Calling all Sag's...transiting pluto conjunct sun

5th house moon

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Transiting Pluto is currently conjuncting my natal sun (6th house).

The feelings/sensations I'm experiencing are near inexplicable. I guess the best way to articulate them is simply by saying that I have an amazing awareness of self, an inner strength that seems to have surfaced over the last few months and a sense of knowing everything will be OK in every area of my life. It's transfomational at an almost subliminal level (pluto!). I have reassesed old values and ways of thinking that simply no longer suit the person I have become. It's been incredibly empowering (pluto, pluto, pluto!)

I also have more drive and ambition in regards to my career, and a determination to pursue a 'vocation' rather than just a 'job'. A renewed sesne of purpose, if you like.

Has anyone out there experienced great changes within themselves as a result of this transit? I'd love to hear your stories.

Many thanks



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Hi 5th house Moon. My sun is 19 Sag 43 so I've been through it past couple of years. Look at what house the Sun rules besides what house it's in. Mine is in 10 but rules 7 (Pluto is also in 7 in my natal chart) so I've dealt with marriage issues as well as career issues. In my case I've had to come to terms with myself on a totally honest level. In both my marriage and career I've had to give up external "fixes" for what ails me.

I went into therapy at the beginning of the transit and went the entire time it was happening. I dealt with 4th house issues just like I imagine you will be dealing with 12th house ones as Pluto is funny about working its ways through polarity.

These two areas of my life went through a transformation that was very Scorpio in that the dark areas came to light for transmutation so the foundation became built on solid ground instead of shifting sands. Thsi was not an easy period and I was not my marriage would survive but it did and we are much more honest with each other and ourselves as a result. I'm much more in touch with myself and feel prepared for the Chiron return that I am now experiencing.



Well-known member
Hi 5th house Moon,
My husband is now 'released' from Pluto over his natal Sun in the 4th house, and the opposition to natal Saturn is passing.

He LIVED for his job; his family were the side shows :( .
When offered 'early retirement' through reorganisation of his firm over 2 years ago, he took it (pro. Sun in 6th house in Aquarius applying trine Saturn in 10th). He was under so much pressure that, had he stayed he would probably be 6 foot under by now. But he had a lot of difficulty adjusting to the home life. In his mind ( Pluto rules 3rd house) he was still at work. Never sick, within a year the physical complaints of the fixed cross arose (tr. Uranus, ruler 6th, square UR-MC-Mars)...heart, hormones, circulation, thyroid,... the latter being the cause of the rest. Medication didn't help, so he had to undergo radio-active therapy last month. He lived in isolation of solitary confinement for 4 days in a special room with 3-4 inch thick steel doors in the hospital. His only contact with the outside world was the 2nd storey window, the phone and the intercom. No visitors. You can imagine what that is like for a Sag. Sun :)
I picked him up when he was free of radio activity. He said the 4 days seemed like 4 years and he had never realised what and how much freedom meant. The experience has changed him. He is enjoying life again, is taking interest in his children and grandchildren, and we haven't argued for weeks :lol: He's discovered Internet and a whole new world, outside work, has opened for him.

Yep: Pluto certainly kills the old and brings in the new :D



Well-known member
We both have the same sun and house positions apparently. :eek:

Pluto went exact to my sun (down to the minute) in Feb I believe, and I was so entirely exhausted for about a week. I don't know what it's going to do, but I hope nothing that will be detrimental to my health (since it's in the 6th) :|

I can relate to what you said about the optimism, too.


Well-known member
Yes I am interested in this too. I have Venus at about 26 degrees Sag. Intense sex maybe?

ALthough it will be a number of years before I will have pluto conj my sun, I know what you mean by this "transformation" that you might get

In 1997, I think neptune and uranus both passed over my sun (in Aqu, house 10). This lead to a complete breakdown of my profession at the time and a number of years of going with the flow and not knowing what to do. I was also so confused about myself. Everything just kind of melted and I felt I was left with nothing and I had to start at sqaure one.
I must be dealing with way too much Plutonian energy for way too long...I can't find poetic ways of describing my interactions with Pluto energy. Pluto passed over my Sun recently, 2nd house, and I'm still selling stuff trying to ressolve the 8th house issues that set into motion.

I can't wait til it rolls over my Mars in Capricorn, activating a stressful T-Square (Mars, Moon, Neptune.) With any luck, I'll be dead by then.



As a Scorpio I had Pluto transit my natal sun about ten years ago. After my 1st Saturn return I went to live to the USA (being French) just before Pl. entered Sco., mainly to operate a complete re-evaluation of my values and heal emotional wounds away from my family. I had realized I had no personal opinion, all my opinions I had copied and pasted from parents or the media but felt deep dissatisfaction and a need to be true to self.

This led me to a radical clean-up and I am now cured of depression and happy with who I am, which I never thought possible when I was in my 20s. For more details:


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all i can say is "wow" you guys have helped me look upon this coming period as positive.

I have always felt transits early, & I feel this coming on like a tsunami. With Pluto, do u still look at the orb as 3 degrees for conjunct or less? In any case, @ 26 r Sag its about to hit my nadir cusp, then my stellium (I believe that it has already been at 27 when it was direct). I woke up w an extreme feeling of dread knowing that Pluto was about to take me on a long journey of upheaval, hitting my Venus first then the rest & if you consider the orbs or the fact that 5 planets are conjuct , it will hit them all . I have found it very difficult to find a job as I have been out of work for 6 months now. I've had great interviews but no cigar . I am highly qualified and capable but I am completely losing my confidence.I'm not sure if this is the effect that Pluto opposed midheaven is supposed to have , Mars is going through the 19th so I just dont get it.
Here's my chart w todays' transits.

