Autism and astrology


New member
I'm curious about my autistic sons astrological charts and readings. Can anyone give me a reading? I will go into full detail after a reply. Thank you in advance.


Well-known member
I have a mild or high-functioning autism in my mid 30s now. On my own natal chart is the Sun/Moon conjunction in Aquarius (6 deg apart) in 8th house, but with Mercury in Pisces-9th associated with genial and intellect powers can also represent social withdrawal and mental impairment are possible astrological indications of my life with autism. Albert Einstein (Pisces sun) known for great genius has a Mercury in Pisces (or cusp Aries) and he's thought to have a form of autism or Asperger's syndrome.
I have a mild or high-functioning autism in my mid 30s now. On my own natal chart is the Sun/Moon conjunction in Aquarius (6 deg apart) in 8th house, but with Mercury in Pisces-9th associated with genial and intellect powers can also represent social withdrawal and mental impairment are possible astrological indications of my life with autism. Albert Einstein (Pisces sun) known for great genius has a Mercury in Pisces (or cusp Aries) and he's thought to have a form of autism or Asperger's syndrome.

Hi Dear friend, I suggest You get a glance at The silent wave Blog entering these w5 ords into Google free research:
silent wave blog astrology autism

Please let me know, I've put some theories on about astrology and autism , there are two posts of mine and a post of my predecessor, she already had the intuitions. Nice regards, please let me know! If You wish to get more details please let me know! L


Well-known member
I'm curious about my autistic sons astrological charts and readings. Can anyone give me a reading? I will go into full detail after a reply. Thank you in advance.
I'm no expert so I can't help you a great deal here Kelly and like others have mentioned, in order to get a good reading you need to provide an actual chart to us by attaching a file through your images with your post.

But I can suggest some key points from my awareness and experience that may help you a little bit;

Firstly, many children or adults with autism and/or Asperger's may have excess of a zodiac sign in several of their planets and imbalance with the elements in their chart...for example....let's say your child had like four + planets in the same sign plus a few in a different sign then this is what's referred to as 'bundled charts' etc....which can, but not always, indicate hinderances with ones development as a child into an adult, communication, emotional and mental dexterity etc etc...the list is pretty much endless.

But it's not always black or white/good or bad....among such charts the individual may possess great gifts in particular fields of where they have a deep interest and passion....but I suppose what I'm getting at here is that you need to gain understanding of astrology so you can have a better knowledge of your child's chart which will really help you understand him astrologically.

One way I can help you as well is by using my chart as a visual aid to this topic, it will be attached with this post.......basically, to cut long story short, I have four planets in the same sign (Pisces) and three planets in the same sign (Capricorn) which you will notice when you look at terms of elements I am 5 earth, 4 water, 2 air and 1 I have an imbalance and rather bundled chart myself.....I am not officially diagnosed with autism or Asperger's, however it's something that has cropped up through my life now and then so maybe I will go for a diagnosis some day if I see it as a nessecery thing to do... (I'm 21 now)

But yeah.....feel free to ask me any questions Kelly etc...this is an area of astrology where I've done a fair bit of research and I feel I can help you with this. Astrology is a great tool for understanding the core and traits of an individual and even more so if they have or may have something like autism.



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graay ghost

Well-known member
From what I've been seeing, Pisces and Aquarius usually seem to be involved. In a way, those signs are quite distant from other people.


Well-known member
On my natal chart, I have 3 planets (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) plus Lilith in Virgo. And Venus is caught between Eris and Ceres, which are dwarf planets. About my chart and the placements of 10 main astrological or celestial bodies, 2 in fire, 3 in earth, 3 in air and 2 in water, adding my ascendant sign Cancer (water group) and true node in fire.
Hi Have a nice day, dear friends, this is my natal wheel chart, as I told before I'm severely autistic, I like this chart, it's me, i guess we could manage to exchange data, maybe some people wish to put the natal wheel just here, if there is autism there might be strong stelliums or planet clusters, mostly in X XI XII but the theory by myself has already been explained! Have a nice day!

