Storm Warning. U.S. economic outlook, April-Dec. 2014


Well-known member

The following is a 'cut and paste' from a post of mine to another member of the forum that is part of the full text of a reply of mine to her request for an interpretation as to spiritual matters. I mention this as there may be passages that make some ref. to somthing{s} of that nature, of which I'm unsure for the reason I haven't thoroughly reread it, as for having a good deal more to finish up with before I retire for some sleep. I've been sleeping days for awhile now as I have always done better at this type of endeavor, that is anything that is of a literary nature, in the "Wee Hours", since I was in grade school. I was born exactly right at Sunset...maybe that has something to do with it? I'm so pressed for time nowadays, that I'm not keeping up with all the obligations I have to so many people and, a few that, I have to myself. So, in that this should be given a thread of its own, as well in the appropriate venue of topic, I find it of great need, and a blessing, to do so in this manner.

I'll follow with a second post that i've already posted as a second post to this one at another astrological forum that I'm a member of,, which is by design, not a forum for debate, it is for a platform for the purpose of demonstrating the various techniques that are of many various ''Schools, or systems, of Astrology"...and membership is by approved application only.
I've made a thread on this subject at that website in the for demonstrating techniques used for Astrological predictions.

Then I will finish with a third post concerning the well noted, and controversial, transiting Grand Cross long awaited, or dreaded, that will arrive in it's most perfectly aligned form, on April 23rd of this month, which are from my observations on an event chart and a few variations that stem from the number planets involved, four, and from which planet one chooses to give precedent of importance or amount of influence. I also realized, since sitting down at the keyboard that I will need to do yet another perspective.
As I took the average degree of the four planets involved for the 24hr period of April 23rd from the perspective of Philadelphia, being as it is the birthplace of the USA and because I use Philadelphia for that birthplace of the chart I believe, and have tremendous confidence in, is the natal chart of the U.S.A. , the 'Zero Hour', 12:00':01" am, July 4th, 1776, Philadelphia Penn. chart. I took the position of each planet at 12:00':01"am edst, this coming April 23rd and then did the same for 11:59':59" pm edst, for that day, as well, added the eight figures, divided the sum by 8 and took that as the average and as Mars is the fastest of the four planets involved as the event on that day only occurs as a 'Grand Cross' for the fact that Mars completes a full and complete matrix of that design. I also cast a chart for the event of Uranus' exact conjunction that day as for the reason originally, solely, a thread on this subject I'm addressing as to the economic outlook of the U.S.A, is that April 22nd is the day I have decided is the starting date of a period of time, that I've astrologically interpreted, to be an intense and transformative period of time that will stretch quite a number of months ahead in which the economy, and the monetary, credit, banking systems and institutions of the nation will have endure, unless I'm wrong...

... and I do hope I am wrong...

...for reason being that, I wouldn't wish for the kind of turmoil, and with as much potential for being cause of some serious damage to the systems and institutions, I'm alluding to, as for one, very good, reason alone, regardless to, in of that I have, or may not have, any others. Because so many of my loved ones and friends have lives that would be quite disrupted, and the potential it has to cause much adverse affect upon personal financial matters and concerns see in the astrological conditions in these months ahead had been that it is the moment on.

I realized that I probably should also take an average for the entire period that Mars will be in the 14th degree of it's respective sign, for the reason that it remains direct and exits the 14th degree and the other three planets are in the 14th degree of their respective signs the entire period and cast a chart for the exact moment Mars conjs. the exact point taken from that average and again, also Uranus as well.

I also am thinking about casting one for Washington D.C. and see how it affects the natal relocation chart I made from 'Zero Hour' natal chart.

I have a very hunch that this thread is going to grow, a little bit, over the coming months, anyways... I think this 'RIDE' could very possibly get bumpy and may even get kinda "Rough"... {and the 'Cap' is intentional, btw}
...copied and pasted, as follows>>>

It's just one of my usual kinda tangents giving some examples of the affects of planetary transits I've seen to natal charts and a bit of US astrological history and an onslaught of transiting aspects, in the coming months, to the natal chart for the U.S.A. I've been using that I see as kind of the main fireworks display of the series of major transformation and a lot of aspects stimulating energies that are the kind to aid and abet that kind of thing. It'll be both economic, political and spiritual...hopefully all three to the max, as far as I'm concerned., if it has got to happen, let it do a thorough job of it, I say.
{Did you like it that Dane brings Buddhism into the picture? I also find this symbol to be so right in the right place and time as Uranus will be conjuncting the Part of Incre$e and Benefit$ come this year for the third time in it's history. The first was 5 days before gold was discovered at nearby Sutters Mill I live on the Bluffs above the North West banks of the american River and Lake Natoma below, the town.... , well, now a, city of Folsom, it's grown from about 3700, when i first came around here in Feb. '77, to about 78 - 80,000 presently... it was the hub of the gold rush activity and the western terminus of the Pony express and site of the first rail road line west of the Rocky Mts., running to Sacramento 23 miles west. With such a sudden influx of gold into circulation it drove the price of Silver way down and Silver was the specie, the coin of the realm, of the U.S. at that time. It really caused some trouble for the U.S. economy and the times that come with those kinds of troubles.
The last time, Uranus got to 11* Aries 23' in mid July of 1929 and went retrograde , 11* Aries 05' is the location of the U.S.A.s's Part of Love and Appreciation. {btw Uranus in transit today hit 12* Aries 05' and is past a one degree orb of conj. and though it will go retrograde again, it won't return near enough to be of much, if any, affect. It's the retrograde motions of influences that I have found to be the real trigger of events...} it conjuncted in retrograde, the U.S.A. Part of Liberty, at 09* Aries 37' it did last April 18th the very day that Boston was under martial law and they were hunting for the bombers of the marathon. On Sept 30 of 1929 it conj. the U.S.A. Part of Transformation at 09* Aries 29', just like it did on April 15th last year on the day of the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Then on October 24th, Black Thursday, the Stock market crashed and it was at 08* Aries 33' and had just moved out of one degree orb of conj. Saturn that day was at 26* Sag. 26' and the U.S.A.'s Part of Peril is at 27* Sag. 36' and so is the natal Part of Distress!

Uranus will conjunct the U.S.A.'s Part of Increa$e and Benefit$ on this May 11th , coming within one degree orb of influence on April 22nd, and this is in direct motion. It will continue on, leaving the one degree orb of influence on June 4th and go retrograde on July 21st at 16* Aries 31' {and my natal Venus is at 15* Aries 06' and opposite my Part of Love & Appreciation at 15* Libra 56'... ouch...} it continues on in retrograde and gets within one deg. orb of conjunction to the Part of Increa$e and Benefit$ on Sept. 8th and conj. on October 5th...and mind you what I said about the retrograde motions of influences and conj. Parts...

