Left Handed VS(ha) Right handed Astrologers

Are you left-handed or right-handed?

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Well-known member
So how many astrologers here are left handed and how many are right handed?
I think it is a valid question being both are going to approach a chart differently.
I know I do...
I'm left handed.

SO how do we approach charts differently...or basically anything....
This chart from wikipedia.

Left hemisphere functions Right hemisphere functions analytical holistic verbal prosodic logical intuitive mathematics (exact calculation, numerical comparison, estimation)
left hemisphere only: direct fact retrieval[5][6] mathematics (approximate calculation, numerical comparison, estimation)[5][6] present and past present and future[citation needed] language: grammar/vocabulary, literal[7] language: intonation/accentuation, prosody, pragmatic, contextual[7]

Possible effects in humans on thinking

There are many theories on how being left-handed affects the way a person thinks. One theory divides left- and right-handed thinkers into two camps: visual simultaneous vs. linear sequential.[46][47][48][49]
According to this theory, right-handed people are thought to process information using a "linear sequential" method in which one thread must complete its processing before the next thread can be started.
Left-handed persons are thought to process information using a "visual simultaneous" method in which several threads can be processed simultaneously. Another way to view this is such: Suppose there were one thousand pieces of popcorn and one of them was colored blue. Right-handed people—using the linear sequential processing style—would look at the popcorn one at a time until they encountered the blue one. The left-handed person would spread out the pieces of popcorn and look at all of them to find the one that was blue. A side effect of these differing styles of processing is that right-handers need to complete one task before they can start the next. Left-handers, by contrast, are capable and comfortable switching between tasks. This seems to suggest that left-handed people have an excellent ability to multi-task, and anecdotal evidence that they are more creative may stem from this ability to multi-task.
Right-handed people process information using "analysis", which is the method of solving a problem by breaking it down to its pieces and analyzing the pieces one at a time. By contrast, left-handed people process information using "synthesis", which is the method of solving a problem by looking at the whole and trying to use pattern-matching to solve the problem.[49]
The hypothesis that left-handed people are predisposed to visual-based thought has been validated by a variety of evidence. In the 2004 book Brains That Work a Little Bit Differently[50], researchers Allen D. Bragdon and David Gamon, Ph.D., briefly described some of the current research on handedness and its significance. "Handedness researchers Coren and Clare Porac have shown that left-handed university students are more likely to major in visually-based, as opposed to language-based subjects. Another sample of 103 art students found an astounding 47 percent were left- or mixed-handed." [page 76]
Ultimately, being left-handed is not an all-or-nothing situation. The processing styles operate on a continuum where some people are more visual-simultaneous and others are more linear-sequential.

I'd like to look at this more later....I can explain the left handed side quite well...just not now....too much mud between the ears.......
I'd like to know if many noticed astrological indicators of this...
In the past I have hear that the left hand side of the body is negative..while the right hand is possitive...I have also hear that in the case of a left haded person this polarity switches, so... that is interesting....I used to think water for left handed fire for right..at least loosly...nut now I do not know.



Well-known member
What an interesting idea for a thread!

So, let us shake hands Tsquare, but the left ones.:D Yep, you got it, I too am left-handed (and when I was still in my teething stages of Astrology, I used to simply pin this on being an Aquarius Sun, always 'falling outside the line'/norm:rolleyes:).

Anyways, what particularly caught my eye, in all that information you shared with us, is:
Left-handed persons are thought to process information using a "visual simultaneous" method in which several threads can be processed simultaneously. ....Left-handers, by contrast, are capable and comfortable switching between tasks. This seems to suggest that left-handed people have an excellent ability to multi-task.

The above is quite true for me, at least. Not always, but I do often switch back and forth between threads, and am a pretty visual person, too. Have almost no problems with multi-tasking either, though, I do wish at times that that Uranus in my 3rd house would be a bit more relaxed, and relieve me a bit of all that hyperactivity in that upper storey of mine:rolleyes:. For eg, I often tend to think, I could be missing on some new and interesting info, so let me quickly have a look at that other thread, etc; and then, say if the phone bell rings simultaneous to my doing something on the computer, I indulge in a juicy conversation there, too. Very often, I do think it is better to complete one task completely before taking off on another one.

