My concerns about the world salvation - Neptune in aquarius


I write you now for expressing myself and sharing my thoughts and concerns about the people and society´s developement, where is this developement carrying us and my worries about our environment and the other population of the earth, the animals.

Well, after everyday that passes by I become more anxious about the future. Not only my future, but the world´s future. And every day I feel more the sensation of being part of a big plague or infestation. I feel like a parasite, I feel I´m contaminating the sky, the earth and the ocean. And I´m certainly a plague on this earth. I´m eating the world along the other millions of humans. I feel terrible about that.

Recently I had given up my idea of myself being such a small influence in the society, and as looking that the crowds are not that big and the impact of one of us really counts, I see that the progress of a country (in a law sense) and its territories (also ecosystem) is in the hands of a little bunch of average humans. They are not a big deal, they are not super intelligent. They are people that could have been butchers or teachers. And they, as the average people they are, have the responsability of sustaining the well living of millions of people, they have to take care of the territory´s resources and just a couple of them have the will to decide if a whole forest will be sawed down, and ten more of them will make the difference to decide whether or not men and women with homosexual tendencies can be discriminated or not in their job. That´s wrong.
Well, they are doing it horribly and I´m ashamed of them.
Laws have to be changed for the good of the people, not for the good of the economy. After all, a country is its people.
The idea of having laws inserted in a big society by just a small group of average (and inconscient) humans, scares me. A polititian should be an intelligent, fair, devoted, responsible, altruist and moral person.
At least here in Chile, I´m not seeing any good advance made by the politics. I think it must be different in other more developed countries, although this problem can be seen in everywhere.

I think technology is slowly taking our intelligence away. We are sticking in our computers, televisions, and other cybergames waiting those things did everything for us. We don´t think and we wait for other irresponsible people take action for us.
I think this whole thing of revolution and this combat of ideas, this struggle for progressing, this violent struggle of ideas, concepts, who´s the right one who´s the opressive one, all this thing of sitting in some place, static, looking at how the whole nature is vanishing while debating about meaningless social-economic problems is the thing it´s holding us back. We are so inmersed in the abstract plane. So worried about what is morally correct. We are killing ourselves. We are fighting for the lidership stand while our house is burning. We really need to act like intelligent beings, unite forming alliances of friendship and confidence and stick to the saving of our ecosystem. Ecology needs to convert at the citizen´s eyes in an important preservation method imparted by municipalities and ecology needs to be law.
We need superior and better politics or a better government system. We need to develope tolerancy. We need to help the ones that are in trouble, we can´t be indifferent anymore because we all are connected to each other directly or indirectly. We need to colaborate and return to our most primitive social habits: Protect the relational links, protect the weak ones, act united with the purpose of overcoming our most terrible problem, climatic change. That´s how we will survive and co-exist in a better way with the other animals.
I think there will be always a way to make better the living conditions of the tons and tons of people in the world. That´s why technology exist, isn´t it?
Return to the primitive, because we are hominides, we are linked to apes. I wonder if there are monkeys that discriminate others because some color in their fur, or gender or fruit likings, or behavior. No, they don´t! At least not because of ideas.

I think our intellingence is what make us so good and so wicked at the same time.
But our brains are getting slower. I think we must interact more with eachother. To gather in the cave to tell some stories. Or have a great lunch with all the family members. Maybe do more art.
Interaction requires more imagination and brain activity.

I´m very concerned about our fellow animals. I feel very sad and even desperated when I know there is some animal specie that is stopping to exist. All those beautiful animals are getting killed. How bad I feel when I see some rare specie of bird with bright colors and long feather tails that just remains in this world inside documentals, books and pictures!
That is horrible!
We are the most aweful animals in the whole world.
But we are what we are nevertheless. We love the earth and we have to help the other animals.

Look what NightSky wrote in his blog...I didn´t want to write my thoughts in his blog, it´s better to post it here.
Maybe what I said above has to be with this neptune transit over aquarius!
NSky says that this isolation of neptune in relation to the other slow-moving planets, is what´s making people to stick in the ideas and leave all the values, the spiritual things and the feelings and perception of people about what is right or is beautiful to an intellectual concept-based superficial level.
This new approach to the colective states of society and the problems within it acts according to how the aspect pattern is going on.

This is what NSky wrote (I´ll ask him if I can post it when he was online):

There are two possibilities here: One is that cultural ideas will change, the other is that they will continue roughly as the have been since 1966.

Culturally, if the decades following 2010 will be Aquarian in nature, marked by the isolated presence of Neptune in Aquarius in the 2010 world chart. The spirit of equality, the idea of group think will be the fashion. Films about robots in love, music that samples the antiquarian is the fashion of the Aquarian. Aquarius is the “post-modern” sign, the idea with Aquarius is to go through all experiences, all emotions, to provide a medium for the experience and knowledge, but then to step back from it and look at it coldly. Equality is the cultural lexicon of the new era, but an equality which is simply based on equality of knowledge, freedom of knowledge.

This knowledge in the form of ideal Neptune is however, isolated from the matrix of the aspect grid. The significance is that cultural patterns, and what people are doing, what is written about, what is sung about, what the film makers make for TV and Cinema, what people do for escapism will have nothing at all to do with the political formation taking place. This is to say that the T-Square takes place but Neptune is left out in the cold.

