Exercise - what can you tell about this child's mother?


Well-known member
I understand it is about the Moon but could you explain me the details?
I know the answer to the question and I'll tell it but I'd like to see how you come to a conclusion. Good luck!


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With the Moon being in the 4th, mother is certainty extremely important to this child..and even more so, because it is conjuncting Pluto.

Mother holds a powerful charge and say-so in their lives..

Trining Venus shows an even greater love for mother...

Sextiling Jupiter and Neptune, show a past life, spiritual, otherworldly, even fated bond with her..

But there are also 2 squares, which arent too favorable, especially Moon Squaring Saturn. This is the classical aspect of abandoned or neglected children. No motherly love coming from her, or if she was around, she was probably too busy working and/or too strict of a personality to show much love and tenderness to the child... or at least, this is probably what they feel within.

It gives me the image of a small boy looking out a rainy window, waiting desperately for mommy to get home from work... holding a teddy bear and wishing it were her holding him instead... but she never comes until its nearly bedtime, and as he rushed to the door to greet her, she gives him a rough pat on his head and orders him into bed..... heartbroken, as he waited so long for his mommy to return and he doesnt get what he wanted and/or expected he would get from her.

Moon squaring Uranus shows that her affections may not have been very stable.. some days she shows great love, other days she's so unavailable that he wonders if she even cares.

All in all, there are some very great placements and aspects here, showing an intense love for mommy... but also a sadness that he may not have received everything he thought he needed in childhood from her. He/she may grow up feeling a bit left out, neglected or an empty hole in his heart for the love he never completely got. Of course, this could also be "imagined" on his part.. and she could have given him the world, but somehow, he ends up feeling like it just wasnt enough...


Well-known member
She could have also passed away in the child's early childhood.... Moon conjunct Pluto + Saturn in 12th, and Venus/Mars in 8th... which would explain the lacking of affection the child felt.

Or on the flip side, she could have been involved in negative spheres of life and placed in prison or a mental institution.

All are possibilities..
Moon is sextile Chiron...that's a positive. It's like mom was a strong person, probably overburdened and remote, but also gave the native a sense of strength through difficulty. Maybe?

I suppose i feel that if the relationship with moon Chiron is strong, then the damage from the mother is not truly damaging. More circumstantial.
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Publicly oriented disciplinarian..probably a teacher or some sort or professor.

Next choice scientist or researcher.


Well-known member
Ok, I'll tell you...

You all gave very good answers and I think Ixaee came the closest and she also gave a detailed answer.
With the Moon being in the 4th, mother is certainty extremely important to this child..and even more so, because it is conjuncting Pluto.

Mother holds a powerful charge and say-so in their lives..

Trining Venus shows an even greater love for mother...

Sextiling Jupiter and Neptune, show a past life, spiritual, otherworldly, even fated bond with her..

But there are also 2 squares, which arent too favorable, especially Moon Squaring Saturn. This is the classical aspect of abandoned or neglected children. No motherly love coming from her, or if she was around, she was probably too busy working and/or too strict of a personality to show much love and tenderness to the child... or at least, this is probably what they feel within.

Moon squaring Uranus shows that her affections may not have been very stable.. some days she shows great love, other days she's so unavailable that he wonders if she even cares.

All in all, there are some very great placements and aspects here, showing an intense love for mommy... but also a sadness that he may not have received everything he thought he needed in childhood from her. He/she may grow up feeling a bit left out, neglected or an empty hole in his heart for the love he never completely got.

She could have also passed away in the child's early childhood
.... Moon conjunct Pluto + Saturn in 12th, and Venus/Mars in 8th... which would explain the lacking of affection the child felt.

Or on the flip side, she could have been involved in negative spheres of life and placed in prison or a mental institution.

That was very accurate!

The child was very desired by his mother, she tried a long time to conceive. She was a singer, local celebrity, a very beautiful woman.
Unfortunately she had mental ups-and-downs, she believed she was not beautiful (though she was) and not thin enough.
She kept lots of diets, her friends and family didn't realise that her emotional problems were very deep.
She committed suicide a year after the child was born. She left messages saying she was a failure, ugly and she couldn't stand herself. She assured everybody of her love and said it was only her fault.

She was a strong person who supported a big family (financially), very strict with herself. After that, a scandal emerged between the boy's father and his grandparents each of them accusing the other one of the mother's death (by neglect or even by direct action).

What does it show in the chart about the boy's father?
Is he good with the child? Did he harm the mother in some way or is he also a victim? (For these questions I don't have an answer)

I wondered why I chose such a subject. The answer would probably be that I was impressed by the little boy's picture in a magazine and I wanted to see if he's likely to have a happier life from now on and I drew his chart...


Well-known member
Moon is sextile Chiron...that's a positive. It's like mom was a strong person, probably overburdened and remote, but also gave the native a sense of strength through difficulty. Maybe?

I suppose i feel that if the relationship with moon Chiron is strong, then the damage from the mother is not truly damaging. More circumstantial.

The mother was a strong person but too overburdened. Circumstantial meaning that probably if she were alive they would have had an important connection.


Well-known member
Ok, I'll tell you...

You all gave very good answers and I think Ixaee came the closest and she also gave a detailed answer.

