Is this the chart of an art therapist for children?


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So I've been really taking the time to digest this aspect of my chart. Having my 8th lord in my 6th house is suggestive of my knack and attraction for/to psychology especially with chiron in the 12th. I'm learning to take my art more seriously these days now that i'm more aware of how big art plays in my life and chart. My 10th house Venus lord is conjunct my Taurus 10th house. My 5th house lord Jupiter is in my second house of earning. Sun naturally rules the 5th and as my asc it's conjunct my 10th of career. I'm seeing an interesting Sagittarius element as well with so much emphasis on Jupiter and the ninth house, so what is this suggestive to you? Maybe doing this oversees or? Not to mention the wounded healer aspect in my chart. Now that I've given it more thought, I can see how my woundedness as a child with learning disabilities could help me heal those same difficulties and feelings I faced as a child with dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and Aspergers.

Any other insights you can contribute would be especially appreciated. Thanks for your time and thoughts!
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