Is this chart slightly abnormal?


Well-known member
Holy Mackeral! Slightly abnormal?

Something is impossible about this chart. Look at Lilith and the moon so close together. Isn't it impossible for the moon and the apogee of the moon to be so close? I think so. Too bad Frisiangal is getting ready for vacation, or maybe she would have a comment to explain this.

Maverick-what a wealth of information. I'm going to print it out. Thanks

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Those are the HUGEST first and seventh houses I have ever seen! :eek:

Perhaps your friend's uneven distribution of house cusps may provide some insight...

Capricorn Ascendant
Taurus Second House Cusp
Gemini Third House Cusp
Gemini Nadir
Gemini Fifth House Cusp
Cancer Sixth House Cusp
Cancer Descendant
Scorpio Eighth House Cusp
Sagittarius Ninth House Cusp
Sagittarius Midheaven
Sagittarius Eleventh House Cusp
Capricorn Twelfth House Cusp

The signs of Aquarius/Leo, Pisces/Virgo, and Aries/Libra are all intercepted within the first/seventh house axis:

Leo-Aquarius Intercepted:

Leo is where we want to be on stage. Aquarius is where we want to rebel and be original and “different.” Aquarius, being an Air Sign, gives Leo an awareness of others so it won’t run roughshod over them. It also gives originality to Leo’s self-expression. Leo gives a sense of purpose to the rebellion and originality of Aquarius. Without this, Aquarius would be merely an eccentric crank, rebelling only for the sake of rebelling. And that’s what can happen when these signs are intercepted.

In the house where Leo is intercepted, we find it difficult to get noticed, take center stage, to get applause. Since Cancer is on the house cusp, other people will view you in this area as nurturing and emotional. In other words, they are likely to come to you for emotional support instead of giving you the attention you inwardly crave.

In the opposite house where Aquarius is intercepted, the drive to be original and different is suppressed. Capricorn is on the house cusp, and that sign is cautious, conservative, and very concerned with its public image. Every client I have seen with a Capricorn Ascendant and Aquarius intercepted in the 1st house learned early in life that their desire to different, to explore new, strange, and socially unacceptable things was not going to be tolerated. They covered it up with a Capricorn veneer so they could appear to be “normal.” And when the pressure builds up, when they do finally rebel, it could be extreme and inappropriate.

Your Sun and Uranus, rulers of the intercepted signs, could show the way out of these difficulties. For other ways out, look to the duplicated Signs in your horoscope.

Virgo-Pisces Intercepted:

Virgo, like Gemini, is ruled by the planet Mercury. Gemini rules the arms while Virgo rules the small intestine. Gemini gathers information, Virgo assimilates it. Gemini is fast and can do more than one thing at a time. In fact, it has to or it gets bored! By contrast, Virgo is slow, careful, and meticulous. And it always has questions. Remember “Colombo”, the T.V. detective played by Peter Falk? The most famous line from the show is “Just one more thing…” Falk is a Virgo Sun sign. I think one of the reasons he was so successful with the role of Colombo is that Colombo is a Virgo type, always looking for tiny details.

While Virgo deals with material reality, Pisces, its polar opposite, rules imagination and faith, dreams and ideals, things that cannot be touched, weighed, or measured. The dreams and ideals of Pisces can never be reached, but striving for them is what keeps us all going! Years ago, I met a self-made billionaire. He said that to achieve anything, you had to have a picture of what you wanted “like watching it on television.” Pisces rules the ability to have that picture.

With interception, in the house containing Pisces we have great difficulty discriminating, telling the difference between achievable goals and total fantasy. There can be great visions of things we would like to do, but without the help of Virgo, we don’t know how to do them. The house with the Pisces interception shows where we can be easily deceived, by ourselves as well as others.

Virgo is intercepted in the opposite house, and that’s where we can be too critical and judgmental. Without the help from the intercepted Pisces, Virgo becomes the true cynic, knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing. It can work the other way too. In the house with the Virgo intercept, we may attract people who, at first, seem sunny, optimistic, and generous (Leo begins the house where Virgo is intercepted). It isn’t until we’ve been sucked in that they start tearing us apart with relentless criticism.

