what is natal astrology?


Well-known member
Re: what is the basics of astrology?

Hi. Each celestial body and orbital plane - and also the rotational plane of Earth - has a particular meaning. The relationships between these factors are subject to cyclical change, and these cycles reflect cycles of change in the way terrestrial wholes function.For example, the operation of the martial function undergoes a cycle of change which coincides with the tropical zodiacal cycle of Mars, another which coincides with the diurnal cycle of Mars, and so on.

Each cycle unfolds according to the same pattern, which Rudhyar referred to as the Movement of Wholeness, which involves a shift of emphasis back and forth between multiplicity and unity. Thus we have 'individual' houses and signs, and 'collective' houses and signs. To learn more about this fundamental but often overlooked feature of astrological lore, I would start with Rudhyar's The Pulse of Life.

Best wishes



Well-known member
Re: what is the basics of astrology?

Unfortunately, many misleading information is given when researching this specific subject. The basics of astrology are the planets and what light they project onto Earth, the way they move through the sky, how each planet can be dry, hot, moist and/or cold, how the light of the Sun may make a planet completely invisible, how the basic temperament of the planet is changed depending on the sign (essential dignity), and how that, in a chart, might be accidentally dignified through the houses. You've got to understand that the planets represent energies present in every human being, and without the presence of them, you wouldn't be a human being. For example, everyone has a sense of right and wrong (Sun), everyone has a basic animal instinct that's used to defend oneself from harm (Mars), everyone experiences misery (Saturn) and everybody experiences luck at some point (Jupiter). This is why I believe astrology doesn't affect animals, instead, it only affects humans. Generational planets are meant to be aspects that are common in society and in humanity as an entity, instead of being part of somebody's basic personality. However, they still affect your personality in some ways, that is, the way parts of your personality interact with society as a whole. This means that planets like Pluto may interact with personal planets (like Sun or Venus). Personal planets aspecting outers is common among people who change their surroundings or that manage to do something great in their lives. Bill Gate's Jupiter in the 2nd is conjunct Pluto, this is why his resources and money have accumulated so much. Without Pluto, his money wouldn't have been spent on research, on technology that helps people, or on healthcare/preventing extreme poverty. This leads me to think that you shouldn't be saying "My Pluto/Uranus/Neptune" when talking about your natal chart, it's simply a force that can be used, think of it like as if it were a point (like the PoF). But anyway, going back to the main subject, I think it's important to think about exactly how the sky looks when reading a natal chart. I haven't read about what I'm gonna say, but I bet you that a day chart makes its planets hotter, whilst night gives a colder energy onto its planets.


Staff member
Basics of astrology, to sapphire


You asked:
what is the basics of astrology?

As above, so below. That's astrology at its most basic. Things that happen in the sky somehow reflect things going on on the Earth. Most astrologers don't believe there is a direct connection (e.g., light waves, sound waves, etc. that directly affect people and events) but instead there is some sort of metaphysical connection that goes beyond known science.

As to exactly what the nature of that connection is...THAT'S where the heated astrological discussions begin! :D




Well-known member

You asked:

As above, so below. That's astrology at its most basic. Things that happen in the sky somehow reflect things going on on the Earth. Most astrologers don't believe there is a direct connection (e.g., light waves, sound waves, etc. that directly affect people and events) but instead there is some sort of metaphysical connection that goes beyond known science.

As to exactly what the nature of that connection is...THAT'S where the heated astrological discussions begin! :D



And that connection works!! It's amazing!


Premium Member
Re: Explain about natal astrology?

Vague questions and topics tend to draw lots of silly posts anymore. Whole libraries of books have been written on the subject of natal astrology. To keep it simple, it is the casting of an astrology chart for the time and place of birth. If the astrologer is using traditional methods, the important events of the native's life and even the length of life can be predicted. Modern astrologers often use the chart for psychological analysis. Go through the forum archives and you will find lots of helpful information on natal and other types of astrology like horary(questions), events, electional and mundane.