Born 20 8 59 hours 10.00 am Milan Italy

I am afraid I cant' paste the image, but anybody can develop the natal chart wheel on a site for natal wheels and develop my wheel. :) Bye ! :) LM
aaa natal wheel LM untitled.png
aaa natal wheel LM untitled.png
On my natal chart, I have 3 planets (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) plus Lilith in Virgo. And Venus is caught between Eris and Ceres, which are dwarf planets. About my chart and the placements of 10 main astrological or celestial bodies, 2 in fire, 3 in earth, 3 in air and 2 in water, adding my ascendant sign Cancer (water group) and true node in fire.
My Dear Friend, In Italy my Virgo is in House XI of the natal wheel sky. I've got in XIth House 4 planets, we're autistics, most probably. You can check the meaning of your planets in Virgo, You will find these are autistic clues and autistic traits, if I'm not mistaken, I hope not to miss any detail, and not to hurt anybody, :), :), Id'b be glad to hear soon from You! Have You checkked astrology autism in the silentwaveblog? Kind regards!
I'm no expert so I can't help you a great deal here Kelly and like others have mentioned, in order to get a good reading you need to provide an actual chart to us by attaching a file through your images with your post.

But I can suggest some key points from my awareness and experience that may help you a little bit;

Firstly, many children or adults with autism and/or Asperger's may have excess of a zodiac sign in several of their planets and imbalance with the elements in their chart...for example....let's say your child had like four + planets in the same sign plus a few in a different sign then this is what's referred to as 'bundled charts' etc....which can, but not always, indicate hinderances with ones development as a child into an adult, communication, emotional and mental dexterity etc etc...the list is pretty much endless.

But it's not always black or white/good or bad....among such charts the individual may possess great gifts in particular fields of where they have a deep interest and passion....but I suppose what I'm getting at here is that you need to gain understanding of astrology so you can have a better knowledge of your child's chart which will really help you understand him astrologically.

One way I can help you as well is by using my chart as a visual aid to this topic, it will be attached with this post.......basically, to cut long story short, I have four planets in the same sign (Pisces) and three planets in the same sign (Capricorn) which you will notice when you look at terms of elements I am 5 earth, 4 water, 2 air and 1 I have an imbalance and rather bundled chart myself.....I am not officially diagnosed with autism or Asperger's, however it's something that has cropped up through my life now and then so maybe I will go for a diagnosis some day if I see it as a nessecery thing to do... (I'm 21 now)

But yeah.....feel free to ask me any questions Kelly etc...this is an area of astrology where I've done a fair bit of research and I feel I can help you with this. Astrology is a great tool for understanding the core and traits of an individual and even more so if they have or may have something like autism.

My Dear Friend,

You may check and get a defined diagnosis from a medical doctor, this would help. Anyway if You have some time please read my posts in thesilentwaveblog autism astrology Lorenzo Maria, If You score more than 7 You might be autistic. From a certain point of You I would expect autistic planets to be in the exact opposite corner compared to Your's, I've a dislexic friend with planets in the lower rght corner, this is in my opinion not so probably autism. Do You like to chat on this topic? Can You check on a book the exact meaning of the natal theme? Do you find in many paragraphs descriptions of clues of Asperger traits? Please let me know Dear Friend, Bye :) LM
Dear friends,

I must tell I'just made soft and surface checks and my astrology knowledge is not so much strong, anyway I've got IQ 150 and I like abstract systems, I suggest to anybody who wants to chekc autism in a natal theme natal wheel to use this method, which means exactly: defining in which houses are the planets, defining how many of these combinations belong to the 27 marker combinations of autism detected by me... so I'll recap: please, I apologize for the long post, I like research,... have peace and have a nice day :) :) Bye. LM