Look to Mercury and Neptune, rulers of the intercepted signs, for ways out of these difficulties. Look also to the duplicated signs, the ones appearing on the cusps of two houses. These will provide other ways out.

Aries-Libra Intercepted:

Intercepted Aries makes it difficult to take action. Since Pisces is the sign on the cusp (beginning) of the house, the person will generally find it easy to daydream in the area of life ruled by that house, and daydream, and daydream…Taking action tends to get put off. When they finally do act, they are likely to suddenly dive in as if they had never thought about the thing they were considering. Pisces is dreamy and peaceful. Aries is aggressive. Intercepted Aries makes it difficult to be assertive in the life area ruled by the house where it is located. Pisces on the cusp would rather avoid confrontation. Those with an intercepted Aries may fear taking action or asserting themselves. Emotional pressure can build up, and when they finally do assert themselves, they frequently explode, doing something totally inappropriate.

In the opposite house, it is difficult for them to form partnerships where both parties are equal. For example, if the intercepted Libra is in the 6th house, that would cause problems treating co-workers as equals. If it were in the 11th house, the problem would be with friends. Since Virgo is the sign on the house cusp, a person with intercepted Libra will be seen as a servant in that area, or as someone who is always supplying services, or who always has the answers. Conversely, other people may be the ones who are forced into the role of servants. A balanced relationship is difficult to achieve and sustain.

How do you deal with these problems? Look to Venus and Mars in your horoscope. Their sign and house placements, as well as the aspects they form may offer a way out. Also, see which signs appear on two houses. The functions of these “duplicated signs” and the areas of your life affected by the houses they occupy can give you an escape hatch from the interceptions.

The signs of Gemini/Sagittarius are duplicated in the third/ninth, fourth/tenth (Nadir/Midheaven), and fifth/eleventh house axis; the signs of Cancer/Capricorn are duplicated in the sixth/twelfth and seventh/first house axis:

Gemini and Sagittarius Duplicated:

Communications and travel are your way out of the problems caused by your intercepted signs . My own chart is a good example. I have Aries intercepted, which means I tend to daydream for a long time before taking action, and then dive in like I never thought about it before. With duplicated Gemini and Sagittarius, the way out is to read, study, and discuss proposed courses of action first (and then try to talk someone else into taking the action for you!). Don’t forget to check the aspects and the house and sign positions of Mercury and Jupiter for further information on these matters, and to see if there are contrary indicators.

Cancer and Capricorn Duplicated:

Cancer shows where we need a sense of security; need to “feel at home.” Capricorn, by contrast, shows the life areas where we have to organize and build, where we can be efficient.

Arian Maverick


Well-known member
Just an observation that may be totally irrelevant, I don't know. Your friend was born in Finland, right? Once I made a solar return chart for myself from Uppsala, Sweden, which is very far North. The houses were as far out of whack as I have ever seen (some where stretched like this). Does location, ie being so far North, relate to house size?


Well-known member
Hang on, that would mean whole countries of people are likely to have most of there planets in one or two houses, and plenty of intercepted signs...?!

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
I wish I could remember how to mathematically calculate the Midheaven...its degree must be the culprit behind these uneven house cusps.

Arian Maverick


Well-known member
I just did a test chart for 1 Jan, 2006 in Uppsala Sweden, and it looked similarly 'stretched' for birthtime of 12 midday, 6am and 6pm. However, for 12midnight, the house divisions were even.

For 1 July, the chart seemed "normal" for 12am and pm, but 'stretched' for 6am and pm.
Perhaps eomething to do with the VERY short days in winter, VERY long days in summer?

Your friend was born at mid day in Summer

Other than that, I have no idea.......
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Well-known member
The length of the houses is related to the place in earth where the person was born. Somebody who was born in the ecuator will have his chart divided by equal houses. As we go north or south, some houses expand and other contract. It´s mathematical...don´t forget that in these places near the pole days in summer are quite longer and in winter night is longer as well.

It´s very common to have intercepted houses in these areas, so that´s why I don´t give extra meaning to the intercepted houses.


Staff member
This is why there're several house systems... When the chart is set for extreme latitudes - such as this one, so close to the Polar Circle (66.5 degrees of latitude), the houses are streched, when trying to apply "normal" house systems (like Placidus). Just ask yourself what would happen if your friend was born a hundred miles to the north beyond the line where the Sun doesn't rise for 6 months. Houses would be completely useless.