...and top that all off, like anything could... the True North Node of the Moon...which is the Cosmic Finger pointing to the meaning of all the Astrological influences for that moment will be at 19* Libra 16' and the U.S.A.'s Part of Bankruptcy is at 19* Libra 18'....

...and I ain't even finished yet...
The Moon will transit from around the 26th deg. of Aquarius to the 10th deg. of Pisces that day crossing Obamas Part of Catastrophe in the 1st deg. and it has the Sabian Symbol of the Marketplace and Rudhyar's Keyword for the sign is commerce.

Mercury will go retrograde just a few hours before the day begins on the East Coast.

Venus will conjunct the U.S.A. natal Part of Deposition of the Ego to the Soul in the 7th degree of Libra {Most call it the Part of Interaction but member Phoenix Venus did a fine job of proving what was really going on with this Part...and we came up with the name. You can find a thread in the Degree Symbols sub forum on it, if you wish, to find out what it is all about.}
Mars will be conjunct the U.S.A. natal Part of Radical Change at 10* Sag. 10' on Sept. 28 and on Oct. 5th it will be at apprx. 15* Sag. 27' by days end on the Wast Coast and the U.S.A.'s Part of Exile at 15* Sag. 36' {I've never tested this Part to see if the title is appropriate, though}

Jupiter will be direct at 16* Leo 38' and the part of Army/Police is at 15* Leo 23'.

Saturn at 20* Scorpio 56' will be inconjunct the U.S.A.'s natal Asc. at 21* Aries 30'
inconj. U.S.A.'s natal Chiron at 20* Aries 07',
inconj. it's natal Mars at 20* Gem. 53'
sesquare natal Jupiter at 05* Cancer 46'
and a little more tha 4deg. orb square the nations natal Moon.

...and ...

opposite the natal Vesta at 19* Taurus 29' {How about those numbers for Vesta?}

Neptune will be heading retrograde at 05* Pisces 16' and conjunct the U.S.A;'s natal Part of Omens & Signs {it 's derived from the formula that is opposite the one for the Part of Astrology {which is verified it is a Part of but makes some sense that Astrology would be associated with it} and Neptune being the higher octave of Venus and as thus is about the Higher Love when humming at the right frequency and can then bestows the beautiful dream conjunct the nations Part of Omens and signs and right at the time that all these omens and signs I see will be "put to the test"...and Neptune as Neptune takes 164 + earth years to obit the Sun, it thus takes 164 days on the avg. to move from degree to degree...except it's more for those degrees it goes retrograde over as it then also conjuncts those same degrees on the way back in direct motion, that's three times a planet conjuncts certain degrees as opposed to just once for most of the others. Neptune makes it's third and final conj. to the Part of Omens & Sings on next January 15th for the third time and won't be back in the next 164 years.

Pluto, which just conjuncted the U.S.A.'s natal mid haven for the first time in it's history ...the Planet of Death and, or, Transformation conjuncting the symbolic "HOW" of the United States spiritual side, and the symbolic "WHY" of the U.S.A. as to mundane matters... at 11* Capricorn 44' this last January 14th and it will then go retrograde at 13* Cap. 35' this April 15th, and will be within one degree orb of conjunct, in retrograde, to the U.S.A.'s Part of Brethren 12* Cap. 28' 47" {Asc. + Jupiter - Saturn note: I've not verified that the title is appropriate}on May 5th, then Pluto will conjunct that Part on June 26th, but not before Pluto gets to within one deg. to the M.C., in retrograde, on June 15 - 16.

Then the day comes...
... that I may be holding my breath to get through....

...when Pluto makes a retrograde conjunction to the M.C., for the first time in this nations history on July 26th. Pluto than goes direct Sept 22nd or 23rd at 11* 0' and Pluto will be be at 11* Cap. 02' on this Oct. 5th event that I'm emphasizing here, which is almost within a half of a degree, in a direct motion to a conjunction with the M.C., then makes the direct conjunction again, for the third and final time, this November 16th..
...with Lilith, on Oct. 5th, in the 24th of Leo conj. the nations Part of Inheritance and Legacy, both of the Spiritual and the Mundane.
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Well-known member
...copied and pasted from a thread of mine at {Astrological Conference on Technique} follows...

That same natal chart for the U.S.A. progressed to Oct. 5, 2014 has...
Prog. Asc. @ 23* Scorp. 32' almost conj. natal Part of Fortune @ 25* scorp. 41'
Prog. Juno @ 29* Sag. 08' conj. natal part of Friends aka Part of Dramatization 29* Sag. 26', and soon conj. Part of Divorce {Marriages, Contracts, Partnerships} @ 02* Cap. 14'
Prog. Pluto @29* Cap. 17', nearly, conj. natal Part of Death & Disaster 01* Aquar. 11'.{I'm of a belief that any direct influence by transit, or progression, to any Astrological Part must be by a conjunction, either exact or, within a one degree orb of conjunction. I include it here mostly as a courtesy to those that may believe , or feel, otherwise.... and in any other instance, in this post, in which this, 'allowance', may be noted. ptv}
Prog. I.C. @ 05* Pisces 48' conj. natal part of Omens & Signs 05* Pisces 52'
Prog. Ceres @ 29* Pisces 54' conj. natal Part of Obstruction /Caution @ 29* Pisces 07',& conj. natal Part of Treasure @ 29* Pisces 13' {what you find of value that others discarded}, and Part of Commerce @ 29' Pisces 44'
Prog. Chiron @ 17* Aries 25' &
Prog. Venus @ 23* Aries 50' conj. natal Asc. @ 21* Aries 30', & natal Chiron @ 20* Aries 07'
Prog. Vesta @ 02* Gem. 46' conj. natal part of Sudden Advance/Nemesis @ 02* Gemini 23' {Hermetic Lot of Nemesis. ...whether it turns out to be viewed as a Sudden Advance at the end of ones Life, having successfully utilized it}
Prog. Uranus @ 07* Gem. conj. USA natal Part of Astrology @ 07* Gem. 07', & Part of Destiny @ 07* Gem. 33'
Prog. Vertex @ 07* Cancer 45' conj. natal Jupiter @ 05* Cancer 46', & soon the natal Sun @ 12* Cancer 38'
Prog. Jupiter @ 15* Cancer 29' {which will be conj. my natal Uranus @ 15* Cancer 19', & Part of Hidden identity aka Part of Oration @ 15* Cancer 25", which has the Sabian Symbol according to Dane Rudhyar's book, "An Astrological Mandala" as "A MAN STUDYING A MANDALA IN FRONT OF HIM, WITH THE HELP OF A VERY ANCIENT BOOK"
Prog. N. Node @ 27* Cancer 15' in close approach to conjuncting natal Mercury @ 24* Cancer 31' ...and...
Prog. Neptune @ 26* Virgo 11' conj. U.S.A.'s Part of Self Sacrifice @ 26* Virgo 10' {It has been identified by others as a Part of Influence, but as it is derived from a formula that is opposite the one for the Part of Libido, which is about gratification of ones own desires without consideration for anyone or thing else. It's also one of three Parts considered to be a Part of Popularity, and I would have to guess that martyrdom could make someone rather "popular". :wink: }
Prog. Neptune 26* Virgo 11 rx conj. U.S.A.'s natal "Hermetic lot of Courage" @ 26* Virgo 16' {...and it may be just what the 'Doctor ordered...too}
Prog. Mars @ 18* Libra 21 rx conj. U.S.A.'s natal Part of Bankruptcy @ 19* Libra 18', & natal Part of Popularity @ 18* Libra 26' {Which i feel pretty convinced is mistitled, As Pluto is the "Trigger" and Mercury the "Significator" it is reasonable to assume it means something along the lines of Transformative influences on communication or the mind, Or Death or Destructive energies or influences on the same, or words to the same...and those could, just as easily, be unpopular as popular.}
Prog. Lilith @ 16* Libra 01' conj. U.S.A.'s natal Saturn @ 14 * Libra 47' , & soon the natal Part of Popularity, see above.