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Hi Tsquare,

Have you posted this twice? Once for left-handers and once for right-handers perhaps?

I'm right-handed but left-legged and try always to see the detail in the big picture and to create the big picture from the details - invariably being seen by others as a nit-picking left-brainer.

Maybe you need a poll for this thread?

Edit - actually I am right-handed in most things (eg. writing) but left-handed in some (eg. batting in baseball) - and not ambi-dexterous. Astrologically, the only thing I can see in my chart that might be relevant is Uranus on MC in Gemini/9th ruled by (and exactly sesqui-square) Mercury in Scorpio/2nd - perhaps suggesting a mental changebility that might show itself physically as a changeability in the use of my two hands.

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Well-known member
Have you posted this twice?

The thread has indeed been posted twice (thanks for letting us know, EJ). I checked the other one out, and since the last para in your post here, Tsquare, is missing in the post on the other one; plus you have received responses on this thread already, I have made the other one redundant. Hope ok.



Well-known member
I'm left handed and am very visual, but am now a real mix of visual, aural, learning by doing. As to multitasking I'm average, but slightly forgetful- better not to go into details...

I like to think of myself as being very creative, but instead of going with that I went with the rather perverse option of choosing to study law to 'ground' myself, to give myself a more practical frame of thinking. In hindsight I wish I'd gone with the creativity thing. I don't know- if you had to choose, and one did not lead to the other, would you rather develop a strength or overcome a weakness?


Well-known member
Have you posted this twice?

The thread has indeed been posted twice (thanks for letting us know, EJ). I checked the other one out, and since the last para in your post here, Tsquare, is missing in the post on the other one; plus you have received responses on this thread already, I have made the other one redundant. Hope ok.

LOL, sorry..............
Blame it on Retro Mercury or my own sleepiness....I'm nost sure exactly how I do such things sometimes......I probably posted it..then realized something and stoped the submission...then posted it after some editing...thanks for removing my double post, I appreciate it.

I looked at my uranus the same way.....being uranus is described much like how I do things...I do have uranus trine mercury and sun....and I do have uranus in the 4th......and I have read uranus in the 4th tends towards a disinterst in past....so I asn't sure.....but spactial relation does mean allot to me and in some ways handedness alone describes not only my ways of comunicating....Ioften wish people could see or basically hear my enunciations....and also it effects how I "analize things"...I have in the past actually done work on being more analitical....I have tried....but ding things in steps, one after the other...irritates me to noe end...so once again I have atributed this to uranus in the past....the inability...not relaly an ability...yet maybe in some ways it is.....more the natural way of looking at the whole of something and then multitasking away at it.....when I look at a chart I really do look at patterns and when comparing charts I actually visualize the charts I have seen before..I do allot of visualizstion for my memmory and I think this is ther reason for my inacuracy at numbers sometimes...I don't look at some linerally created llist in order to find the numbers..and exactness doesn't always mean allot to me...although I do apreciate it at times....it just seems I am better at rounding things to get a full view or picture or what something is.....I alwo thought of being an archetect at some point....
It sn't that left handed people are not good at math....it is that we can also use a differnt form of math....hegher end equations......like advanced physics....I have read in the past that a very very large percentage of people in NASA are really left handed....it was some insane percentage....I have that book stuffed somewhere..but am not sure where....
And I didn't know Barack Obama was left handed.....
From astrology Obama has a leo sun........the first thing I would look at in trying to see a relation is, is the person of a fire sign or a water sign....I have read before that fire is outflow and the right side of the body is atrubuted with that while the left is more negative...so inflow......yet I have also read that handedness can mean next to nothing...it just depends how the person is "wired" so to speak......there are just loose percentages on all of this data...but i can relate with spatical awareness and use....and much of the other stuff....more creative....working with music is natural to me......I'm not always very reasonable, and I do like to create things....I also know that man did not create the world arround him for left handed people except for some castles of some families....I believe in Scotland or ireland....some families were entierly left handed....and they built their castles to defend them by running the spiral staircases so when they would dfend them top to bottom the ememies sword was in their right hand next to the wall...and theirs was away from the wall as they went down the stairs...IOW, the spiral spun cluckwise and downward.....

