Another scary solar return,with Saturn as the main star


Well-known member
Alright,I know my birthday was a long,long time ago,but I've always felt puzzled by this year's Solar Return,and,since we now have a specific place dedicated to Solar Return's only,I thought this may be the right time to bring the subject.

I don't have a problem with Saturn itself,just with Saturn's horrible,horrible position at the time of my Solar Return(Rx and detrimented)and with the huge emphasis on it,since it is the only planet above the horizon.


Funny,all those3rd house planets-psychological problems,that's what my life has been all about this year(so far).Believe it or not I spent luch time crying hysterically,tore my favourite t-shirt and threw my cell phone on the ground and now here I am,feeling completely fine and doing what I normally do on Friday afternoons.With all those3rd house planets opposing Saturn in the house of the higher mind I'm afraid I may get worse than this.

I simply cannot imagine the life of a baby born under this astrological configuration.

Your opinions on this?
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Well-known member

I see your solar return aspects with the 3rd/9th house emphasis as this:

You will spend alot of time discussing Aquarian/Uranian-type subjects with a community of other people where there will be freedom of speech. Sometimes you will teach, and sometimes you will learn. With the Aquarian/Leo emphasis in the 3rd/9th and Saturn (r) in Leo in the 9th, it will be important to learn to stand your ground and not let "so-called" experts intimidate you into thinking they are always right. Know within yourself that you know what you know, and also do not impose your beliefs on others. Jupiter in the 1st trine the Saturn(r) in Leo in the 9th, would support this, as well. This will help you develop a humble ego who is assertive, but not intimidating or manipulative. (Venus in 5th trine POF in 1st and inconjunct ASC). You will gradually learn to know you're worthy of being noticed (Venus in 5th) and will be more interested in deep emotional connections and probing insight for transformation purposes, also emotional healing. (ASC in Scorpio.)

Any of this beginning to sound familiar? ;)



Well-known member
Lissa said:
Believe it or not I spent luch time crying hysterically,tore my favourite t-shirt and threw my cell phone on the ground and now here I am,feeling completely fine and doing what I normally do on Friday afternoons.

I believe it.

Big giveaway: Mars/Saturn hitting your anlunar return, or maybe I should say your anlunar on a Mars/Saturn square. I suppose either way works :)

The anlunar return happens each month when the Moon returns to it's exact position at the last solar return. The last was July 31st 11:40:35 AM GMT (12:40:35PM local daylight time if I'm correct that portugal uses 0:00 time and uses DST).

Simply put, it shows how our emotions and feelings progress through the year in relation to the solar return chart. With your SR Moon in Aquarius, you are going to have sudden emotional shifts, although also insight into what's causing them. This gives you a chance, coupled with Saturn's transit to the SR Moon, to vividly experience and confront your emotional nature; by the next year you'll likely have gained significant balance and insight into your Moon's nature.

Regarding Mars-Saturn, if you have a look at the anlunar chart, you'll see the Moon at 26Aqu31 where it was at your SR, Mars at 25Tau33 and Saturn at 25Leo49, quite the tight fixed t-square. As your Sun and Moon were semisextile (30 degrees) in your solar return, the Mars-Saturn square is also aspecting your natal Sun, Saturn by inconjunct, Mars by sextile. This makes August a key month in the solar return cycle.

Mars-Saturn can be such a nasty pairing, neither planet not really that bad on their own, but very, very different concepts that really don't mesh well at all under dynamic aspects. Sure, if they can settle their differences, sustained and well-directed actions and successes can be had, but this sort of energy is way over the top of what sensitive Luna wants to feel. Especially by harsh aspects. I'm sure you have a fairly good idea of the concept here... If not, more on Mars-Saturn:

In the next week, Saturn will be applying it's opposition to your SR Moon, exact Monday August 6th. In the next week you really need to pay attention to what your Moon needs, and attend to any emotional imbalances you have. Saturn very well make them painfully obvious.

Although Saturn and Moon are synergistic in a way, ruling the Capricorn/Cancer axis, Saturn dynamic transits to the Moon can be quite trying if one has neglected their own needs. Saturn's intent is to balance, to work through things slowly and intently, and to reduce vibrational frequency so the base material of anything can be formed and worked with. Obviously depression is a potential here, but so is frustration if one has been blocked from properly attending to their own emotional/psychological needs. The frustration part this month is greatly amplified by the Mars-SRMoon square on the anlunar. Try to transmute Mars's energy from impatience and frustration to willful drive and motivation to get things accomplished, to work on your emotional needs. Physical exertion (within reasonable limits, of course) might help quite a bit, as Mars works better when the body isn't teeming with stagnant (and thus blocked) physical potential. In the same respect, physical activity is a natural antidote to Saturn's "drag you down" nature. Go for a jog... take a run with Mars and see what you might realize :) The other risk is a painful feeling of separation from others, as if you've been cut off or cut out of emotional bonds with others around you. This is especially possibly with the SR Moon in self-individualistic yet socially-outreaching Aquarius. With Moon in Aquarius, one has the need to be an individual of the collective; distinct yet integrated. This is opposite of Pisces nature to merge with the collective. The semisextile between the Aquarian SR Moon and Piscean Sun might create some additional friction along this concept. Saturn's goal with this sort of disconnect is to push you to build up your own emotional structures, prodding you to build up a foundation from which you can more solidly interface emotionally with others. As usual for Saturn, he has good intentions but often uses difficult and painful means to the end.