  • USA natal prog. Oct 5, 2014.jpg
    USA natal prog. Oct 5, 2014.jpg
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Account Closed
Three years ago when I retired, I stopped reading about the national and international news.

This means that I'm no longer overwhelmed by the endless details of the politics of the nation and the world.

Every 6 months or so I check in. And each time I do so, people are still claiming that the end of the world is near, that world war is on the immediate horizon, and that total economic collapse is imminent.

And I still see the same people who were rich before just as wealthy, and the same people who were poor before just as poor.

Some time ago I looked at copy of life magazine for 1951, the year my wife was born. They were complaining about the end of the world being near, a new world war on the immediate horizon, and total economic collapse just around the corner. And the scandals were the same, the only difference was that they were being done by the Fathers of the same people who are in the scandals now.

I don't really see much point in this. It just keeps going around and around and around.


Well-known member
Something I hadn't noticed until moments ago, is that there is a Quintile YOD, [Of which, I'm convinced is the "True YOD". I have thread explaining why it is and why I believe that somewhere in the forum.} on the progressed U.S.A. natal chart for this coming Oct. 5th. It is comprised of Jupiter and Neptune in Quintile aspect to one another and both in bi-quintile aspect to Mercury which, in turn, itself is opposite the mid point between the two former.
This "Finger of God" [ If you care not to search for the, aforementioned, thread, I'l give a brief explanation as to why it it is the ''True Finger''. A Grand Semi-Quintile, that is comprised of this "true YOD", is a symmetrical, numerical succession of ten of these 36* aspects, as opposed to the configuration that has somehow got the title instead which is based on the matrix, the Grand Semi Sextile, which is a succession of twelve, closely resembling configurations, of 30* aspects. Now ask yourself this: How many 'Fingers" do you think God has? Ten or twelve? Also, Yodh, or Yod, is the name of the 10th letter, in position, of the Hebrew alphabet, and it has the numerical value of 10.} While this 'YOD" in the progressed chart is based on on the midpoint between Jupiter and Neptune, which are 71 degrees apart and not a perfect 72, as Neptune is the slower moving, and of superior positioning, of the two, based on my own conclusions, and reasoning therefrom, that the ideal mid-point must be constructed from with the consideration as to Neptune and that puts the mid-point at 20* Leo 11', that is the 21st degree of Leo and and the 'Finger' points to the 21st degree of Aquarius where Mercury sits in the chart. {if anyone has reason to give the edge to Jupiter or has reason to consider both degrees, then the 22nd deg. of Aquarius one must rather, or should also, consider."

Thus the Sabian Symbol given for the 21st degree of Aquarius is of 'pointed' {pun intended} interest here.


KEYNOTE: The capacity to meet emotionally upsetting experiences in human relationships with strength of character and personal integrity.

The man who manages vast and complex business enterprises* most often reaches power and achieves success because of his ability to deal with crises and temporary reverses of fortune. At the emotional level we now see a "woman" confronted with sharp disappointment and forced to face the vanishing of cherished illusions, presumably in terms of a close personal relationship. She has to learn to manage such crises, which are really tests of inner strength and perhaps compassion. We all have within ourselves the power to learn through emotional crises. But like any other faculty it needs development.

This is the first symbol in the sixty-fifth five-fold sequence. It urges us to develop RESILIENCE under adversity."

*{Rudhyar is referring to the Sabian symbolism for the 16th degree of Aquarius. It is the 1st degree of the 22nd "SCENE", of which 'Scene this degree is a part of... and according to Dane Rudhyar there are 24 "SCENES" that are of comprised of fifteen degrees apiece, 24 in total number, in the 360 degrees of the entire Zodiac.

As Dane does give weighted reference to the 16th degree of Aquarius, it has been given, more than, enough emphasis to merit it being included in this post. [ibid.]

(Aquarius 16° to Aquarius 30°)

KEYNOTE: The ability to organize the many aspects of an enterprise involving a large group of human beings.

A great deal of what is glowingly written about the Aquarian Age is probably sheer glamour. The New Age should be one in which man learns to use the power generated by human togetherness and group interplay — that is, to use it harmoniously for the welfare of the whole of which all individuals are parts, humanity and the planet Earth. This has never been achieved and only very rarely attempted. Mankind today must make a thorough and irresistible attempt, or be nearly destroyed — except for a creative 'remnant' of seed-persons who would have to begin again from new foundations. In the field of big business, of huge war undertakings (like the Normandy landing in World War II) or of major national efforts (like the Moon landings) great results have been achieved, but the motive and the quality of the human interrelationships involved were neither of permanent significance nor invested with a truly harmonic quality. The character of the techniques used
were totally un-satisfactory from a 'human' point of view. Nevertheless there is much to learn from modern large-scale management and systems analysis, even in terms of personal endeavors of very limited scope.