1. Lorenzo Maria
Good Morning to all of You, I’ll speak about my autism, Asperger, my Asperger, Autism diagnosis and astrology.
Thanks a lot, ... .
So I’m Lorenzo, Autistic, born 20 08 1959 10.00 am in Milan Italy,
I have just discovered diagnosis of autism by means of astrology, I’m grateful to all of You. I have 4 planets sun pluto venus mars in XI house, Temple Grandin has got a 3 planets stellium in XI house of natal chart wheel. I’ve got in Leo, Mercure and Uranus and the sun, I’m a leo. Due to all the planets in Virgo I’m now under attack by saturn in Sagittarius which might harm my Pluto in Virgo, this can mean system bringing trouble to me , outsider.
This should end by december 31 2017. Another point: My moon in pisces attacks Mars in Virgo, I’m a total warrior.
My Neptune makes a strong square, neptune is in scorpio the square is with mercure in leo this means telepathy and a bit of paranoia. I’m slightly telepathic. I dreamt of the death of Pope Luciani, I wrote a post in FB not accepting the theories of Pope Ratzinger and half an hour later he gave dismissal / quit the job.
So what Have I done? I have taken 20 profiles with natal data... : date month year day of birth, place of birth, birth hour, of 20 Aspies . Among them: my father, engineer, my uncle, engineering professor, Temple Grandin, Alan Turing, Andy Warhol, The very famous Silent wave blogger, :), So for each person I took the natal wheel chart and the natal wheel comments, just for a couple I didn’t know the exact hour of birth and I assumed it was noon, I was quite careful. I list the subjects:
Lorenzo Zucchelli, me
Luigi Zucchelli engineer my father
Prof ALAN TURING the destroyer of Enigma, blessed be his soul
The Silent Wave Blogger
5 young Aspies of a friendly Association, the five subjects where chosen by random criteria
Renée UK London an Autistic cited in Internet
Honolulu autistic
Anchorage Autistic
4 friends of mine who are autistic
Well the sum was 20 people all autistic
I calculated for all tha natal wheel chart and wrote down the natal theme text list.
I made a table, a xls document
1st column the 20 names
1st horizontal line the number and the name of the 12 houses of the natal wheel sky
in the cases what did I write?
I wrote in the xls tabel
which planets where for the cited person in the cited house of the sky of the natal wheel chart.
Temple Grandin has got Sum Venus and Mercure in Eleventh house
my uncle albertus has got saturn sun mercure and pluto in tenth house
and so on
What tells astrology Lisa Morpurgo the nr 1 astrologist in Italy?
If natal wheel chart planets are on the left , the person is withdrawn from friendship and people, if planets are on upper half of the sky the person is far away from a “frozen” mother. Well ghasp I’ve 3-4 planets in eleventh house like Temple Grandin, this is called stellium and is source of very strong stress adrenaline cortisol noradrenaline, Ghasp! Amazing, lack of oxytocyn, troubles with serotonine, …. and eleventh house is house of cold relationships, random links, total rationality.
So Stellium in eleventh house is the first marker of autism, but I noticed:
I made a second xls document
12 colums, each column for a house of the sky of the natal wheel chart
I :) listed just in each column the planet list of the planets I had found in the first xls document,
so i’ had found in “house 1” 3 neptunes, 3 jupiter, 2 moons, 2 mars, & so on
in first house of sky of natal wheel of autistics I had found 12 planets, in second 8
in third 10 in fourth 12 in fifth 10 in sixth 9, in seventh: 7 in eight: 5 in ninth: 10
in TENTH: 19 planets, a great amount of planets (!!!) :)),
in XI house 22 planets (autism marker),
in XII house 18 planets. Ghasp a lot of planets in X XI XII, the sum was so much as 20 planets for each of these three houses, other houses have just scored between 5 an 10 planets.
Oh My Lord what a sum of planets in the upper left corner, far from “warm mum” far from friends (marker)
Now I took a masterpiece, a great book of astrology, for each combination I had found i evaluated one question:
is this combination (planet versus house of the natal wheel) a frequent combination in autistic people? Frequent: at least found three times or more. Unfrequent: zero, 1, 2 times.
I found 27frequent combinations.
These 27frequent combinations (planets/houses in natal wheel of autistics) are the following:
in first house: neptune, jupiter
in 2nd: jupiter
in third: saturn
in fourth: moon, saturn, pluto
in 5th: jupiter moon uranus
in 6th house: neptune, uranus
in 7th house: only moon in seventh house, 7th house is the house of wedding, an odd topic for some autistics, there are few planets in 7th house
In 8th house: no frequent planets (house of death, no meaning for Aspies)
In 9th house: uranus
in tenth house: seven times mercury (ghasp) ; i.e.: 10th house, house of indipendence (!!!) a marker of autism
always in 10th house: 3 suns and so much as 5 uranus
in ELEVENTH HOUSE (COLD LINKS, random house, house of aquarius) :
I was astonished, I had found
3 moons, 3 mars, 4 mercuries, 3 pluto (autistic planet), 5 suns
in XII th house: ( the highest ideal’s house): 3 jupiter, 3 mars, 3 mercuries, 4 suns
The meaning of houses is
1 the ego
2 the beginning
3 the social matters
4 the home country, homeland, i have no planets
5 energy
6 rules and laws, I have no planets
7 wedding, I have no planets
8 death, I have no planets in my natal wheel
9 travels
10 indipendence I’ ve got mars I’m an indipendence warrior, I use project like Patton used tanks
11 cold contacts, random, autism
12 highest ideal issues
so 10, 11, 12, this is the core of autism,
So 4 6 7 8 this means nothing to many Aspies
Do You follow me?
I have studied this on midnight on 31st december 2016
I switched on TV, they were singing “Emotion has no voice”
I almost cried
Ganesha advised me: put on an armour, with this matter the system will attack you; a fine armour should do
on 26 february anular eclypsis of sun, my planets in Virgo 11 house have as cosignificant Aquarius, I’m almost aquarius, meaning of the eclypsis: You aquarius reached unforeseen new topics, this will mean somebody will attack you
So I took a glance at the meaning of combinations found to be frequent in natal wheel charts of autistics: the meanings were amazing
they are / (read on Lisa Morpurgo Introduction to Astrology, Nr One astrology book in Italy)
neptune house 1 : upper reality invisible to most people, neurosis

