is he single?


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There's a guy who's been flirting with me recently (or maybe he's just being nice....i've forgotten how to tell :))) He's the foreman of a big construction project in my building, so he's around a lot. I've gotten the feeling that maybe he's interested, although we've only spoken a few times. My question is:
Is he single?
8:13pm Jan 30, 2008 Vanc Bc 49W 123E

The issue is, is he 7th house, cause he's a guy I'm interested in, or 6th house, cause he's a hired contractor, although I didn't hire him, the Strata did, and I'm a renter so i'm not paying for any of this. He and his crew come into the apartments to do the plumbing.

I figure he's probably 7th house, since he's 'the guy I'm asking about.'

Asc is 16 Virgo, Dsc is 16 Pisces with Uranus on the DSc
Asc ruler Merc is 23 Aqu retro in the 6th
moon is 21 Scorp in the 3rd
jup is 9 Cap in the 4th

So, how can i tell if he's attached. Uranus on the Dsc might say he's single?
jup in Cap might say he's committed, but he's in his own 10th house. That must mean something.

not sure what to look for here.


Well-known member
He would be 7th house, as your question is about him as a potential mate.

Uranus could mean he's single; it could also mean he's divorced or in the middle of a divorce.

I wouldn't be so keen on someone represented by a planet in fall, though. As in your other query, planets in fall don't have much to offer; they are 'in bad shape' somehow, or unable to provide the querent with what they're after. Often for many reasons.

With you as a retrograde Mercury, you are likely to change your mind about him anyway. :p



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Thanks for that reply. I know a lot of astrologers don't even look at modern planets such as Uranus. If I took Uranus on the Dsc out of the picture, what would I look at to answer the question 'is he single?" By single, I meant available, so I'm not asking just if he's married, but is he involved with someone? If he's the 7th, then his 7th would be the 1st, which is me, so don't quite know how to get around that one. There's no one on his 5th house cusp, which is ruled by the moon.
Let's look at him. He is Jup, and in fall as pointed out. What else is Jup doing? Venus is about to conjunct that means there is someone around him??? How would a 'significant other' show up in this reading?
I see that Jup (him) and Merc (me) have MR by terms. That could mean we like each other.

We have talked more over the past week, and I'm picking up mixed signals, so I took the liberty of doing another horary for the same question. I know some say you can't do that, but I think you can if you have new information, or a new event has transpired. It's also good to compare to the first chart. Same he involved?
Feb 6, 2008 1:47pm 49 N 123W Vanc BC
9 Cancer rising, 9 Cap Dsc
Jup and Venus in the 7th
Saturn at 7 virgo on the IC
Moon at 14 Aquarius in the 8th

He's Saturn now, in my 4th, which makes sense cause he's working on the plumbing in my apartment building. Again, how can I tell if he's involved??

thanks for all your help


Well-known member
Ok, I'll give this a shot, since I was rightly told today, "better to have tried and failed than not tried at all."

Hi Barbh! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news (this is heartbreak central calling, by the way), but the first thing I see is Venus in the 7th, his first house, which AG taught me nearly always means, there is a woman in the guy's life already. This Venus is in its triplicity, and in term of Jupiter so perphaps she is a wife. Also, Jupiter himself which would be the guy's 12th house ruler, sign of which is trapped, is in his first conj. Venus though she is separating, meaning perhaps he married her, fulfilling his greatest wish, but now is not happy anymore -Jupiter is in its fall in Cappy. (I'm thinking out loud, please take all this with a grain of salt.)

The ruler of your 11th house (hopes and wishes) is in your 12th (secrets), trining your sig. Moon in your 9th. Moon is moving into this trine with Mars, so maybe your wish will come true, but -- Mercury retro and burnt by the Sun -- not sure, poor judgment perhaps, and then moving toward Neptune, planet of deception and (dis)illusion, and fantasy.

I'm a little bit surprised by the heavy load in this 9th house. What does this really mean to you, whether this guy is available or not? The last aspect Moon makes, actually still is making though it doesn't show this for some reason, is an inconjunct with Saturn, your 7th and 8th house ruler, at your 4th house cusp. Are you just getting over an affair? Where you upset by something that happened in a close relationship or home situation? The Moon is also coming out of a trine with your Asc., his 7th, so he really liked you when he saw you first, and enjoyed talking to you (his 3rd) as you indicated.

This Saturn in at his MC in term of Mercury trining Jupiter in his first, and by extension Venus again makes me think that of stability, status, contracts. I think there is a good chance that he might be married, and not necessarily unhappily.

That's all I see for now. Others will come along and do a much better job at this, and hopefully see something more positive.

Have you looked at the parallels at all?

Take care now.

ceres :(


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Hi Ceres. Thanks for that amazing delineation! You know it's funny how you said he felt 'trapped' with his 12th house ruler right there in his face. I did a tarot card reading and got the 2 of swords and 8 of swords...both signals of him being trapped in some way. And yes, Merc retro combust the Sun, and Neptune in there too...definite fantasy stuff going on, and confusion, because I don't know his status or intentions. If he was married, or involved, it would be a relief to know so I can just let it go already and move on. It's hard because I see him everyday right now. They're doing plumbing on my apt and they have access all day, for the next week, so I never know when he's just going to walk in ! It can wreak havoc on the nerves, especially when I want to look half decent at the time. :)) You asked if I was just getting over an affair....not really, although I did end a 2.5 year relationship this past September, but it ended fairly well, so no real angst there, just the usual grief process. You said the moon is coming out of a trine with the Asc..? The Asc is Cancer, so maybe you mean when it was in mid-Gemini? I'm happy to know that he did like me and enjoyed talking to me...brief as it was. Venus is about to sextile Uranus...maybe that gives weight to your theory that they're together, but not super happy. It wouldn't make a difference really, cause if they're together they're together and I wouldn't go near him then. At one point you said my wish would come true...but not if he was otherwise with someone else. I have no idea about the 9th house and 7th house Saturn stuff on the IC...unless it just means he's in my apt a fair bit.! I guess we'll just surmise he's probably taken then??
thanks again for all your help!!
by the by...who's AG?


Well-known member
AG is ArcherGirl, and she's amazing. Loads of insights, and wise too.

Another thing came to my mind with the Moon in 9th - could he be a foreigner?

Also, this Saturn in HIS 10th - his career, official status, in YOUR 4th - the home. And he is doing work in your apartment. That's pretty neat how this all fits. (It's got to be wrong then. :38: Somebody else is going to come along and turn the whole thing upside down, lol.)

Take care.



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Yes, it is. Does that make a difference? I thought one could pick only one significator, and in this case the moon isn't in fall or detriment so maybe it's stronger choice than jupiter in fall, even if it is angular?