Astrologer seeking Charts to read/research!


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Freewill, Fate or a Mixture (

Regarding the age old question; is life just one big fated design or do humans have a certain degree of freewill? I have developed a system that assesses a person’s birth chart and essentially shows what position a person will take on this question, even before they have been asked it. My system takes into account a complex measuring planets, sensitive locations, signs and aspects. Based on this system, a person’s birth chart will align with either a free will or fate position. Preliminary results have found a strong consistency with this system. People have been choosing a statement, and then after I assess their charts using my methodology, there have been distinct clusters aligning with certain statements. If this system keeps proving to be accurate and consistent it would show evidence that a person’s position on the age old question of freewill, fate or a mixture - is actually ‘fated’. This could go a long way to reducing the blame game, judging and ‘right-wrong’ debate that has been prevalent on this question for thousands of years. It would effectively show that everyone is in the same boat. In that, no matter how divergent a person’s views are on this existential question, they are not able to believe another position other than the one they are already set to believe this lifetime. If you would like to participate in this research, read the following requirements:

1. You only need birth location and birthdate to participate.

2. You must be past your first Saturn Return. This is usually 31 years of age and over. This is because Saturn consciousness has not fully grounded into a person’s reality until after this transit. I theorise that Saturn is one of the key ‘gatekeepers’ that makes it difficult for people to go beyond the freewill dynamic. I therefore propose that the tendency for a person to believe in a fated or freewill reality (or a mixture of the two) can only be verified with an individual until after they have passed this transit.

3. If you meet these requirements, and would like to participate in this ground-breaking research, contact me on the following email I will then send you the four statements to read and think over. You then simply pick the one that most resonates with you. After this, email me the position statement you have chosen as well as your accurate birth details. I will then assess and add your chart result anonymously to a data graph. The final results as well as my complete methodology will be published in a research paper with a date not yet decided. The sample size will determine when I decide to publish the results.

Thanking you!

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