Sag Luck 2006-2007


New member
Greetings to all! I just found this site and became a member. Great site and I find Myself coming here often. My question, can I expect any
change in my luck in the next year? Thanks in advance!

DOB: 12/02/1963 3:02pm edt NYC USA Richard


Well, I believe Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius has moved into its home sign of Sagittarius, where it will stay until around this time next year, I believe. This is supposed to be a very prosperous time for Sagittarius, generally speaking.


Well-known member
I've been on a quite a rollercoaster ride myself last year, and I'm a Sag. I sure hope this coming year will lighten up the load and bring in the good stuff!:eek:


Well-known member
Well as for me , Sag has just started to clean up the mess left after the Mercury Rx, in a big way. I have just been hit with vary large debts & bills, looks like xmas is going to be quiet for me.


Well-known member
My son has had the worst year in his life, starting on the 2nd of January with a bad motorcycle accident. Miraculously survived , left his job (worked for father which was a disaster to say the least), is now in a foreign country and since Febr. no job. One bad thing after another happened to him, lost practically all his savings. Had to have another operation just a month ago to remove plate from first OP. Car suddenly had all sorts of problems. Had to wait about 6 month to get citizinship. Problems with credit card payments (Bank mistake!) and now his whole family is sick with the flu and he will run out of money end of January if he does not get a job soon so I really do hope that Jupiter will give him a helping hand!!! Pluto has hopefully done his job by now. (went over his Mars, Neptune, Mercury, Sun in 9th and 10th house and oh boy oh boy, still has to hit his Venus in about 5 years......and his Moon opposite Saturn after that.) Needless to say he does not have it easy right now. Let's hope for the best (he does with unwavering Saggitarian optimism!!)