How close are we to the truth


Well-known member
If we spend all our days in question, when God himself stands before you, the unquestionable.. you see? if we constantly question we will have been at least our lifetimes worth of questioning for whatever its worth, enough to notice the unquestionable, is this not God?


Well-known member
think about it


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Well-known member
if god is unquestionable and you are questioning, then you will never notice god since this is not the way to find 'it'...

two things I know-there is a complex reason for everything, treat everything as you want to be treated.

everything else I don't know...........


Well-known member
negative! you're lookin too much into it

"if god is unquestionable and you are questioning, then you will never notice god"

you're dancing around the truth! I seem to question things and don't know why I am sometimes...The thing is we have those moments in life where we stop and a sunset speaks to us, the wind lifts our body and we start to question everything so when things like this happen, give thought, its unquestionable the only way all this can be is through something more. People used to look at the Sun and say it give life, but what gives life to the Sun?

IMO if the ancient people were into looking at long-term alingments, than whatever takes the longest to revolve in this whole thing would be must sacred. " the return", power is inspiration, seeing the sun rise is one thing, but knowing something like this "event" only happens this so often is more proof of God, its proof of a bigger machine. So who is it we praise, the clear fact there is something more, or the things which are close? Like the Sun, the Moon and Earth.

I have two seperate problems

since this is not the way to find 'it'...You can find God in many ways, just like people in Jail can find inspiration to do art.


Well-known member
If we would't question God, than there was no God for us, but the fact that we question it, makes God alive.. Maybe in our imagination, or maybe in a dimension we are not able to see. The fact that we are human and that we have our own reality were we believe after seeing doesn't mean that there aren't other realities. The universum is huge.. Maybe God is the universum...
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