This is the first stage in the sixty-fourth five-fold subcycle. It introduces the concept of management which is basic at this period of the cyclic life process which the zodiac symbolizes, yet which needs to be totally reevaluated if mankind is to actualize the spiritual potentialities implied in the evolutionary transformation just ahead. ORGANATION should be the Keyword, rather than mere 'organization'; for humanity now can and should realize that it is indeed an 'organism.' "


Well-known member
I think that is plenty here on this event for everyone to get the idea of what all else might be conclusively studied, evaluated and interpreted.
The event of Uranus entering within one degree orb of conjunction to the U.S.A. Part of Increase and Benefits occurs less than 9 hours before when Mars enters the precise averaged point in the Grand Cross event of April 23rd.

charts attached: Uranus conj. one deg. orb to USA natal Part of Inc. & Bene.
Grand Cross event Mars conj avg'd point
Grand Cross event Uranus conj avg'd point


  • USA natal Pt. of Inc. & benefits conj. trans. Uranus April 22, 2014.jpg
    USA natal Pt. of Inc. & benefits conj. trans. Uranus April 22, 2014.jpg
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  • Grand Cross in trans. Mars April 23, 2014 USA.jpg
    Grand Cross in trans. Mars April 23, 2014 USA.jpg
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  • Grand Cross in trans. Uranus April 23, 2014.jpg
    Grand Cross in trans. Uranus April 23, 2014.jpg
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Well-known member
{the following was in reply to another's post, which has since disappeared. I'm leaving it up un-edited, as it is still relevant}

The point of this should be obvious enough for a ten year old to understand.
This will be the third time in the history of the United States as a nation that Uranus will be passing through these degrees. Both previous eras where the most significantly tumultuous and damaging to the economic stability of the nation. People lost there home and froze to death in the streets, had not money, could find no charity and starved to death for the dearth of either.

As any 'bean counter' [a statistician] will tell you, three out of three establishes validity.
What Validity? might ask...?

The validity that has got you apparently terrified, envious, or both. Terrified that you might have to make a lot of apologies to people that you've given astrological predictions over the many years you've sold your services as an astrologer and gave information based on some other natal chart for the USA. ...and possibly envious, that you haven't the chops to recognize the validity of the chart I use.

It is the validation of this natal chart that you are terrified of and which will occur.
Regrettably, it will be this upcoming period of time that I have indicated and given all facts, data, citation to historical timeline comparison and proofs in demonstration which will be injurious to so many people.

The purpose of mine was not to validate this chart in this manner, but to forewarn those that have the sensibility to take this advice and utilize to their advantage.

To secure themselves against the possibilities that I've given demonstration and proof of being 'Signs', that preceded such events in the past, consistently [two out of two] which really isn't a monumental task for those, like myself, that don't have hundreds of shares in stocks, invested in Banks, or securities, but rather meager or modest savings. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort nor is their any risk of great financial loss to move money from any institution one might be unsure of weathering an era comparable to the two I've mentioned into a safer place for a relatively short time. One might lose a few dollars to transaction fees and, or, the meager interest that institutions are only willing to pay for your investments nowadays. If conversion to precious metals is ones thing, then it is probably more safe, in my humble opinion, but one does have to pay a small fee for the transactions of converting fiat money into gold or silver and the reverse.

If nothing of any ruinous economic nature during the noted time period occurs, one's loss of being precautious will amount to a few dollars for having taken my analysis and precautionary warnings as to some some degree of belief.

But if it does occur, how much will one lose...?

That is the POINT OF THIS... simple was that?
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Well-known member
Oh, one last I nearly forgot to mention. always...

All astrological evaluations and conclusions, of mine, whether I've stated them to be highly speculative or to some degree of possibility or, even the rare statement that I sometimes make as to one of them, being to some degree of probability and any statements I might make in response to what I perceive to be banal and, or, denigrating comments from other members are imho....

...of course...and...
Have a nice day!:biggrin:


Well-known member
Please note that i edited post #1 as there were a few errors in the positions I gave, the text was difficult to comprehend and I underlined the text that is of the key dates and data for those that like to 'get to brass tacks' and such

As I originally wrote the text for a reply to someone about their natal chart so as to indicate where their natal chart was also being influenced during the same time frame and only needed general references for the purpose, I estimated quite a bit of the dates and positions. I corrected dates that I've since found to be off and put in exact positions where necessary for that which needed to be more specified, for consideration to Astrologers, rather than just ball park generalizations which were adequate for answer to a non-astrologer's needs as to what concerned their natal chart.

I'm attaching the event chart for the retrograde conjunction of Uranus to the USA natal charts' Part of Increa$e and Benefit$ {Again, please note that it is the 'Zero Hour' chart I use.} It is cast for Philadelphia, EST and the event is occurring at one minute and twelve seconds past midnight on the 5th of this coming October. as it will be the retrograde conjunction, please be aware that there are two other conjunctions in direct motion before and after Oct. 5th.
I might post charts and my analyses for those as well, but as I've mentioned, in a number of threads by this present time, I'll not be participating regularly on this forum much longer...other than keeping maintenance up on the listing of Astrological Parts I have in the degree symbolism forum and likely that of the list of parts for this 'Zero Hour' chart I have in this forum as well.
As most of you can take what info i am giving in this thread and proceed onward with it, anymore that I would post on this subject would be, for the most part, a waste of my time and my health as I may have to undergo medical procedures for my right arm soon. Typing and such would be an impossibility for a number of weeks, maybe months, if I have to undergo an operation and it has gotten to the point where I'm now suffering from doing so much on the keyboards these last 8 years. Having played "Tennis competitively for 8 years back in the 60's-70s', being a painter and a carpenter for 25 years in addition to that has finally amounted to as much wear and tear as my right arm has the wherewithal to endure, not to mention that I've had a rotator cuff injury nagging at me since the spring of 1975.
I have apparently reached the age in life where one begins to 'fall apart' faster that one can be repaired...I'm still facing a reconstructive internal operation from the emergency situation I had a little over two years ago...and I'm not certain now that I want to go through it is a major operation and likely to be a lengthy stay hospitalized if I do and the operation is successful. As I have learned to live with the results of the emergency procedure it has become much less of something desirable to undergo the risk of the reconstructive procedure... as it was just a matter of changing ones perspective about certain issues and, as I have since discovered, it does have its advantages. It all kind of boils down to, somewhat basically, a 'vanity issue' for a guy about to turn 61 years old....what's the point?...or so I'm thinking.