House systems are just mathematical methods of dividing the sky above the birthplace. Obviously, in cases like this one, Placidus is no good, as even a Finn cannot an 11th house of only 6 degrees. I mean, come on, I know it's cold out there and people are scarce, but they still have friends, right?

I remember I read considerations on such cases and the recommendation was to go with an equal house system based on the Ascendant.


the closer the altitude is to the north or south poles, the more discrepancy there may be between the house cusps.

some house systems divide the cusps (succedent and cadent) between the AC/DC axis and the MC/IC axis by different variables, such as time or space.

if you think about it, in places of extreme northern or southern altitude such as alaska, depending on the seasonality, there may be long periods of time, like a month, when the sun does not move below the horizon at all! (or doesn't rise...); all natal charts from that a certain time period would be daytime charts, for example.

I have a few friends from Alaska with strange charts like that; & likewise, they're very interesting individuals


Well-known member
Francesca said:
Holy Mackeral! Slightly abnormal?

Something is impossible about this chart. Look at Lilith and the moon so close together. Isn't it impossible for the moon and the apogee of the moon to be so close? I think so. Too bad Frisiangal is getting ready for vacation, or maybe she would have a comment to explain this.

Bags aren't quite packed, Francesca.:)

It IS possible for the Moon and Black Moon Lilith to be conjunct. It happens more than one would expect and appears to have a solid meaning!

I'm not too good at astronomy but will try to explain as best I can.

Black Moon Liith (BML) is an HYPOTHETICAL point between Moon and Earth situated on a line with the same degree as the Moon's apogee. For anyone reading this who is unfamiliar with the term, it means the Moons's furthest position from the Earth in its monthly orbit of the Earth.
Did you ever play dotted lines drawings as a child, when you had to link numbered dots to make a picture? If you do the same thing with the moon's apogee point each month and link the points together (although there is a technical calculation to get this, astronomically), you get an imaginary circle that marks the Moon's apogee position, with which BML's position correlates. A calculation is then made that implies the HYPOTHETICAL movement of BML per day.
An astrological acquaintance was kind enough to produce an on-line ephemeris that supplies the daily TRUE and MEAN positions of Black Moon Lilith for 100 years, for which I am ever in his debt. The link is:

As an hypothetical point, BML is not a physical object. So, amongst many other things, it appears to imply feelings that are the fruthest (or deepest!)from expressing themselves, OR, that which isn't physically there, according to the aspects it makes to the physical planets. This is especially significant with BML conjunct the Moon's actual position. It's been observed to correlate strongly with 'feelings that are not there', I.O.W., emotional neglect, disconnection and lack of bonding with the mother figure. The person with such a configuration acts 'as if I don't care and don't need anybody', whereas it's merely a farce, or a role portrayed to hide very deep feelings of emotional insecurity and the yearning to belong. If there are harsh aspects between BML, Sun and Moon, the child may never have known one or other of the parents. It may have been put up for adoption, etc.etc.

BML does seem to feel the most comfortable in Aquarius, as in the chart shown, because Aquarius is associated with emotional detachment. The question is why someone acts in this manner; the answers will lie in the aspects BML makes to the physical planets, which could indicate that which never physically is/was. The inner world, however, is immensely strong and, positively speaking, BML is often indicative of the 'natural inner trait' just waiting to surface.;)


Cassie Priam

Well-known member
You are going to get this kind of house distortion with someone born in the extreme northern or southern latitudes. That is why there is some controversy about house system used.

Sure looks odd doesn't it? If you google northern latitudes and house placement you will get the info you need and some possible solutions!
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New member
my god. that is the largest interception that i've ever seen. to answer the poster's question about it being 'abnormal', then i would have to wholeheartedly agree on that one. i've never seen interceptions that large -- a width of about 4 houses across. it looks like taurus/scorpio's intercepted.

on a personal note, i have interceptions myself, but nowhere near that large. previously, the longest stretch of interception (as i've experienced it) was about only two houses across. mine are leo/aquarius and are on the aries/libra axis or 1st/7th houses. it's come off as quite a shocker, and i have found it totally UNREAL!