The bad astrologer, by Cardano


Those who try to sketch out predictions in general terms, like the Arabs, Firmicus, Pontano, and like others more recently do, act like that man who, willing to build a house, places all the beams in one place, all the tables in another place, all the lime in yet another place, and in another place again he puts the sand, in another the stones, in another place the iron grips, and in another place he puts all the tiles. He thinks he did a good job, he observed the right order, however he did nothing to build any house. This is not different from what those who say “Saturn here means this, and Jupiter there means that” do. This approach is useless and doesn’t profit any prediction. Briefly, it is necessary to know how to connect the single meanings. For example: Saturn in Aries, at the ascendant, sometimes means the body, sometimes morality, sometimes it indicates the life span, other times it indicates the possessions, but it can even mean friendships, or the wife’s condition, or dignity, or sons, or the quality of death, travels, etc. And if someone said: “I’ve put in order the tables, the nails, the bats and all the rest, but the house is not built; so the art of building a house is of no value!” wouldn’t the constructor, but everyone else too, laugh about him? In the same way, if you said: “Astrology books lie when they say that, when Saturn and Jupiter are in a sign, in a given house, with a given symmetry, then, some given things will happen. But truly, sometimes they happen, and other times they don’t, and because of this all the astrological predictions are in vain!”, then you’d be worth the same laughters as that other man from above.
Now, you could say: “But in this way it’s really difficult!” But what are you surprised of, my dear friend? This is the book of God, optimum and maximum, this is the sky. And it’s like a book written in minute prints. Some people can read something out of it, like Ptolemy, or like us, who have indeed interpreted Ptolemy in full extent, without leaving a single syllable out. Other people can read less out of it, and others can read very little, and some others instead can read nothing out of it, be it because they are carried away by desires or hunger, or because they’re not versed for philosophy, or because they lack a real discernment, or because they don’t know about the principles of the theoretical astrology, the motions, magnitudes, positions, etc., or again, they don’t apply themselves on this Book as much as they should, or they lack faith and are deceived by a false nativity, or because, having instead a correct nativity, not everything happens as we predicted. Because, as Averroes already stated, in every art there are incredible things, especially when you lack the experience of a long practice on the tiniest, peculiar things of your own region. Notice here, that in the Book it is reported only what is generally common to all the regions. But ‘perseus’, for example, is a poison in its country, while in Egypt it is a delicious fruit and you can eat it without danger. In the same way, a wandering star that rises in Milan will have its own notable effect, that wouldn't happen similarly if it had to rise in Germany. Ultimately, another impediment to the reading of the sky is given because we can’t measure with the due precision, or we use the wrong instruments. All these things are necessary and no one of these should be missing.

Gerolamo Cardano, Opera Omnia, 1663

I've just translated this into english. Hope you like and correct it if something is poorly rephrased.
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The explanation above speaks of the untrained eye unable to reveal a succinct explanation that is thorough, resulting in sketchy delivery of delineation efforts.

Much speaks for the Astrologer who can specifically establish a disciplined method-technique that must be applied to respond to an exact 'context' of the worded question. The Astrologer able to unearth-delve into occult understandings of sign related energies is quite able to explain Cabal/Astrological associations justifying just what and why there was motive to inquire in the first place, giving a much richer explanation to the query. A more detailed picture emerges from recognizing interrelationships of powers in the heavens-revealing themselves in the map. The Astrologer establishes with absolute truth, as for instance houses of the client (1st house), Astrologer (7th house) benign or discordant energies (hopefully otherwise) considered for some caution towards the relationship each have for each other, in able to deliver a correct delineation for an adequate answer, for the recognized associations in the art, proving out descriptions each element of a chart has with each other.

As to consistent application in performing the art, every element/sign, house, planet, aspect in the heavens will reveal an association somewhere else in the chart, aiding the wise Astrologer to establish revelations of deeper truths for the questions satisfactory answer-often times with origin
somewhere else in the map. As the mind is complex, so then is the psychology behind the querents reason to ask a question.

The mind is not static unto its organ processes to thinking and body associations other members in the whole-it works as an organism that is constantly stimulating; it having an interconnectedness that continues life itself. (i.e.; synapse stimulations which lead to effective mental acuity developing thoughts, emotions leading the individual along other venues of thinking process that help an arrival at coherent mental cognizance and expressiveness-metaphor to a likeness the spheres might play in interactive principle.) The spheres are of like comraderie as the unit of an organism.

Decanate associations or element triads-terms, faces, so forth prove this point. It is the realizations and discussion of these inter-relationships, i.e., a same awareness to such principle's that reveal hidden depths towards any delineation practice, that creates the 'solve' or meaningfulness to the clients query. As stated above there are myriad interactions that each sign/house/lord has with another, the context or subject matter behind the question is never simple.

As the planets serve as governors or ambassadors to eternal fixed estates along the heavenly belt the vivifying energies interrelated by seasonal changes show familial interactivities, each season following another, revealing truth of foundational associations and complexity to our renewal and existence to continue. In this same likeness one signs kingdom of duty does not exist without another signs interrelatedness to its origin or purpose of role..all answers given in astrology must follow along this reasoning.

Again the part the Astrologer must uncover in the horary should reflect as much as possible not only by the
discipline of technique but the part of a sensitive prophet with insight-foresight, as much to the querent's plight or circumstance that aids to solace the mind and spirits quest. The aid which the members of the body are likened unto in interconnectedness are similar to the planets and all the heavens tools for our discernments. It is by our care for another that we may lift up our art from hocus pocus practice to divinity of science.

Hoping there is some reference of explanation similar to the learned statement above; a reflective thought provoking to truth that all things are somehow inter-connected-eternal.

All the best

Hoping my commentary is not too pedantic..

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