A question about virginity


Well-known member
This question about virginity was received tonight at 20:20. The quesited was a man. The answer, that is: no should have been known to the querent, anyway here’s the chart.


This chart will be judged using William Lilly’s rules about virginity. The indicators of virginity will be first examined, and then indicators as to the opposite will be looked at.

1. The quesited is a virgin if the Lord of the Ascendant, Venus and the Moon are in fixed sign and apply to the benefics.

In this chart, the Lord of the Ascendant is Jupiter. Being in Scorpio, Jupiter is in a fixed sign. Venus is in Taurus, a fixed sign. The Moon is in Libra, a cardinal sign. Venus an Jupiter square the malefics.

2. The significators should be dignified and cast a soft aspect to the benefics, with reception.

Jupiter is in its own terms, only a minor dignity. Venus is very strong, but the Moon is peregrine, although Venus receives her by domicile. Jupiter and Venus are in hard aspect to each other, and to both Saturn and Mars. The Moon is in soft aspect to the Sun, a benefic.

3. The Moon should cast a trine or a sextile to Venus. This rule does not apply.

4. The angles should be in fixed sign, while the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon are in moveable signs.

None of the angles are in fixed signs, and neither the Moon nor the Lord of the Ascendant are moveable.

5. the Moon should be in Aquarius, free from any hard aspect to Mars.

In this chart the Moon is in Libra.

6. The Lord of the Ascendant and the Ascendant should be in fixed signs, while the Moon is in a moveable sign.

The Lord of the Ascendant is in a fixed sign, but the Ascendant is in a moveable sign, and the Moon is in a cardinal sign.

According to these rules, the quesited should not be a virgin. The placement of Jupiter and Venus, which is very dignified, in a fixed sign indicate anyway a lack of variation in the quesited sex life. This piece of information was confirmed by the quesited before I received the question.

Now let’s examine the rules indicating that the quesited is not a virgin

1. If the Moon is in aspect to the Sun and/or Mars, the quesited is not a virgin.
In this chart, the Moon trines the Sun.

2. The Ascendant should not be fixed.
The Ascendant is in a moveable sign

3. The Lord or the Ascendant and the Moon should not be fixed.
Jupiter is in a fixed sign, but the Moon is not.

To sum up most of the significators indicate that the querent is not a virgin.


Summery Joy

Well-known member
Well done, Blumen.

However, you should keep in mind that the ASC is very early. Something is premature about that question.