Note that on the attached chart that the True North Node [the True Nodes are the only ones that have proven, to me, to this date to be affecting anything.] will be at 19* Libra 15' 59" and that the Part of Bankruptcy {Jupiter + Neptune - Uranus} which is most definitely one not recognized by those of the 'Traditional Astrology' camp. I am unconvinced of any Astrological Part that uses a Planet as the Personal Point. My own own experience with my Part of Bankruptcy which is at 05* Virgo 58' is this.

As to the North Node conjuncting it, the last two times were on May 26, 1998 and before that on Nov. 6, 1979. While I had injured my back in Sept of '97 and was destined to be out of a job and career in May of 2000 and, for all intent and purpose, Bankrupt by May of 2001 other than there being some of the initial actions by the admin. where I was working on may 26th, '98 to get rid of me [due to my protests over contract violations with the tradesmens dept. and my complaints about threats to keep quite about graft and other words, whistle blowing.... but nothing of note otherwise at that time.

On Nov. 6th of '79 when the True North Node was conj. my Part of Bankruptcy, it just so happens that Pluto was at 20* Libra 05' and had made an exact conjunction to the U.S.A.'s the Part of Bankruptcy three days earlier, on the 3rd and had only progressed about 7 minutes of a degree by Nov. 6th.
Jupiter had made an exact conj. to my Part of Bankruptcy the day before that on the 2nd and was still within one deg orb conj. at apprx. 6* Virgo 28' Although, Jupiter is the one planet in my chart that i still suspect may be a planet of no affect upon me. As Edgar Cayce said most people only have from about 2 or 3 to 5 or, maybe, 6 planets total, that are of affect to them I have found that I'm affected by at least 8, Jupiter still being suspect...but I've never taken the time to do a thorough study... I figure why sweat it? I've got too much else to figure out and I consider to be of more importance to me and to others...and i'm not incarnate here with a dharma to seek riches and possessions anyways.
So, Cayce did say that the Asc. will affect everyone and while a few that study Cayce's readings seem to think that He also meant that the Sun and Moon are included in those numbering as only possible of affect, I think otherwise and I'm sure that the majority of members here will agree with that... How could the Sun and Moon NOT BE, we couldn't even exist as living creatures without them. So, at this present time, I still take, what Cayce said to mean, that all Astrological Parts that utilize the Asc. as the 'Personal Point are of affect even although a Planet involved in the formula that isn't of an affect, to ones' own self, then rules that Part out. As not one Astrological Part that utilizes Jupiter from my natal chart has ever proven itself to this date. [and neither does it's Sabian Symbol, for the 30th of Taurus, have any being or connection to me or anything I've ever been able to determine as to anything in my life at all.]

So, in that I'm rather doubtful about Astrological Parts that utilize Planets as Personal Points and especially my own that concern Jupiter the Part of Bankruptcy is very questionable as to actually being anything at all. But do remember that Cayce was talking about People, not nations... as a nations is made up of many people I do assume that every planet and every Astrological Part, from a nations natal chart, is of affect to that nation and it's people.

But here's a giggle [at least some of you will get a giggle out of it,]...Uranus on the other hand has proven itself to me to be the Planet of the most influence on my life. One example being that the very day it conj. my nadir was the only time in my life I've ever been evicted from my home and I was also homeless the 5 months that followed.
So as to what's the 'giggle'...well....
A point that many might find of interest is what I only learned this past year from finally buying a membership in the A.R.E. [The Association for Research and Enlightenment, which is the foundation that preserves the readings of Edgar Cayce, continues on with research based on those readings and assists all that come to them earnestly seeking info from the readings that may possibly help them with a physical ailment or their spiritual development along with numerous other needs such as archeological or historical research, for examples.] I was going to here post the exact quote and reading number it came from but it's lost in one of among the dozens of files I have been compiling and until i do ...just take my word for it...which I know a certain number of you will find it to be no leap of faith in order to do so. Cayce said that those people that are found to be of the greater influenced by the Planet Uranus are prone to becoming the most cynical of people one might run into.
Yeah, a real 'giggle' huh? Like I needed the Cayce readings to inform me of this?
...whooops... there I go...

That's all i have time to write on this today... i still have another thread to complete for the analysis I mentioned in which I took the majority of text in the first post from...and I've kept that person waiting too long already, I feel...
...stay turned... as I said, this thread may grow in the coming months ...especially if any notable events relevant to the aspects and on or near the dates I've given should happen to occur... but, let's all pray that it things be otherwise...or at least pray for some mercy from what might be inevitable...and, my fellow Yanks, I'm inclined to believe that if we unselfishly pray for peace and the prosperity and good fortune for those of the nations other than our own, especially those we've needlessly invaded and disrupted and cost lives of the innocent, we just might find that the times ahead won't be as hard on us as these aspects seem to indicate.

...but, so much of of trying to get this country to quit its' selfish ways depends on whether the self serving and of leige to the corporate powers and their own libidos and greed, politicians are ousted form political offices by the large, and that isn't going to happen if we keep electing members of either of the same old two parties that have dominated this nation for more than over the last 150 years... but trying to get you guys to look to some other political party or parties for candidates for these offices is about as effective as my trying to talk a leopard into changing his spots.... only, far, far, more frustrating and disheartening.

Pray for peace, you all can do that much, can't you?

chart attached: Uranus retrograde conj. USA natal Part of Incr.& Bene.


  • Uranus conj. USA Pt Inc$ Oct 5 2014.jpg
    Uranus conj. USA Pt Inc$ Oct 5 2014.jpg
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Well-known member
I forgot to mention.

In the event chart for Oct. 5th if you'll note the M.C./I,C. axis signs of Pisces and Virgo and the degree position of 28* 48'. Be aware that the USA's natal Part of Faith/Trust is at 29* Virgo 10' 32" and the Part of Benevolence is at 29* Virgo 41' 55".

