Uranus and homosexuality

I've read various articles that implied a connection between Uranus and homosexuality, esp. if Uranus is in the seventh. I know this is a VERY broad statement, but I was wondering what other people think and if they've noticed any kind of connection.


Well-known member
I didn't know what to think about homosexuality before Uranus conjuncted my natal Moon (ironically Aquarius), women seemed crueler & less desirable, I ended up developing homosexual feelings (and a partner who was my friend lol) & realized the world wasn't going to end if I wasn't like 9/10 people claim to be (everyone's a little gay ;D); it turned out to be a break through.

You also could check out this Arabic Parts calculator:

Apparently in every chart there's a "Lot of homosexuality" involving, you guessed it, Uranus & Mars; mine's in Taurus 8th house! =0

Sag Moon

Well-known member
There are astrologers that are gay and I wonder what they might have found in their research as the question has been asked before.

I imagine the sign ,planets in adn aspects to the 7th,8th5th,9th houses might indicate something as to the nature of our relationships .The 7th being the most important.

I have not done research into the question or have I read what others have found,but it's an interesting subject none the less.

Aqurius and Uranus might show up in the chart.Venus and Mars also might well indicate what a persons sexual preference is.

Nothing is written in stone I have found in astrology.

On the Ethridge Chart did they put in the Daylight Savings time?I wonder
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