What does it show in the chart about the boy's father?
Is he good with the child? Did he harm the mother in some way or is he also a victim? (For these questions I don't have an answer)

Oh, thats such a sad story... that explains his Moon trining Venus, which shows how beautiful she probably was!

Saturn is trining Venus, so he will probably grow up to look for his mommy in a partner... sort of to fill the void he felt from the situation growing up.

His Sun is in the 10th house, conjuncting MC, so I would take it that his father was the one who gained custody of him and raised him. Sun is also squaring Saturn, so his father probably also didnt give him as much love or affection as he needed either... its also squaring Uranus, which shows the instability of the father as well. The boy likely felt completely hopeless on the love-front from both parents growing up!

The good thing is, his Sun is trining Neptune and Jupiter, so his father in all likelyhood had good intentions to raise this little boy. He probably gave it his all, sacrificed himself and went to great lengths to see to his son's happiness.... but it was probably on a very physical, day-to-day level (6th house) and not a very emotional level. He probably worked hard to take care of him, long hours at work, after his mother's passing, and even took him to church often (10th ruler in 9th), perhaps traveled a lot or other spiritual activities to try to show him that life goes on. That placement can also show some legal battles that his father may have fought for him... 9th house Mercury rules 10th... in Taurus shows that he could have spent A LOT of money on a lawyer to in a court battle, if there was one present..

The other good thing that I see with his father is that, this boy's Sun is trining his Chiron... his father could have helped him heal very much... sort of a soothing balm to the loss of his mother in some way. He could have forgiven his father, if not when he was young, then as he grows up, he will find a place within to forgive him.

But his father may not have allowed him to express himself very well, and pushed him into other activities or directions that he didn't particularly chose for himself. (Sun squaring Ascendant) He may have tried to keep him busy, get him into a working environment at a youngish age, to take his mind off of any sort of emotions when they did pop up...

He could have been very strict indeed, but deep down I beleive that the father figure felt such turmoil and chaos within (sun square Uranus) that he, himself, didnt really know exactly what to do for his son. He had good intentions for his son, but probably ended up winging it the best he could with his limited emotional resources....

As far as hurting his mother; there is a sign here that he may have.

Sun is opposite Moon; this shows that the two parents didnt see eye-to-eye, there could have been violence present in their relationship, and/or separation... because his moon is contacting his sun, and the moon (mother) is conjuncting Pluto.. theres a big possibility that his father could have caused her some kind of pain, probably verbal abuse or emotional abuse (calling her fat, ugly, unworthy, etc).. which is a very Plutonian type of abuse. Pluto, unless it is badly contacting Mars, doesnt usually get physically violent. But spiritual violent comes natural to harsh Pluto aspects.. the wearing down of someone's soul, devious plotting to seek power over them, etc..

Another thing that shows possible violence in their relationships is that not only is Sun/Moon opposite eachother, but BOTH are squaring Saturn in 12th.. it could show the mother's passing was somehow connected to this boy's father. And the father, may have even spent some time in prison (12 rules prisons) over it.. whether he was found guilty of her death or not.. he may himself have slipped into a deep depression also, possibly for feeling guilty over her death.
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Well-known member
Your answers seem so correct, I aspire to have such knowledge one day!:smile:
His Sun is in the 10th house, conjuncting MC, so I would take it that his father was the one who gained custody of him and raised him.
Sun is also also squaring Uranus, which shows the instability of the father as well.
That shows in all the interviews with him. That's why some people don't trust him, because he has confusing opinions which show in any case that he was affected as well.
That placement can also show some legal battles that his father may have fought for him... 9th house Mercury rules 10th... in Taurus shows that he could have spent A LOT of money on a lawyer to in a court battle, if there was one present..
Yes! The trial seems to continue.
The other good thing that I see with his father is that, this boy's Sun is trining his Chiron... his father could have helped him heal very much... sort of a soothing balm to the loss of his mother in some way. He could have forgiven his father, if not when he was young, then as he grows up, he will find a place within to forgive him.
I'm glad to hear that. I hope so, the boy's very little.

As far as hurting his mother; there is a sign here that he may have.

Sun is opposite Moon; this shows that the two parents didnt see eye-to-eye, there could have been violence present in their relationship, and/or separation... because his moon is contacting his sun, and the moon (mother) is conjuncting Pluto.. theres a big possibility that his father could have caused her some kind of pain, probably verbal abuse or emotional abuse (calling her fat, ugly, unworthy, etc).. which is a very Plutonian type of abuse. Pluto, unless it is badly contacting Mars, doesnt usually get physically violent. But spiritual violent comes natural to harsh Pluto aspects.. the wearing down of someone's soul, devious plotting to seek power over them, etc..

Another thing that shows possible violence in their relationships is that not only is Sun/Moon opposite eachother, but BOTH are squaring Saturn in 12th.. it could show the mother's passing was somehow connected to this boy's father. And the father, may have even spent some time in prison (12 rules prisons) over it.. whether he was found guilty of her death or not.. he may himself have slipped into a deep depression also, possibly for feeling guilty over her death.
That seems possible.
Thanks for the insight, it looks the boy will be fine after all, even with such difficult circumstances.I'm glad his chart shows some healing available:)