Most, or at least a large percentage, of Tennis players are left handed....once again...spatial relation...I was quite good at table tennis as a kid......things like that can be quite natural to me...I think Nadal..the greatest mens tennis player of now is left handed....
We have a different way of viewing and looking at the world....
This I see as very very accurate...there is a difference...
We can be horrable with languages and vocal linear ways of comunicating....but I can vibrate a sound across a space very well....and I can find you in a room very well by not looking at every damnthing in the room to find you....I just see you...you pop out...I don't do things in a one thing after another fassion....although I have trained myself to do that as well..but it is not natural...what the article says about the blue pieces etc. that is how I find puzzle pieces for puzzles...I don't go through and try each one to completion on a spot....I simply look fo it by looking at them all...and it does work if you are good with spatical awareness....but this iritates others who are not like this to no end...they can not see that you are doing anything....in some cases similar I have actually been attacked for this reason....suposedly because I did not have me pieces in the same order as other I had made no progress...they did not bother to look at the progress I had made...just htat I was no organized how othes usually are....another reason I atributed this to Uranus...and Maybe aquarious or uranus does indicate this in some weird way...but if it does not then I would rather not grant that to it...that will clean up the way I look at that sign and plannet....

If your left handed then you know sissors are a pain to use......nless they are specially make for your hand becuase you can not see where you are going.........the sissores overlap becuase of how they are put together...and you can't see the line you are cutting...there are other things like special tools and sch only made for right handed people....
Suprisingly I do actually work, or have worked in construction using algebra on a daily basis as well as fast mental calcuations.....I used to build cabinets....do woodwork.....
I had trouble with Engilish as well....at least the rules of speach...and writing...where the comas go...etc....I'm STILL LEARNING THAT.....but in person I am a very good comuniatior able to enunciate quite well, able to gain context from situation......I look at more things then just the dirrect comunication and words...it is often how I spot liars as well...I don't judege people by their words alone..there is their actions but there are alo many other things...like my gut...o thei eyes, the way they move as they talk...all are good indicators often and predictable...I wouldn't say I am goverened by inner emotions in such but I would say I maybe can see them better then others.....also you would not see me put them on a linear scale yet I may define them....things can get too exact and my obsevations always indicate that things are not as linear as much of the world believes....it is even my idea that hte man who said the world was flat and tried to make everyone believe it was originally right handed.......this is the spacial relation thing.......it seems right handed people respoct authority more and also are more observant of information....what i mean by authority is when someone in a subject because of rank totally overides all obeservations just becuase of his status....what I mean is when someone is obviously very wrong but many believe it becuase he must be right...I could say that better but I get that others can get the main idea of waht I am talking about...
Right handed people seem to be more reasonable.
I;m not saying left handed people have a disrespect for authority....I'm not saying they are rebellious for the sake of being rebellious....I'm saying that whenfaced with a situation of being forced to do things a certain way that is unatural to ones way of viewing or seeing things it simply will not work out too well....it may be very similar to asking a blind man to see, and a deff man to hear....it may just be hardwireing and it may just mean that we do things differntly..I don't know...I'm open to possibilities on this....but I do know that, on another subject....sort of...it is very hard and very irritating to write with ink on paper left to right....there are some langages that are not like this...I am envious....I grow tired of thie ink on my hand and I grow tired of holding my pencil cupped in an odd way...and I grow tired of forcing the pen across the page.......it is said that those who write their D's in their name in a angualr slanted way to right are more agressive as people and those that study handwriting analysis notice that they are not to be trusted, they can even be dangerous and very vey agressive physically....hahahahahahahahaha.....My first name starts with a D, so does my last....I slant them to the right because I'm left handed..that is usually how the paper and my hand is tilted....the top right corner of those letters is always to the right and looped over that way...becuase my hand goes that way as I write....try it once just moving your hand arround in a d shape as if you are putting it on a line of paper.....it is simple mechanics of moving the hand that causes this...it is not that I am forcefull with the pen, or angry when I write.(LOL).....handwriting analyises I hope takes this into concideration.....mainly becuase I have heard many are begining to use it or have looked at it....maybe even banks for loan aplicatants...but that to me is a roumor...I do not know...