Also, please note, that the Part of Wastefulness is at 28* Pisces 08' 56", the Part of Obstruction aka Part of Caution is at 29* Pisces 06' 56", the Part of Treasure is at 29* Pisces 12' 40" and that the Part of Commerce [Asc. + Mars - Sun formula for the part so titled, Ursula Lewis lists it as such and I've been adhering to her list of Parts since day one, although she only listed about 40 that I know of. ]

There are no parts from the USA natal conj. the event chart Horizon,the nearest in Cancer are well over 5 degrees away and the nearest in the sign of Capricorn are the Part of Slyness at 16* 20' 04' and the Part of Advancement aka Part of Father at 19* 20' 57", yet the natal Sun of the USA is at 12* Cancer 38' 28" and the M.C./I.C. axis is 11* Cap/Cancer 44' 18"

The Part of Fortune from the event chart at 02* Sag. 21' 24" is conjunct the USA's natal Part of Luck aka Part of Sons at 02* Sag. 32' 52"

I may have already mentioned Jupiter will have just moved beyond a one degree orb of conj. to the USA natal Part of Army/Police for mundane considerations aka Part of Surgery for personal natal charts.

I may have also mentioned Venus 06* Libra 36' 34" conj. the USA natal Part of Deposition of the Ego to the Soul {as a small number of us determined would be the more appropriate title for the Part than that it is aka Part of Interaction at 06* Libra 34' 05"}

Pallas will be at 23* Libra 38' 35" and conj. by one deg. orb to the USA 's Part of Transformation of Others' Minds {aka Part of Location the only other known title given to it which I believe must surely be only for horary considerations} 24* Libra 32' 53"

Vesta at 29* Scorpio 17' will have just moved beyond a one degree orb of conjunction to the USA natal Part of Strategy at 28* Scorpio 10'

Mars at 14* Sag. 36' 52" will just within one degree orb of conjunction to the Part of Exile [and we've yet to determine if it is titled appropriately] at 15* Sag. 35' 35"

The Moon of the event chart at 26* Aquar. 41' 44" will be conj. USA natal Pallas at 26* Aquar. 37' 39"

I know that I've already mentioned Neptune and the Part of Omens and Signs , some of you might wish to have me point out that the USA natal position of Ceres is at 08* Pisces 41' 36" , if so then I might as well mention the event charts Juno at 28* Cancer 49' as it's position to the USA natal Mercury at 24* Cancer 31'

Of course I've brought up the fact that Pluto will be in direct motion at 11* Cap 02' 03' and that it is conj. the USA natal M.C. at that time and I guess that should about cover everything except to mention that the event will see the South Node at 19* Aries 15' 59 and it being conj. the USA's natal Chiron at 20* Aries 07' 18"

I should note that at the time of the event Lilith will be 24* Leo 00' 06" [conj. my M.C. and PoF] and conj. the USA natal Part of Inheritance and Legacy [which in natal charts of people I find to be about ones' Spiritual Inheritance and Legacy so I would assume that as to the mundane chart of a nation that it has to do with matters both of the mundane and the spiritual] which is at 23* Leo 32' 06" and moving towards a conj. with the USA Part of Trickery at 25* Leo 33' 10" and incidentally has a Sabian Symbols interpreted by Dane Rudhyar to be indicative of 'Covenants' and that too me also seems to be about 'Treaties'... and I don't think I need to point out the irony of this to any of my Native American brothers and sisters among the forum members

...and not to forget, for anyone that may have overlooked it, that the Asc./Desc. is at 21* aries 29' 33" and the Nodes will have passed over them on August 30th...for what that 's worth.

...and that should about cover it...


please, don't forget to,
Pray for Peace.
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Well-known member
Just some observations as to the Full Moon, Blood Moon and eclipse event on April 15th.

A chart cast for Philadelphia for the exact moment of the event has the 18th degree of Aquarius for an Asc. and the "WHO" of this event.


KEYNOTE: The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives.

This symbol logically follows the two preceding ones. Today, struggle between the power of society and the rights of the individual leads in the end to the defeat of the latter. The media and innumerable governmental agencies are nearly always able to find access to remains or records of past actions; modern psychologists and psychiatrists are increasingly adept at penetrating the deepest secrets of a life through 'analysis' and all kinds of more or less allowed techniques involving drugs and the subconscious reactions of muscles and nerves. The individual whose activities have to remain unrecognized is engaged in a constant struggle; he needs the help of higher Powers as well as of the protective agencies he may have placed at his service.

This is the third stage in the sixty-fourth five-fold sequence of archetypal images of the cyclic process. It refers to the UNMASKING of hidden motives and personal secrets. It may refer to the publicizing of past behavior."

The Desc., the "WHERE-TO".


KEYNOTE: In inquiring into the hidden process of nature, the human mind experiences the thrill of discovery.

Here we reach the level of intellectual analysis and the human ability to control natural processes. This ability is based on the inherited knowledge acquired by a community of men, generation after generation. The symbol stresses this fact, as it presents a teaching situation. The individual demonstrates his power, which is founded on a long series of efforts. He is one link in an ancestral chain which his activity prolongs into the future.

At this third stage of the twenty-eighth phase of the cyclic process we see man, as an agent of the collectivity of human beings, approaching nature in terms of the possibility of transforming it in order to satisfy his needs or his wants. At the highest level of this activity one can speak of ALCHEMY."

The I.C, which is the "HOW" of the chart axis interpreted for mundane matters and the "WHY" for the interpretation spiritually is the 6th degree of Gemini.


KEYNOTE: The avidity for that knowledge which ensures wealth and power.

This symbol superficially considered can be referred to the insatiable drive of modern man for power and wealth, his readiness to accept the risk of failure. But it has a deeper meaning, especially if related to the next symbol. Oil is the end result of the decay of living materials. Drilling for oil may represent the attempt to penetrate to the deep layers of the collective Unconscious and to reawaken the powers of the archaic psyche which once flourished — for instance in the true ceremonial magic of the tribal world, perhaps among the adepts of the fabled Atlantis, or even among the shamans and witch doctors of more recent times. The archaic powers may be 'refined' for modern situations, but the almost inevitable result is the release of noxious waste products, 'pollution.' And there is a pollution of consciousness as well as of the atmosphere man breathes.
The zodiacal sign Gemini has basically the meaning of insatiable curiosity and avidity for knowledge; it is logically a 'human' sign (the Twins). One of the Twins tends to seek power and knowledge from the ancient past, the other to discover a living source of strength and wisdom which is forever being replenished by the celestial downpour of Spiritual Consciousness and love (cf. the next symbol). It is man's nature, alas, to begin with potentially negative emotions and desires.

This is the first stage of the fourteenth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. It deals with the emotional and, at the present-day level of evolution, socially prized reaction of most human beings to the attainment of new forms of knowledge, i.e. AMBITION."

The 6th deg. of Sag. is the M.C. and the "WHY" on the chart axis for a mundane interp. etc.


KEYNOTE: The development of skill in group-situations testing collective goals.

