Projecting energies

Hey! When I've been studying natal aspects and elements, I've seen these things come up, kind of missing depth of understanding about it:

Fire/Air energies are said to be masculine and projecting, while Water/Earth would be feminine and receptive. While I'm one of those people who feel uncomfortable people gendering anything, I try seeing it as energies interacting and there it's okay.
I've been curious about opposition (and square?) aspect in astrology because they're also described with "projecting".

So, this may be a weird question, but I would want to understand better; does the projecting in case of opposition aspect (even with "feminine" signs/planets) and qualities of projecting elements (fire and air) would be similar.
Usually when I hear one word used in different contexts these tend to be just words that I assume meaning the same thing even while there could be significant difference (depending how you look at it), if that gives clearer image of why I'm asking this.
So, would you see much difference in it?


Well-known member
Hey! When I've been studying natal aspects and elements, I've seen these things come up, kind of missing depth of understanding about it:

Fire/Air energies are said to be masculine and projecting, while Water/Earth would be feminine and receptive. While I'm one of those people who feel uncomfortable people gendering anything, I try seeing it as energies interacting and there it's okay.
I've been curious about opposition (and square?) aspect in astrology because they're also described with "projecting".

So, this may be a weird question, but I would want to understand better; does the projecting in case of opposition aspect (even with "feminine" signs/planets) and qualities of projecting elements (fire and air) would be similar.
Usually when I hear one word used in different contexts these tend to be just words that I assume meaning the same thing even while there could be significant difference (depending how you look at it), if that gives clearer image of why I'm asking this.
So, would you see much difference in it?

I do get what you are trying to ask about, but it is hard to clarify because of the GENERALITY of the usage of the term 'projecting.' Let me try and explain what I mean.

When the masculine Fire/Air elements are described as 'projecting' type of energy, and not 'receptive' , it is very much a blanket statement that is very general. [Like saying masculine energy is assertive, aggressive, outgoing-except when it isn't. ] But it is just a veneer, an overlay, used to describe all of the air/fire signs. But as you start looking at individual planets in houses, in Air/Fire, that description will be modified by aspects and other factors.

So 'signs' are like the overlay, the veneer, the clothing, or the attitude of the planets. And planets in Fire/Air are generally more expressive, outgoing and projecting than those in more receptive Water/Earth.

Now, when we discuss oppositions or squares, we are looking at aspects. And they mean something different than signs do. Aspects indicate how the various planetary and sign energies actually play out. If planets are in a trine or a sextile, then they are in harmonious elements and are working in harmony with each other to act out their planetary roles in the area their houses/signs designate.

An opposition is going to be in Fire/Air or in Earth/Water. If it is in Earth/Water, it is still an opposition, and will carry with it the energy of 'opposing forces' and the need to compromise, just as it would if it was in Fire/Air.

The only difference is the way in which it might do so.
----Earth/Water might have an easier time, being more receptive, to making concessions, and being cooperative. Perhaps one will be too accommodating and lose oneself and feel taken over or used. So it will be important not to give up one's personal power by projecting upon 'the other' and becoming a victim.

----If it is a Fire/Air opposition, then learning to be in close relationships and to fully cooperate and feel unified as partners might be more difficult. The masculine, assertive energy wants to be in charge and consider one's self interests first---and that is in conflict with the lessons of the opposition-which is to form successful partnerships between opposing forces.

People talk about 'projection' in oppositions but not in the same way the term is used in describing the masculine elements.

'Projection' in oppositions is the psychological kind---where one 'projects' onto their partner the issues that they themselves are internally wrestling with.