Fixed stars and arabic parts


Well-known member
Hi all

Can someone just confirm whether fixed stars and arabic parts are ever read together, or is any contact between the 2 meaningless?

For example: POF on Spica? Means something - or nothing? Can quite believe it myself!

Thanks and regards


Staff member
Susie said:
Can someone just confirm whether fixed stars and arabic parts are ever read together, or is any contact between the 2 meaningless?

For example: POF on Spica? Means something - or nothing?

Couldn't tell you about other arabic parts (which I don't quite use), but POF can very well be used in connection with fixed stars!

Here is an example of Pars Fortuna conjunct Algol in a horary chart.


Well-known member
This is interesting! I was just now playing around with different Arabic Parts in a horary chart I did regarding the state of a friend's marriage, and got the Part of False Love at 28 Tau 12 and Part of Marriage at 3 Gem 35, both within (wide) orb of Caput Algol at 26 Tau 10. If I understand correctly, Algol is awarded a larger orb than most fixed stars due to its very malevolent nature.

Needless to say, the friend's marriage doesn't appear to be in very good shape! The Part of False Love is especially discouraging! :(


Well-known member
Thanks for the link and the reply, Radu. This clears it up for me.

Archergirl: Part of Marriage, I think, has too wide an orb. So there is hope~


Well-known member
The Arabic pars or lots are all associated with the ascended in their calculation of a natal chart. I beleive that the fixed stars are moreso associated with the actual bodies heath & behavourable science.