Any society is built on the interplay between groups of people, each group united by an at least temporary aim. The individual person within the group is assigned a particular role in the play; and definite rules have to be obeyed. The game teaches not only personal skill, but fairness and cooperation. Where this symbol is found, the value of making individual-will or ego-will subservient to collective cultural patterns is emphasized. Several symbols belonging to Scene Seventeen (Sagittarius) relate to games or group rituals, because these are 'ab-stracted' from everyday social behavior and used as educative means to develop group-consciousness and an individual sense- of responsibility to the group.

This is the first symbol of the fiftieth five-fold sequence. It refers to the importance of developing GROUP SOLIDARITY."

The vertex of this chart is at 11* Virgo 12' 51" and that happens to be conj. by less than a one degree orb to the part of Sons of the U.S.A. natal chart at 10* Virgo 26' and is conj. in the same degree as the U.S.A. part of Ancestral heritage at 11* Virgo 48' 10"
and it's symbolism is right in tenor with that of the Asc.[ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind.

In contrast to the preceding symbol we have now a scene stressing a physical action with psychological and/or spiritual overtones. In ancient cosmologies the male god often appears in three roles as son, husband and father of the woman element of nature. Nature is fulfilled by the human mind and will that overcome her; she resists only better to be subdued by the power that transcends her, and by transcending her gives her a spiritual meaning. The element of 'training' in the symbolic scene comes from the fact that there has been a marriage ritual; thus the sociocultural factor is in the background. The teacher-guru is here the priest who has performed the ritual.

At this second stage the rules are reversed, the masculine element assuming the dynamic positive part in the great play of polarity. The masculine act balances the feminine dream visualization. The Keyword is UNVEILING. There can also be an unveiling of mysteries, long protected by secrecy."


  • Full Moon April 15 2014 Phila. all aster..jpg
    Full Moon April 15 2014 Phila. all aster..jpg
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Well-known member
As I also cast a chart for my locale for the Full Moon on April 15th...

Note that the M.c. of the chart is at 19* Libra 14' and that is conjunct the U.S.A.'s natal Part of Bankruptcy at 19* Libra 18' and that the Desc. is 27* Gemini 40' and that of the Part of Fortune as well. [ibid]


KEYNOTE: A release from unbearable pressures, freeing one for new tasks.

This symbol can easily be misinterpreted, for while it obviously has a connotation of failure, it nevertheless depicts a particular state of the complex relationship of an individual to his community. The bankruptcy proceedings mentioned here should not be construed as referring to a fraudulent type of bankruptcy. At least in the United States bankruptcy does not imply a moral condemnation; rather, it means that individual failure cannot be separated from the health of the community. The special nature of the whole is implied in the failure of the part to perform adequately under particularly harsh economic conditions. A society which enthrones the principle of ruthless competition must also develop mechanisms to exteriorize the principle of compassion. The latter was at first emphasized by Northern Buddhism, and soon after by Christianity. The concept of atonement is directly related to that of release from unbearable economic pressures in bankruptcy.

This is the third stage in the eighteenth sequence of cyclic phases. In the first two stages we have seen the emergence of a new consciousness based on leaving behind the externals of bio-psychic living in its at least relatively wild and exuberant aspect. Here we have another kind of 'leaving behind,' a LIBERATION FROM THE PAST."

The vertex of the chart in the 10th deg. of Leo.


KEYNOTE: The exalted feeling that rises within the soul of the individual who has successfully passed through the long night which has tested his strength and his faith.

The cold air of night having precipitated upon the field of man's consciousness the moisture of his deepest feelings, this widely spread dew is blessed with the light of significance by the rising sun of the new day. Even tears can be transformed into jewels in the light of victory over night and sorrow.

At this fifth stage of the present sequence we see the potential culmination of the process which began on a note of social and cultural crisis. The would-be reformer has to meet many emotional problems as he begins his work of creation. Creation means transformation; the reformer is actually a transformer if he is truly a creative and inspired individual open to the spirit that 'makes everything new.' The building of a new society, and of one's renewed personality as well, is just as much a process of artistic creation as the making of a delicate glass vase or a symphony. The Keyword is TRANSFIGURATION."


  • Full Moon Blood Moon April 15 2014 O'vale.jpg
    Full Moon Blood Moon April 15 2014 O'vale.jpg
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Well-known member
I've been meaning to get back to this thread for some time now and I apologize for noting mentioning this sooner.
I didn't become aware of this until a few weeks after I made my last post.

There's a lot of talk about a new law that president Obama has gotten passed that changes the American currency and this law goes into effect on July 1st. There's talk about how this new law will devastate the American Dollar and crash the economy.

Now, I've read anymore on the topic other than that. I'm certainly no expert on economics in fact I have had to hire a cpa this past year {That's for the first time in my life.} to deal with a problem that arose with the I.R.S. and a couple of returns that I filed that there is a problem with. But I noticed some transits, at that time, that will be affecting the USA natal chart I subscribe to and not in a good way.

My advice is to make the preparations I have suggested sooner and if you want to play it as safe as possible, you might want to consider getting all the preparations done and before July 1st.

Here's the 'skinny': The crucial days appear to be from July 2nd through the fourth. During that time the Sun will go from apprx. to 10* Cancer 04' to 12* Cancer 16' and will conj. the I.C. of the U.S.A. natal chart at 11* Cancer 44' and the natal position of the Sun at 12* Cancer 38'.

The Moon will conj. the U.S.A. Part of Bankruptcy on July 5th.

Mercury will conj. the Part of Imprisonment exactly on July 4th.

Mars will conj. the Part of Bankruptcy on July 3rd.

Saturn will conj. the Part of Vitality or Energy aka Part of Libido exactly on July 4th-5th.

Pluto will be conj. the Part of Brethren exactly on June 26-7th and be on the same degree until July 15th and within a one deg. orb of conj. until August 9-10th

Lilith will be conj. the Part of Unusual Events aka Part of Mis-Understanding [neither title has been confirmed by me as being appropriate as to this date] on July 3-4th and will be conj the Part of Surgery aka Part of Army/Police exactly on July 19-20th

Chrion conj. the Part of Catastrophe exactly on June 26-7th and will be on the same degree through the entire month of July and it is also the degree of the Part of Intelligence and Skill exactly on June 26-7th and it went retro on Saturday

Saturn is retro and so is Pluto ...and it is the retrograde conjunction that are the 'Hammer', may i remind you all.