jupiter zeus house 1 :the ego expand to the maximum, but there is risk of great missing topics in life

jupiter house 2 : exhaltated ,very rich, meets barriers​

saturn in 3rd house: no brothers, lonely, anti-social, no-one understands him​

moon in fourth: means: looks for oxytocin ans warmth, a cuddle, a warm nest, artist, victim of family​

saturn in 4rthg: no parents, isolated, no joy, sad, fatigue, tiring life, rational​



moon in 5th house: romantic, sensitive, broken hearth, false understandings​

uranus 5 house: today, not tomorrow, irruent, swift, quick, outsider, anticipates findings​

neptune in 6th: art, creative, neurosys, metamorphoses, does not tolerate surroundings​

uranus in 6th: means: dynamic, hand skills, today is all, strike against bosses , indipendent​
moon in 7th house means: looks for supports, some AFFECTIVE HELP, NEUROSIS, BROKEN HEARTH
no planets in 8 house where frequent (no planet was found frequently in 8th house in 20 people): means: REFUSES SOCIETY , IS NOT A POLITICAL LEADER, (!) NO EMPATHIC LEADERSHIP
uranus in 9th means: researcher, looks for findings, unusual, a brain made of marble

mercury in Xth house: away from family, highest IQ QI, indipendent

uranus in 10th: dinamic, quick, moves, outsider, technical, details obsessed, doesn’t accept ideas of others​
sun in tenth house means: total indipendence, no tradition, tradition refusal, no links, links are bondages, genius of indipendence
moon in eleventh means: psychic troubkles, no friends
mars in 11th house in natal wheel chart means (this is my marker): global warrior, aggressive, projects like battles
pluto in 11th like I do possess: means: genius, odd , eccentric, secret
sun in XII house: means: outsider, no routine, loner, original introverted

jupiter in XII house means: lonely, seems to other sad, refuses life,… misantrope, fragile

mars in XII house: means: atheistic, war against highest values, highest war, destroys, anarchist​

mercury in XII means: paradox, high IQ devoted to highest ideals, humour, outsider, not diplomatic​
there are more or less 10 planets, there are 12 houses, there are more or less 120 combinations of planets in houses in natal wheel chart natal theme population,
out of which only 22 combinations are highly frequent in autistics, THIS IS THE CORE OF THE STUDY, the telepathy. The intuition.
I am INTJ in Myers Briggs test, intuitive.
It’s not a planet
It’s not a house

