Scorpio stellium 3rd house. What is going on?


Hi there.
Lately, I've been going through a phase of "discovering" myself. I have been doing things that are very out of character for me. I have a Scorpio stellium in my 3rd house with the planets: venus, saturn, mercury, uranus, and the sun.
This summer I attracted a lot of cancer men. I fell in love with one. The breakup is horrendous. I'm a 31 year old woman acting like a 16 year old with a broken heart. I have been manipulative, secretive, untrustworthy, and to be honest throw in some bisexuality and drug use..I generally love to make this guy feel bad.
This is not me. I've never been like this. I read somewhere that a Scorpio stellium can be common in promiscuity. That I can handle, but where is this mean evil side coming from? Am I finally letting it out? Is this the real me? Its exhausting! Any advice on where to channel my energies? Everything I get my claws on is crazy intense.
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The 3rd house rules communication. Is this why I have such intense thoughts? I've had to journal them lately. Also Venus in Scorpio, that is known for being obsessive with love?