Maybe i only complain so much becuase i have a 3rd house stellum?
Pens and papers, writing and drawing have always meant allot to me....yet I am not exactly amazing with language....I could be better...it is what i want to work on....maybe being ableto be more linear as I choose....I need to know more...but it only seems it does me good amoung the majority...that may be enough to change...yet statistics(often bad lies) does show there are more lefties today then any other time in history....pick your theory...maybe it's polution.(laugh)

When looking at a chart I actually compare it to other charts by visualizing the other charts side by side....seeing hte older chart recreating it...and sometimes I create the shapes of patterns to "get a feel" for them.....architects do this with finding the "harmony' of a room...I think natural Feng shui falls under this catagory...I have always been able to do such naturally...and I originally in astrology atributed this to my leo moon....interior design is just something I am concious of..I am concious of the space of a room..it's angles...and HOW THAT FEELS.....I do this with shapes to see theiratributes and oddly the names I find listed in strology fit very very well...such as 'EASY FLOWING" for trines...and "hard apsect" for squares.....all squares are very tense...the actualy feel confining like any box....they have an inherant strength but they are still confining...their is much pressure on the two points though they are strong that strength comes with also fixation.....and solidity..and solidity can be uncomfortable...unbendability....there may be a better word........I am sure there are left handed people of every sign..so I am thinking of rulling it out of astology but I am not doing so untill observations do so theirself.

I'm left handed and am very visual, but am now a real mix of visual, aural, learning by doing. As to multitasking I'm average, but slightly forgetful- better not to go into details...

I like to think of myself as being very creative, but instead of going with that I went with the rather perverse option of choosing to study law to 'ground' myself, to give myself a more practical frame of thinking. In hindsight I wish I'd gone with the creativity thing. I don't know- if you had to choose, and one did not lead to the other, would you rather develop a strength or overcome a weakness?

I don't know how to view it yet.....it is a weakness in terms of how society is built arround one....things are naturally created for magorities in society...I do not see myself as akward though exceprt for in the many ways that other comunciate and use the things that we have created for ourselves to use as tools.....in a left haded society the tools would be different so where would be the weakness.....I suppose in languages we would be inherantly weaker....and same in math..
I heard once and never much looked into it....The Vikings did not use basic alegebra to build their boats...and those boats went quite far....they used spatical relation to build thei boats...I wish I knew where that was but that was some time ago...years ago that I read that on the net....it's just a differnt way of doing things...and if those things were popular I hoenstly think the other side would be viewed as "akward" or weak.
It is true that left handed people see possobility where others do not.....right handed people love their models and rules...and things otside of that are right or wrong.....left handed people (I should say right brained people) are more creative and also there is that strange ability to come up with things without reasoning them out..and they can be right...so how do they do it? I had trouble with proofs in high school in math class for this reason I believe.....to be honest some times I just look at numbers and I see the answers...sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong...but hte more I develop that the more I become accurate...this is probably the loose estimations and inexactness of left handed people when it comes to numbers.....I can look at the whole equassiona nd insted of taking the steps often see the answer.....o at least know how it all works without having learned how.....don't really know how to explain that..
I'm not trying to say were all special or better in any way...as a matter of fact many doctors and neurologists wnat to say left handed people have a higher rate of getting sick, dying earlier, and being autistic.......I don't want to copy then int hat way... think they are looking dirrectly for something is wrong becuase it is not a majority....there have been too many well to do left handers IMO to say they were handicapped...too many pressidents....too many famous artists and mechanically sound creative people...who where great with mathmatic and numbers......so it is something to look at and concider in how ones brain works..........