it’s that there are 27combinations of planets and houses​
in the natal chart which are frequent and typical of autism. The comment is made by itself, when I read the meaning of these 27 combinations found more than twice in the 20 profiles of autistic peolpe I undesrtand that THESE ARE THE MARKERS OF AUTISM IN VERY EARLY BIRTH DIAGNOSIS OF AUTISM, … !!!​
a child is born, we make the natal wheel chart and natal theme, we calculate how many marker combinations are present for this young baby. Life is getting started… there might be autism, we discover this one hour after birth.
How come?
Thanks a lot dear Silent wave blogger! It’s Your assist! I guess You knew it!
I am grateful To Dr Prof Roizolatti researcher of Rizzolatti Islands, I sent him a copy of a drawing he sent me a nice mail.
I’m grateful to Mr Dr Prof Simon Baron Cohen I sent him a copy of my drawings in a University degree study, he sent me a very nice mail, I donated a painting to Mrs Dr Prof Temple Grandin, I’ve got her nice mail.
They all inspired me. Thanks a lot to my friends out of which should be mentioned a bunch of nice psychologists, very cuddliyng, .
I dedicate this matter to Pianise the small hous on the slope of Baldo Mountain on Lake Garda .
I’m astonished.
I can detect autism in the moment of birth
i discovered this on 31 12 2016
at midnight
Emotions have no voice
Comments are welcome
Born 20 8 1959 Milan 10 hours AM
Agricultural science Doctor
Fond of foreign languages
that evening I just wanted to prepare my horoscope for 2017
I like Prof Alan Turing the destroyer of ENIGMA
Lorenzo Maria
Astrological diagnosis of Autism by means of natal wheel and charts…
Nice people, I just tried to write in a better way the post.
The cloud in the sky of my eccentric brain are moving fast
a slight winf brings new White clouds and aquarius rules
let’s try again and write, later on I could post the whole study, translated… :), I’m waiting for the nice translation
good morning to all of You. I’m autistic,
I’m Lorenzo Maria,
I noticed I am able to make a diagnosis of autism by means of natal wheel chart and natal theme. I use this study. I collected the data of 20 autistics. I calculated natal themes natal wheels,… . I made a table xls document. In 1st column the names or nicknames of the 20 Asperger or Autistics. In the following 12 columns on top the name and number of each one of the twelve houses of the sky of the natal wheels. What did I put in the cases in the table xls? I put for each single autistic person the name of the planet(s) found in each house of the Birth sky.
What did I find? I found … a surprise.
Telepathy or intuition, I’m Myers Briggs INTJ profile, I’m IQ 150, autistic telepathic.
I’ve got moon in pisces against mars in virgo (= total warrior) and netpune in scorpio squared to mercury in leo ( telepathy, paranoia). I am born on 20 Aug 1959 in Milan Italy at 10.00 AM.
So what’s the findings?
There are more or less 10 planets plus noplanet, there are these planets: sun moon Venus mercure mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluto noplanet; there are 12 houses: each house has a meaning.
Natal Charts with most planets in left upper part are autistic, since upper part is away from warm cuddle of mother and left part of the sky is away from friendship and friends.
Most autistics have between 1 and ten “marker” combinations or patterns due to combined planets and houses. The possible combinations are 11×12= 132, the autism marker combinations are only 27. If You’ve got more than 5 marker combinations You are probably autistic. I’ve got 9 marker combinations: in 9 cases out of ten I’ve got in my natal wheel chatrt a planet in a house which is a frequent combination for autistics (frequent: fiound at least 3-4 times in 20 autistics)
So what’s a combination? A combination of a planet and a house of the natal wheel sky. What’s a marker combination ? An odd combination with meanings of autism (to be read on astrology books) which is to be found frequently (at least 3-4 times) in a study with 20 specific autistic people of whom I knew data of birth, date month year day hor town, and of whom I draw the natal wheel chart and wrote the natal theme.
How many are all combinations? 10 planets + 1 noplanet = 11 x 12 houses of the ntal sky = 132 combinations
how many combinations are frequent in autistic panel ? 27 (I guess I had written 22 but actually it’s 27)
So the marker combinations are found oddly frequently in usd autistics. Please try it by Yourself, I would like to CHECK YOUR DATA. It would help! Please try and intereact if You whish! Otherways I’ll feel like a Marble castle flying on top of a metheorite in a Magritte painting at high speed and at not so much distance from Mars
The marker combinations are
neptune 1st house, upper reality invisible to Others
jupiter 1st house huge limitations in life development of life
jupiter in 2nd rich, with barriers
neptune 3rd house no brotherhood
moon 4rth looks for cuddles desperately, lack of oxytocin, lack of mother
saturn 4rth (important marker) no parents , isolated, sad, rationalist, great fatigue, tiredness
pluto 4rth outsider Genius black sheep
jupiter 5fth stalker, heavy in talks, with barriers
moon in fifth sensitive, romantic, blood of broken love
uranus in 5th new topics, quick, devoted to today
neptune in 6th art, creative, neurosis, sufferings
uranus in 6th dynamic, hand skills, today, war against bosses
moon in 7th looks for cuddling help / oxytocyn, neurosis, broken love
no planet in 8th ( death house>) , no emotional resilience no political leader, refuses society
uranus in 9th researcher, unusual, brain of stone,
mercure in Xth (important marker) detached from family, high IQ (like me) indipendent
sun in tenth house means in the natal wheel chart : indipendent no tradition, no bondage no bonds, isolation
mercure in XI: (very important marker of autism) : rational balance, highest IQ, no love
sun in XIth house: balance. loss of friends
it’s also a frequent marker of autism. Marker of autism means detected at least 3 times in 20 autistic cases, very high marker means detected at least four times in 20 autistic peolpe’s natal themes.
moon in XI: trouble of mind, no friends
mars in XI as I have: total warrior, indipendent, projects as battles, the “Patton of mind””each project as a tank in Patton’s troops”
pluto in XI as I have: secret ego, Genius, psychic troubles, outsider
sun in XII: high marker, very frequent in autism: means in natal wheel chart: outsider, lonely, original, introverted
jupiter XII: means: lonely, sad in the eyes of others, misantrpopic, refusal of life
mars in XII: atheistic, war against highest ideals, anarchist, destroyer
mercury in XII IQ, but highest ideals, irony, humour, ousider, detached, not diplomatic. (!)
so I have ten planets, 12 houses, 1 combination of “no planet” in a certain house, 11 planet solutions (10 planets plus no planet in a certain house)
So I have 132 possible combinations of planets and houses in my natal wheel.
Se when I’m born I know how many marker combinations I have, if I have eg 6 autism marker combinations, or 7, I’m autistic.
Stellium in all cases is marker of stress. Stellium in X XI XII is highly frequently likned to autism.
All test were repeated on about 100 autistics
More or less 40 non autistics showed planet distribution where all planets are in a round circle, one two planets for each house.
Autistics do aften have squares.
Autistics do often have stelliums
autistics have more than 5 marker combinations (planets/houses)
the marker combinations are frequently slighty anti-social and odd
This is the method
In checked a dyslexic, planets are opposite, in a corner , …low down right in that part of the sky. I checked a Bipolar friend, planets are in a corner left down down part. In a schizophrenic most planets were in the upper right part.
That’s it.
I dedicated this study to Professor Alan Turing the destroyer of Enygma
I see his horse , gallopping in the heath, among blue heathers
I am sad
I feel isolated with these nice findings
What do You think?
It might prof of help
Very early autism diagnosis by means of Junghian natal astro wheels and natal themes of astrology.
There can be an informatic version of this method.
Maybe Mr Dr Zuckerberg will get a glance and he will get down from the top of his sugar mountain to give help (Zuckerberg=Sugar Mountain)
I guess Alan Turing can’t help any more
Who knows anybody who could get this study and comunicate it to others?
Thanks a lot
nice regards!
Lorenzo Maria
In the mid of the Lands
Study performed at midnight on 31thg december 2016
Emotion has no voice