Saturn also deals with the need for professional/career success, at your stage, mainly related to a commitment to school and education to such an end. Rob hand put it best, so I'll go ahead and quote him from his text on Saturn-opposition-Moon
You think of the Saturnine and Lunar aspects of your life as being in conflict. Consequently you neglect the one that you consider less important. Then, when unexpected new demands come from the other element, your whole sense of order is upset and disoriented

You have to learn that these two aspects of your life are neccessary to each other. You must make your personal life and your professional or other central purpose work together. That will require changing your lifestyle so that you can pay equal attention to both

Your anlunar shows Mercury bang on the MC in the Moon's sign Cancer with Libra rising; Ascendant Lord Venus is ill-placed Retrograde in Virgo, forming no aspects except an overly wide out-of-sign conjunction to Saturn and wide, out-of-sign opposition to the anlunar Moon, neither which I consider valid aspects for this sort of chart, and at best troublesome regardless. The at-home Leo Sun in the 10th house (career-ambition) is quintile Mars and Ascendant (thus MA/ASC=Sun). In short, your mind and career ambitions are strong-arming your emotions (Mercury "angle-powered" in Cancer, powerful Sun in career's house) throwing you out of balance (Libra the scales rising, ruler Venus RX and peregrine). Maybe you're spending too much time thinking or doing various Mercurial pursuits (too much studying?) to actually pay attention to your emotions and their needs? Pluto (excesses, fixations) in your 3rd anlunar house reinforces the concept, as does MA/UR=ME, showing the mind is running wild and directly affecting your emotions through it's Cancer placement, as well as Mercury's square to your natal Venus in your lunar return to the natal chart today August 3rd. The quintile/decile situation between Sun, Mars, and ASC/DSC axis show creative artistic pursuits (quintiles) is possibly way of energy redirection, supported by anlunar Moon in the 5th with Neptune on the anlunar 5th cusp if you use Koch houses as I do... Creative expression will evoke these energies in a positive manner and also put you in better touch with feeling rather than thinking. Whatever you do, some time to get into your emotional nature and feelings while taking a little break from grueling mental exertion is totally in order. You might run into Mars and Saturn along the way to your Moon, but dealing with these guys head-on and honestly is far better than forcing them to release their energies the hard way (blocked -> explodes)

Let me know if I've confused you or failed to make sense, I'm a bit pressed on time tonight so I've not gone over this text as much as I usually would, but wanted to make you aware of these considerations.

Hope your weekend goes better than your lunch! :D
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Well-known member
Hi to the three of you,thank you so much for your input!!


What an exellent post,you really are something,I didn't even know there was something called anlunar return!!!

I'm not sure if I understand all the technical language you used,but I think I get the main idea of your post.

Well this year has been quite emotionally exausting for me.I know people don't simply break down out of the blue,I'm sure there's something in here for me to learn(my Moon's needs,according to you),it's just that I get so depressed for no reason at all.There have been more than a couple of times where I started crying like a baby,having no clue why the hell I was crying.It's not the first time this has happened to me-last year the same thing happened around the same time,it's just that this time was worst,I have reached the end of my rope in so many ways.I have never considered myself the depressive type but this year I surely have been your average teen full of drama.Now that I'm fine and that my last sudden attack of despair is over I can see myself clearly,or at least I think I can,but in those times when I suddenly burst into tears there wasn't really much I could do for myself.

I think this particular Solar Return is just highlithing some issues that are present in my natal chart as well.The2nd thing that caught my eye about this chart is the Moon/Mercury conjunction in the3rd house,which I also have natally,just that mine is ahead of the Sun and the SR one is behind the Sun(will have to search in my Rudhyar books for this again)and the late Venus in Aries,another one I also have natally.Your essence stays the same throughtout your life,and can be reached through your natal chart,the Solar Returns show how you evolve as life goes on,and my natal chart has a huge tendency for anxiety and unpredictable behaviour.With the history of mental illnesses on my mother's family,having my own mother a tendency towards depression,I'm afraid I may be on my way to being put under a lot of medication,since my mom has already booked a consultation with a psychologist for me.I asked her to take me to a psychologist when I wasn't feeling well but now that I'm fine I really don't feel like going,these are probably just another typical teenage problem.I can assure you that doctors here in Portugal are very criterious when it comes to labeling someone with a mental illness,and we have a famous psychologist here in Portugal that says that most teenagers who are being treated in psychiatric clinics and being medicated these days are just experiecing the typical conflicts of growing up,only in a more pronounced way.It's just that it's really hard to see yourself clearly when you're the one going through all the stuff.


Oh yes,what you said sounds quite familiar:p .You see,my biggest concern regarding the9th house Saturn is that it would make me lose my faith in Astrology and anything related to that,but so far,I haven't lost my faith in the Art:).


I personally would not consider the kite formation,Astrodiesnt is using 10ºorbs for the trines,I think the kite must have had disappeared shortly after my SR,even though the blue lines give a certain visual effect to the chart,making Saturn look like it's all alone up there;)(and it really is lol).The minor grand trine between the Moon/Mercury,Pluto and Venus is much more stricking.

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