I in the past hae tried to force myelf to be more like others as well...for the sake of ease.....I used to try to force myself to draw and write right handed...I used to try to reason like they do, I used to try to be more practical and do one step till comletion then the next....but it just seems very uncomftoralbe and as if I am destroying my ability to see things less clearly...I also find myself being more sceptical...less trusting.....more doubtfull of the very things I actually have certainty on....not for the reason they are inacurate...but becuase they become more improbable so be decission "high risk" or improabable...........and i don't like that.

More forms of healing are going the right brained route....
i know of one man who speaks of this much...and he was a chiropractor....a "down to earth" kind of guy in many ways....but he.....
I really like this guy, and while it is not astrology it does show how he sees things and how he has actually grown into useing clarovoyance in his work...by studdying odd science and odd weird medicine he actually saved his child where other methods were not working...thins came after his life changing expereince....a car accident..blue light and he says angles..but I say phooie.....but that Is only becuase I hoenstly think I may have an answeras to wath exactly hapened to him...I wont say that here....I still need to know more on it....I don't have it all together....and instead of working on it step by step..poking at it...taking sections off forcefully...I am going to let it be and "multi task" my way into it.

I have to be honest...I am much smarter then how I type.
I have trouble with spelling because I don't see words that way(that and my spellchecker in Firefox does not seem to be working today and I don't read things over a million times or anything...I don't like to go back and over things...I'm not writing a book here...if people have questions on what I am saying or if I made an error and they do not understand...my whole idea of a message boad means I'm going to be arround somewhat so people are SUPPOSED TO ASK QUESTIONS...I'm not writing books...I'm actually not writing so just their left brain has all the structure and form it needs to understand linear reasoning....it can be overrated IMO)..and I'm not saying it to be arrogant or to brag, but I'm not exactly stupid......

TO mention uranus again..my idea on the asociation was its quick flashes of inspiration, disorder, and ecentric way of doing things.....
butit is not exaclty placed too prominant for me...it is near an angle by house but it is maybe half a sign away....also aquarious is in my 7thH....I have a leo asc.

I would like to in my soon to be future actually see more on this....more on jobs for lefties....things lefties seem to be better at..becuase doing things in a linear fassion.....it just irritates me..I feel squashed....unable to use my natural ability...it is a very against the grain feeling....even painfull in a way...and I don't like it.

There are Architects
There are Tennis Players
THere is some high ended math guys at NASA
There are photographers and artists....many many painters are eithe left hadned or ambidextrious...
you almost notice that none of these jobs are widespread and practical in the sence of walking out the door and finding one.....

The reason this means so much to me is I spent most of my life with others trying to beat these things out of me......
These things were not practical, not usefull, or so it was said...but I was a natural artist in many ways.....anytihng listed under spatical relation comes so easy that I see it is an area I need to pursue....but there is the ratioality ad the beatigs to shake off.....really....there is......there is that mode of adoted thinking that social orrientation....that enforced behavior and 'ORDER" I must shake.......it is only disorder to those that do not see order in what you are doing...it is thei perception......to be honest I fea sometimes their logic...becuase they often take it to great distances so in absolute agreement with the i absolutes that they agree totally with the i models...and I see that as dangerous.......models, how aI see models are as creations and lies....

This guy said it too.
This is that healer interview and how he aproaches healing....

