When A Chart is Missing a Sign--No Capricorn House

Quick question and sorry if it has been asked. Also--novice astrologer here, if that explains any gap in knowledge.

I am looking at a natal chart for my friend (Cafe Astrology) and am trying to see what house Capricorn rules since he has Uranus, Neptune and North Node there.
But there is no Capricorn. Only Aquarius twice. 7th house at 0'28 degrees and 8th at 21'02 degrees.

Safe to say that 0 degree one is where Capricorn got shafted. I've encountered this before and don't know what to make of it.

Also--he is born 7/9/1991 and I, 1/24/1991. I have Saturn in Cap but he has it in Aqua. Another Cancer gal of mine has Saturn Aqua too (but she has all 12 signs ruling her houses).

I want to confirm--Did Saturn jump forward and then regress back during Cancer season? Every other 1991 baby I know has Saturn Cap. What does this mean for them in terms of the Cap generation at large?

Also, where is his Cap house? Should I just punch his numbers into another website?

Any help appreciated!!!!!


Well-known member
It sounds like you've used a quadrant house system such as Placidus, which gives you houses of varying widths. When you get a really wide house, it can totally enclose a sign, such that it doesn't appear on any house cusp. This is called an intercepted sign. Intercepted signs always come in pairs of opposites, so if this is what what you have, Cancer as well as Capricorn would be intercepted. Then you would find two adjacent, narrower houses with the same sign on the cusp (Aquarius) called duplicate houses. These also come in pairs, so you would probably also see the opposite sign from Aquarius, Leo, on the cusp of two duplicate houses, also.

Intercepted signs don't seem to make a huge difference if they have no planets in them (untenanted) but planets in intercepted signs don't seem to get the juice or traction that they need to fully manifest their potential. This isn't a huge problem for most people.

If you don't like working with intercepted and duplicate signs, you can switch to a whole signs or equal house system, in which case all houses will be 30 degrees wide.


Well-known member
Google 'intercepted signs.'

Capricorn has been swallowed up within the house cusps.

Some astrologers have strong feelings about this, others see it as not that important.

I see it as pretty important. As you already pointed out, Capricorn doesn't have a house cusp to rule. Thus Saturn has one less house to rule.


Well-known member
Uranus rules Aquarius
Modern Astrological Essential Dignity/Debility is strongly reliant
on the original Traditional Essential Dignity/Debility Tables
and few
if any
Modernist astrologers
assign rulership of any sign SOLELY to any outer planet
CO-RULERSHIP is assigned by Modernists :smile:

Originally Posted by dr. farr
I believe that the long established (Western) dignity/detriment model
was developed upon the framework of 12 signs and 7 planets
and that this model works perfectly well
within the context of the Hellenist and Traditionalist whole system models.

I also question the practicality
of attempting to fit other cosmic factors (the outer planets)
into that specific model.

However, concepts such as dispositorship-like influences, elemental qualities, etc
can be applied to these other cosmic factors (the outer planets),
although upon an experimental basis
(until several hundred years of such uses,
and the collection of results from such uses, have been accumulated


Well-known member
I look at both modern and traditional rulers in reading a nativity. In reading a horary chart I stick with traditional rulers but consider the modern outers when they seem especially pertinent.

Speaking of house cusps, oftentimes Aquarian planets will be in a house with Capricorn on the cusp, and then house-ruler (lord) Saturn has a lot to say about those Aquarian planets.