...and the True North Node will be will be conj. the Part some of us here at the forum just a few months ago determined as to be more properly tiled as the Part of the Transformation of Ones Own Mind [it only came with the title of Part of Location, which could only be from Horary use in my opinion and it is derived from Asc. + Pluto - Mercury] and that will be exactly on July 10th but the apparent North Node will conj exact on july 3rd.

It's been a real long day for me., I've been up 24 hours and that's all I've got the energy left to scope out for to get the dates, times and any pertinent Sabian Symbols would take me hours more.

Please join me this coming week and pray for the nation and pray for peace, thank you.

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Well ptv, i haven't heard too much about this new law. i admit.. my first reaction when i heard of it was that it was just another fear mongering campaign that seems so prevelant these days.... But then again, i am not so naive to think that everything in our country is peachy keen and that the possibility for a "economic collapse" is out of bounds or even that far away.

Thankfully, the astrology does a good job of speaking for itself... some of those conjunctions are rather interesting so lets cast some charts...

Here's the chart for mars conj usa part of bankruptcy on July 3rd @ 3.44.44 am.

Ac: who: 13.54 gemini (symbols taken from Dane Rudhyar's "An Astrological Mandala"... due to quote limitations these are the shortened versions...)


KEYNOTE: The capacity to transcend the limitations of bodily existence."

DC: Whom-To: 13.54 sag


KEYNOTE: The enduring power of occult knowledge and of its quasi-divine Custodians, "Seed-men" of a previous cycle of existence"

IC: Why: 19.52 Leo (notice ic conj pof)


KEYNOTE: A return to the glorification of natural energies."

MC: How: 19.52 Aqua


KEYNOTE: The answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained and victorious individual efforts."


Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Here is the chart for Chiron conjunct Usa's part of catastrophe.

Hmmm... part of fortune conjunct lilith... with the Ac conj Usa's part of "marriage, partners" ... !! (And juno the asteroid considered to rule marriage conjunct venus...)

this chart is also taking place immediately following the new moon in the 6th degree of cancer...

here are the symbols for the chart axis:


Ac: Who: 10.45 leo


KEYNOTE: The power of tradition as it shelters the beginnings of individual self-expression."

DC: Whom-to: 10.45 aqua


KEYNOTE: The need to rely upon inner inspiration and guidance at the start of new developments."

IC: Why: 29.44 libra:


KEYNOTE: The fulfillment of man's power of understanding at whatever level of existence the person operates."

MC: How: 29.44 Aries


KEYNOTE: The realization of natural boundaries."



Premium Member
Thanks for all the work you have put into this long mundane thread. All of the mundane charts that I am looking at this year point to a really bad crisis ahead. The blood moon eclipse is particularly ominous when set for Washington, DC. and other places of importance to the USA.

The stock market is in a bubble and it will not take much to cause it to burst. I have been taking profits this month rather than buying into it. We all hope we are wrong about these dire predictions, but sometime in July does seem to be the time of greatest danger. From the charts, I find that it could be the out break of war or even an enemy attack on the USA itself that could set this off.

So take some reasonable precautions. It is possible that we may wake up some day soon and like on 9/11/2001 find that the world has changed.


Well-known member
Well, I can't seem to fall asleep now...and i nodded off earlier while typing an email to a mom used to have an expression about this kind of state of being. She would say, "Now you're overtired and that's what happens when you've stayed up too long." ...well, she and my dad used to have coffee right before they went to bed, so she knew something.

I wanted to point out that one of the errors in my post above ...other than the typos and bad the wording of a sentence as to not confirming the Part of Unusual Events aka Part of Mis-Understanding. I meant as of the present I just haven't gotten to doing any research as to the either title being relevant to what the formula for that Part actually produces. The way it is worded, as I posted it, might be taken to mean that the orientation of effect is correct but I wasn't sure about the date it will be of an affect...which is not the case.

Also i just notice that Jupiter will be in the degree opposite the position of Pluto in the USA natal chart I subscribe to in the chart Phoenix V. posted for the Mars conj. event.

Considering that Pluto did cross the natal M.C. just a few weeks ago and is heading back for a retrograde conj. and in fact is just a little more than a half of a degree from an exact retrograde conj. on the Mars conj. Part of Bankruptcy event in addition to Uranus' recent conj. to the Part of Increase and Benefits and also that it'll soon to be going retrograde and returning for a retrograde conj. I can't help but have a genuine concern about these matters and a concern that will last through the remainder of this year and well into the next.

While I have no confirmation that the formula used to derive a "Part of Bankruptcy" is genuine and authentic and though It is a Parts formula that uses a Planet, the Planet Jupiter, as a Personal Point along with two Trans-Saturnian planets, Uranus and Neptune in the formula it must come with some degree of a successful track record as I have seen it in more than just one list.

We'll have to get a chart cast for the New Moon that is immediately prior to the Mars conj. of that Part and the Full Moon that immediately follows it.

...right now, I'm going to go back and talk to Mr. Pillow and see if he doesn't answer back. Those charts can wait another day or two,... but then again i don't have any $$ invested that i need to worry about.


Well-known member
I cast a chart for the upcoming New Moon and was going to write about it but got caught up in a theory/idea that came to me about Hermetic Lots and ended up tinkering with that and writing about my findings in anew thread in the degree symbolism form this eve and notice a new post by Phoenix Venus that I had a need to reply too, and now I'm out of time so I'm just going to post the chart cast for Philadelphia for the New Moon on Friday and share it now so as to save Phoenix the trouble of making one and letting everyone else see what they can squeeze out of it.



Well-known member
As the New Moon on Friday is in a strong trine to Neptune and opposite Pluto the event falls under the description of Czech Astrologer Pavel Turnovsky's criteria to be of a Transformational Lunation influence.

Here's the astrocartography map for the Eastern Hemisphere of the globe...and check out where the Sun/Moon M.C. line is running through...

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Well-known member
here's the astrocartography map for the New Moon event for the Western Hemisphere and ...I'll be the Sun/Moon I.C. line is running right under my very feet here in fact it looks like it runs directly though the Sate Capitol here in Sacramento...:surprised::andy:


Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Wow.... did you notice that the chart axis for the new moon on the 27th is EXACTLY THE SAME as the chart axis for the mars conj bakeuptcy chart on july 3rd? (Its only off by .02 on both sides....)

That must be something....

i really was meaning to devote some more time to this chart but that other thread had me compltely sidetracked.... and i worked for 9 hours today and have to be up in seven more sooo.... i gotta hit that hay. Hopefully can post on it tomorrow...