I think right brain function may indicate clarovoyance as well.....maybe....so of course this would be concidered halutination by the rational.......I am starting to wonder if in the future smart may be the new stupid.....there are things here to see in different ways then the boxes we create things to be....that may **** off and iritate some virgos or any other highly rational creature to no end...maybe....but reality does not fit in a box.......but models are good VIA's and judges...I don't ant to make models wrong becuase I use them.....I just wanted to say lets not forget the ability to not know something for once and actually see something outside the models we create....this is outside of the box thinking...this is what I am talking about.....highly rational people stay inside of their boxes and are more in tune with the past.....they like rules and order...this i satributed to earth in some ways...but i also see it as simply being a clinging to rules and order for the sake of predicting reality....it is a highly successfull way of doing things..that has been proven...the other way is becoming more popular....intution....personal judgement..being in the moment..using less data..knowing dirrectly....this is less mental....more dirrect...less past oiented...more present and future oriented....more creative...and also encompases areas of things we are just learning about.....to be honest I do not think people are fully hardwired and handedness is not always a good indicator....
I jump off my right foot...am left handed.....and I am left eye dominant..I used to be right eye dominant...someone tried to teach me to shoot a gun right handed..I refused....it felt so odd.....looking through the right eye make me THINK before I would shoot...I couldnt judge distances the same...I didn't have a feel of space....
I have been hunting before.never much liked it entierly except for the outdoors aspect of it...when I shoot a gun I do not relaly do things like others or in steps....I do not eve use the sights(laugh)...I do..but I have had just as much luck picking up the gun and pulling the trigger with a feel of where the target is at(i do look!)laugh) and where the barrel is at and where I am at and feeling the space inbetween...almoost pervading all of htat space and being it as awareness....I dont get into the logical calculations of distance and sights...I just can't do it...I have tried very hard to do it....by I dont logically calcuate distance...I feel it....nut I do often use others calucalations...I can be analitical..it is something I have cultivated...and oddly....even though difficult.......I am wondering how the two mesh.....I am wondering if I really should cultivate analitical ability more...but it seems you use one and then you don't use the other.....I'm not sure on that....analitical ability is very much uselfull in astrology..this is the calcuations aspect of astrology...the exactness......putting the distance of planets in number form....doing things step by step and creating models...I can do that....I do often do that..I have learned how......
Iam really starting to wonder the use of spatical ability........
Achitects are ot exactly stupid when it comes to mathmatics and calcuations...so how do they use it?
I'm very currious about this.

Sorry for the wall of text..and the mess....I'm just trying to get a few ideas out where I can see them and I will look at them when I have the time....it's kind of thought out loud...not a finished article in any way.....I'm working on allot of stuff smutaniously right now.....and very busy as well with day to day 3D life...but I wanted to put this there before t slipped my mind and I was not able to bring it up at a later time...wish I had more time to take care with it...i may come back to it, I should be able to, it can be chopped up and cleaned up after a day...most writing is supposed to be that way anyhow....your supposed to look at it a day or 2 later with a fresh perspective and you nitice you own silly errors....I have wondered how to do that with message boards and the need to respond to someone lately....still no solutions to that, any that I like anyhow,

Handedness and brain laterality is something I am either trying to find a use for or find answers too....if I can find it in astrology that is intersting...if there is research that has been done and anybody knows of it please post it here, I would apreciate it greatly....i have been able to find little, but it's a big internet and maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.....

A poll would be a good idea but I need to sell a car today and get it moved from the shop before I start picking up 25$ a day storage fees...I'm trashing it today so will be out of town and busy for a few days..it this the effect of a mars transit over the third??
I suppose in some way it is.....the car broke down durring a mars over natal saturn transit....it will cost more to fix then it's book value worth......
I want it fixed being it's paid for..everything else on the car works great...it was garaged it's whole life up to 80,000 miles...somebodys grandma owned it...it had regular scheduled matinence...people can't believe how clean it is....it's a commor transmission problem that they had that year.....cant get a loan to get it fixed....but I can pick up a loan to purchase a new/newer (more then likely newer) car with high insurance rates and a quickly decending book value...suprise, suprise...
I don't wnat to invest in a new carright now..I have better ideas for my money... but it looks like I "have to" now...:mad:....I'd like to try till the mercury retro is over but things are more hectic with no car...so less time.
I will mre then likely wait....but I will be more busy becuase of this..amoung many other things....so...I'll get to this when I can allong with the many other things I have started and not gotten back too...(laugh)...I just don't want to start anything new and Have no idea how to do a poll...it's I'm sure easy but it would take me time to figure it out. Don't have it....the rush of life is about to eat me.....trying to avoid that and I have put cash away...but it looks like some more of it is going out the window......ahh well...when you cant save money look for ways to make more...and I suppose that is what I have to do....I think a decission has been made for me concerning work....is it fate, is is karma...is it jupiter conj. my 6thH just entering? what is it? I suppose that....I ahve recently turned down a few very high paying jobs...there are many inthe area...call it luck in that area...do I accept that "luck" or walk past it...the universe gives..but does it give kindly..why am I here in this situation now? Why where...why now? Time is so odd......but i have wanted to focus on my health lately....I have been warned astrologically about this...taking jobs that are poor for my health...jupiter in capricorn transit entering my 6thH.....it doens't seem I can avoid it unless I can outreate it or find a way to seriously do both...there may be a way...I have to look at this for myself later....look at further transits...it seems i am becoming better at using astrology finally in my day to day life just to spot odd patterns, at least to achnowlege them...this is exciting in some ways......in some instance I have the idea that i can dodge certain things...but somethings are already in action....it's odd really...lots of interseting observations...lots of intersting personal insights...but things are coming toghether in that way..and that is what I anted from the begining of all of this....so...cool...more to know later.
Currently I have avoided these jobs for this reason....just becuase the unvierse gives I do not always know it wise to take...is that decission coming from my chart as well? Whos to know?....it seems I need to realize it for myself for it to mean much to me.
It would be very nice to place a jupiter somwhere else in my chart...just right over here or there..(laugh)..sometimes I don't know.....am I creating this "luck" or is it coming from elsewhere....? lots of little causees lots of little effects...I just don't know sometimes.....reality and time rush contemplation.