One effect of this is that there will be no such thing as “the swinging 60´s” in the terms of it being a cultural revolution of sorts. There will be no “Victorian Age” known for its writers, for its cultural output of Art, Science, of ideas, of illusion, poetry and music that Neptune gave to the 1850 aspect grid from the most spiritual sign Pisces.

Neptune´s absence indicates that this new era will not be “softened” by its subtle glow, by its slightly mysterious, deceitful, enticing and spiritual presence. What it does mean on the other hand is that the political structure will either be away from the global “super-conscience” which Neptune does signify and thus remain out of the common people´s reach, out of our ability to criticise, to write protest songs about, or to support it through our artistic or cultural endeavours.

Despite these assertions there is again room for more manoeuvre. Because Neptune´s placement in Aquarius is strong, it may be possible that cultural change will not be occurring, this in fact appears to be in place since the 1966 aspect in which Neptune was involved. That Neptune was a Scorpio Neptune influenced by planets in Virgo and Pisces. It is possible that Scorpio will continue to be the cultural lexicon to which people live their lives until the next great aspect.

If Neptune is left out of this configuration, this can mean that Aquarius Neptune really does not figure at all in the next Ideology. Because politics will change while the emotional streams in which people live are not revolutionised at all. If we take Aquarius, then the obvious growth of the mass media and Internet group-think is the hallmark of the new Era. It might just mean that people are left on the outside and happy to have nothing to do with it whatsoever. Or on the other hand Scorpionic 60´s sex revolution, drugs, rock and roll, emotional and obsessive cultural trends which are related from gangs and drug associated violence to mental illness, to James Bond, the most Scorpionic 60´s icon with a gun, everything that informs our norms, ideals, accepted behaviour, or what is held in the context of the World´s Neptune will continue to develop along the lines of Scorpio.

So because of Neptune´s isolation ironically in Aquarius, it is possible that there will be no new cultural change. There is none that seems to be occurring now, films and music are of the same style of consciousness that they have now been for 40 years, and they are not likely to change within two years, because there is nothing “new” now the way there really was “new” in previous Eras. If there is, it will be Aquarian, it will be intellectual, and of a friendly, airy nature. If the new Era is to be an Aquarian Neptune phase, then Bond must die and be replaced by a different cultural hero which befits Aquarius and not Scorpio.

So, I think what he wrote is a very keen observation. All what he wrote about social evolution in relation to slow-moving planets in his blog.

This post is in big part my feelings and thoughts about the matter, but also about this neptune transit over aquarius.
So, I´ll like to read what you think about it, your opinions.

I´m interested in what you all think. Post soon :]

And you can move this to another board. I don´t know which one would be more appropriate.


Well-known member
One thing that I want to bring up is that several animal species become extinct daily without humans helping them much along the way, It's natural that things die out sooner or later.
I do agree that society is trending downward, and I quite like the point you made about all of our woes being more or less self-induced, what with the fact that cash rules everything around me, it's not surprising that one becomes obsessed with money.

Hmm, I think I'll attempt a more cohesive and logical reply when I have more time to hammer one out. Kinda just skimmed through the OP so I just kinda responded to some things that stood out. Hence the disconnectedness of the thoughts in my response.


Well-known member
You put forth some excellent points, Squapius!

I think technology is slowly taking our intelligence away. We are sticking in our computers, televisions, and other cybergames waiting those things did everything for us. We don´t think and we wait for other irresponsible people take action for us.
Certainly we would all be better off if we would get more in touch with our feelings and our body's natural intelligence - intuition, whatever you want to call it. Much of what we call "intelligence" - intellectually speaking, can really be better referred to as "mind control". Much of our thoughts have been programmed by what society says is the truth and the way things are done - and the majority of us never even question most of it! But our true intelligence always knows - if we will learn to listen.

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Night Sky

Well-known member
When I wrote that little piece I was thinking of Neptune in cultural terms really. Neptune as pertaining to ideals, lies, stories, film, music.

But there is more to a planet than this.

World salvation: yes salvation is part of Neptune, as is loss, and sorrow.

I am ambivalent towards any thoughts that people are capable of "changing their ways".

I believe in divine retribution... the "weeping and nashing of teeth" kind of punishment, because people don´t see what´s going on really.

Is there really environmental catastrophy coming? Looking at History, civilisation has always been at the mercy of the elements, 1930´s American south became a desert in the space of a couple of years. And that´s 20th century we are talking.

I don´t think people should worry about CO2 or long term stuff like that, but ought to have some measures in place for the next bad harvest or potato blight or pandemic like that. To say that nature is fragile at the hands of humanity is totally off kilter. Hamanity is a new species, a species closely related to Neanderthal, who went extinct. We are at the mercy of nature, have always been and always will be.

The fact that we have managed as a species to control our world to some extent is a great success. The human species is not perfect, and is always evolving. It is funny as a species we don´t value big teeth, or bulk, or speed, or any feature as much as we value intellect. Speaking from an evolutionary perspective. Because the fact is that the brain is where human beings have evolved the most in separation from other animals.