do need to remember what it's all for. And I will focus on changing my outer shell from wounded and invisible to healer and protector!

Thank you! I appreciate you!


Staff member
Thank you Osamenor! for all of this. Something tells me I'll be taking a vow of chastity whether I like it or not. I think the universe is going to make me focus on my self development at this point. It will be lonely but maybe this time in a good way.
Well, if you make the choice for yourself, then it's your own choice of your own free will and not just the universe forcing it on you.

And there was one more thing those medieval nuns did that just might be indicated here: they all had confessors who they met with once a week or so. That didn't just mean confessing their sins; rather, the confessor was a spiritual advisor, who would listen to them and help them develop themselves spiritually.

In modern secular society, the equivalent of a confessor is a therapist. If you haven't looked into therapy before, this is probably a good time to do it. Therapists are professional nurturers, but the boundaries of a therapist/client relationship prevent smothering "nurturing" (and also prevent romantic involvement). Your current Invisible One mask would be the perfect attraction for a therapist who lives to help damaged people (which typically they do), and this would be someone who wants to help you develop into who you are.

That's probably the closest thing you could get to the kind of partnership you really need, right now, in this transition phase. It would even satisfy your seventh house in the short term, because seventh house indicates all kinds of partnerships, not just the romantic or marital kind. A therapist and a client are partners in the client's healing and growth.


Well-known member
Thank you, yeah I was seeing a therapist over the summer however I can't afford her these days with so many other expenses. I guess I have to find another form of therapy. Astrology helps during hard times lol. Thank you for your time and patience!