have to go,


Well-known member
Mmm, well I am very right brained and right handed so, heh- I have tried writing with my left and failed horribly, all I get is ridiculous chicken scratch if I do :rolleyes:

I find myself extremely visual oriented and kinesthetic- I need to both see it and do it to truly understand a concept.


Well-known member
The right handed people supposedly had the more mathematical type of personality that wasn't that emotional, (practical if you like.)
I guess my Aqu Sun & Mer would have preferred for me to be a right-hander then:D. But, then again, Aqua's love to 'fall outside the line';), 'cause, as Wikipedia puts it:-

Left-handedness is relatively uncommon; 90 to 93 percent of the adult population is right-handed, however, left-handed people tend to be overrepresented among the highly intelligent and successful
Studies indicate that left-handedness is more common in males than females.



Well-known member
I'm totally right-handed. Both in thought process and writing. I love to be analytical and I HATE, HATE it when I'm rushed. I have my own way of doing things and I refuse for someone to have me accomodate to the other. I MIGHT accomodate you if I feel your worth it(end rant). I can muliti task, but not before something else is completed.


Well-known member
I was definitely given the feeling at school that there was something 'not quite right' about being left-handed, which was not a pleasant feeling (maybe that is a 3rd-house Chiron in Aquarius thing, though I do in fact still wonder how valid Chiron is). Chiron is conjunct my Moon though.

There was a book I came across once by a Canadian called Stan Cohen, I think, but he.....well, he was referring to left-handedness as 'pathological' and that left-handers are more likely to be crazy and don't live as long! Yet he claimed that he had no wish to offend left-handers and only wanted them to set up some kind of an organsiation to promote awareness of our handicap. That writer had a terminal problem with tact, it seemed to me.


Well-known member
I'm training myself to become ambidextrous :p

I'm right handed and come out as right brained most of the times in tests(which is the more creative side)
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I am right handed although my partner says I play snooker left handed. I don't think I do, but I must hold the cue wrong. I was reading left handedness is more common in males and twins for some strange reason. And also neurological conditions such as epilepsy, downs syndrome, autism, dyslexia are left handed. I don't get how the cause can be partly genetic and environmental. It's also been said that left handed people can fair better when it comes to intelligence. Another wierd fact is that left handedness was judged to be abnormal years ago and people were beaten for being this way. Very strange indeed, what a brutal society we used to and probably still live in today. There has been various debates as to whether Left handed people really process information or images differently.

What I find interesting is how have our hands developed to be so dextrous. We have 27 bones in our hand.



Also of note is that the articulation of the human hand is more complex and delicate than that of comparable organs in any other animals. Without this extra articulation, we would not be able to operate a wide variety of tools and devices. The hand can also form a fist, for example in combat, or as a gesture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand

My fingers can go very far backwards, it is only my brother and me who have fingers like this. My mum used to scream when we pushed our fingers right back. My mother has the tiniest hands you have ever seen, like a child's. It's very hard for her to find rings to fit her fingers she has them fitted specially. My other brother had his hand damaged, from a shoelace the tip off his finger is missing.