From what I've been seeing, Pisces and Aquarius usually seem to be involved. In a way, those signs are quite distant from other people.

Hi , have a nice day to all of You. from what I've seen there are some signs of the zodiac which are more autistic:

Virgo, which is strongly rational
sometimes capricorn, which stands on top of a lonely mountain cheasing other people away and doing everything alone

aquarius, which flies on top of a metheorite in the sky , free :)

a good sign for Doctors is Taurus, they want to heal, they do not accept so much sorrow..., desperate sorrow

a good sign for healers of autism is Aries, the mother aries is warm and like fire and she hurries to save the injured child, she is very spontaneus and swift and attacks and has power

There are little amounts of aspies in Aries.
I'm curious about my autistic sons astrological charts and readings. Can anyone give me a reading? I will go into full detail after a reply. Thank you in advance.
Dear Kelly,

please let us know birth day month year town hour, we can make together the natal wheel chart. If Your nice sun is authistic this will be in the chart, You will get to know him better, You can enhance his character, he is maybe outsider but has strong positive traints, these need to be accepted and enhanced, so it's a useful game, if there are week points peolpe might help also there, or there might be more consciousness ! What do You think about this? Kind regards, nice mother! Peace be around!

Hi Dear friend, I suggest You get a glance at The silent wave Blog entering these w5 ords into Google free research:
silent wave blog astrology autism

Please let me know, I've put some theories on about astrology and autism , there are two posts of mine and a post of my predecessor, she already had the intuitions. Nice regards, please let me know! If You wish to get more details please let me know! L
Dear Friend,

can You please check he natal chart natal wheel of Your nice sun with birth data day month year town hour? If You paste the natal theme in a post we can check together but the trick is You can be reading for each combination of plantets and houses the meaning on internet. There will be autism clues, You will understand potentials and forces and week points, this seems interesting. Bye :) Have a nice day :)