My mouse writing looks the same in either hand, but probably my handwriting would be very different.

Top mouse writing left hand
Bottom right hand



Well-known member
I just came across this today...don't have a source.
the right brain is more spatial, abstract, musical and artistic, while the left brain more linear, rational, and verbal….

Even in death I speak......

I wanted to post this to show what I think to be the difference....
Being able to use both together....which all to some degree do I am assuming is very positive.....

From the above you can see how left handers are nutters. (joke)

not as rational, not as linear....so don't really fall into place to well......not as verbal either...may express themselves in more abstract ways....in music...tone....and art..paint...etc....maybe more visual then....

I don't see what it has to do with astrology yet though.....


I was reading left handedness is more common in males and twins for some strange reason.

Apes too.(laugh)
Gorillas I think are mainly left handed...read that some time ago...
Oooga Oooga

Some of the tapes that are out there, for meditation...the Monroe Tapes look interesting. There is talk that they help to sync the left brain to the right...
There are no subliminal messages in these tapes....they come highly recommended from a few people I know.
I think it's just various tones played in each ear...I am sure headphones work best........
tsquare said:
I just came across this today...don't have a source.

Even in death I speak......

lol yep even the buried rise again in this place ;) . Messages from beyond the grave. Your problem is that you can't stop thinking, you have a heavy 3rd house don't you. You don't have to answer that if still resting.

I wanted to post this to show what I think to be the difference....
Being able to use both together....which all to some degree do I am assuming is very positive.....

From the above you can see how left handers are nutters. (joke)

not as rational, not as linear....so don't really fall into place to well......not as verbal either...may express themselves in more abstract ways....in music...tone....and art..paint...etc....maybe more visual then....

I don't see what it has to do with astrology yet though.....

Mercury/Neptune's think this way, communicate symbolically, been writing about this today, I have nearly finished it I was talking about my art drawings in school and all the non-verbal communication etc. It's not just left handed astrologers Mercury ruler of the hands and rational mind connected to Neptune ruler of the feet (don't know where this going now) but you know ruler of the unconscious realm in life. Maybe left handers do think like this.

Some of the tapes that are out there, for meditation...the Monroe Tapes look interesting. There is talk that they help to sync the left brain to the right...
There are no subliminal messages in these tapes....they come highly recommended from a few people I know.
I think it's just various tones played in each ear...I am sure headphones work best........

Sounds interesting, I think I need them to align my mind.

Here is an interesting article: watch this dancer.


THE Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Me again I see the dancer turning both ways so not sure if this is the best test. Maybe It's my brain.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Without concentrating and looking at it normally, I see it turning clockwise but if I concentrate on the shadow, I can make it change back and forth quickly :)
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When I look again she is moving clockwise but the fist time I watched I could see both ways. :D Maybe watching it when your eyes are tired is not recommended. ;)


Well-known member
I was surprised to find that I perceived the dancer to be moving clockwise as I am a corporate lawyer and focus on logic in my workplace to a great extent.

But on the other hand my out of hours life contains things like astrology watching sci fi or fantasty or cute escapism shows. Currently I have this unexplained love of Alvin and the Chipmunks as the cute harmonies seem to resonate relaxation for me at the moment.

In reflection I do make an effort not to be "interlectual" out of work hours and let my "right brain" have some space

Many of our neighbours relos friends and work peers wont do anything unless it "is seen" to raise the level of interlect. Not sure if this is a current trend or not but it all sounds exhausting.
Also many continually read watch & listen to news whereas I dont do this at all (due to perceiving it to be to negative)
Anyway I think this could be how I try to balance my left brain career.

Having Neptune opposting all my Leo stellium for the last several years could be what has prompted this change in me perhaps.

Also having a Libra Moon - Libra hates to feel over balanced on one side and will automatically try to go to the opposite polarity if they feel one side is overemphasised.
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