Someone else posted about Pluto conj Venus being sexually intense, I must vouge for that as I read an interpretation of this transit on the web somewhere describing it as an overwhelming desire for power play /exchange in sex, fascination & or obsession with BDSM type of activities, the Power of Sex , The Power plays in love. & before I even read that I must confess that I have been interested in that type of sexual behavior lately. There was even a site that when describing the energy said that hopefully the native has a sexual partner when it hits because the desires are overwhelming. Lucky me w/ no partner lol. :oops: :cry:
Boy oh boy I can't wait for it to be on my sun & my mars, what fun!!!! Wait a minute when you have a stellium its on all those by association!!! WHAAAAAA!!!!!!I hope I live through this , if I do I will probably be a totally different person , inside , i gather.

I am interested in hearing more about how pluto transits have affected them by house or planet, particularly conjunction.

Its nice to hear that its not all scary ;o)



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Lapis said:
Even though my Sun's at 1 Capricorn 2'...... I'm feeling transiting Pluto in late Sag now. Here's a couple great links to some more info about this. The first one is about Pluto crossing the GC plus info for people with any planets near this Sag degree.

Interesting info on here, I've never heard of the Galatic Center before.
My 1st,4th,7th & 10th all have 27 degrees!!!!! I guess i'm am an initiate too

I must say I definitely have that "we are disconnected & falling away from the center" feeling, like being put in a barrel & rolled downhill, I have no clue where we will land......or if i'l be in one piece.


I am becoming more and more conscious of myself. And able to heal, physically and emotionally, in really big ways.



Well-known member
rubyelixir said:
Someone else posted about Pluto conj Venus being sexually intense, I must vouge for that as I read an interpretation of this transit on the web somewhere describing it as an overwhelming desire for power play /exchange in sex, fascination & or obsession with BDSM type of activities, the Power of Sex , The Power plays in love. & before I even read that I must confess that I have been interested in that type of sexual behavior lately. There was even a site that when describing the energy said that hopefully the native has a sexual partner when it hits because the desires are overwhelming. Lucky me w/ no partner lol. :oops: :cry:
Boy oh boy I can't wait for it to be on my sun & my mars, what fun!!!! Wait a minute when you have a stellium its on all those by association!!! WHAAAAAA!!!!!!I hope I live through this , if I do I will probably be a totally different person , inside , i gather.

I am interested in hearing more about how pluto transits have affected them by house or planet, particularly conjunction.

Its nice to hear that its not all scary ;o)


Hello, I am the member with pluto transiting over my natal venus at the moment. I have noticed a greater interest in fetishy things. I have been reading on the net about fetishes and had a discussion with others as to how they start. I also have recently been viewing old Madonna stuff when she released the Erotica stuff back in 1992 for some reason. Funny considering I don't even consider myself a Madonna fan. I have also thought about going to an adult shop which I never really had the urge to see previously. Luckily Robyn, I am in a pretty stable relationship. Maybe I should start whipping my partner!


Well-known member
We should also keep our eye on Brad Pitt who has a sun at 25deg Sag. You can see the transformation in him already: changed partners and became a father.
In relation to Angelina, pluto has just gone through her 5th house and entering 6th. Very interesting to see what will happen to her and what has happened to her.

Also Jennifer's moon in the last few years had pluto transiting over it and sextiling her sun. Just interesting observations.


Well-known member
23, I noticed that Pluto transits alone are not to blame in that triangle. It so happens I was analyzing their charts last night. Brad had also been experiencing Uranus opp Uranus, a classic "change partners" transit for a man. The nodes were also involved. Jennifer has had many significant transits going on too showing changes ahead. In Jan. '05 when they decided to split, tr Saturn was squaring Jennifer's Asc and DC, there was a significant nodal transit, there had been eclipses to her H5/11 axis for the past few years, most notably her Venus.

I feel for her with all this publicity about the baby. That must really hurt. That shows what tr Pluto cj Moon can be like for a woman, which Pluto/Moon can be many things, but certainly reproduction/motherhood issues for some. Pluto transits are karmic ones, and if the transit is aspecting the nodes it must be something that the soul wanted to experience for evolutionary purposes.

I remember reading an article after Brad and Jennifer announced their engagement in which Jennifer said that they had agreed that each could indulge in just one affair during the marriage because realistically they didn't believe that any couple could be monogamous over the course of a long marriage. I remember that she said that her choice would be Steve Tyler of Aerosmith.

I know a few people who've been experiencing Pluto cj Sun. Jeff Green says you can use a 5-deg orb applying and separating with a Pluto transit. I've also experienced some major Pluto transits (most notably and recently Pluto cj NN/Asc opp Sun/DC and also Pluto cj Saturn), and for me I could sense something about 1.3 yrs before the event. So Jeff Green says that at 5 deg applying, there is buildup. At exact, there is an event. 5 deg separating, there is the "aftermath." 5 deg prior to, you can sense what is ahead. Listen to your intuition and prepare. Yes, Pluto cj Sun can be a wonderful once-in-a-lifetime liberating transit. There will be some kind of a major change or transformation.



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I wonder if Jennifer still has the same philosophy about indulging in one partner!lol...

I've never watched friends (do you believe it) but I do feel really bad for Jennifer in this whole fobar. I can't even imagine the pain she must be feeling while having to wear an indifferent look (great time for that pluto conj moon transit). Her Aquarian sun won't allow anyone to penetrate her hurt either.

All I can say is that I don't think Brad ever loved her. I think he truly loves Angeline J, but I don't think it will last all that much longer. He never would of caused all this humiliation and hurt to someone he loves. The consequences and aftermath for all this has yet to be seen. Imagine now, since Angeline is such a flake, if she dumps him.... and runs off with Vince. lolol!!! (I should of been a writer) tb


Well-known member
My birthday's 18 December (26 Sag something); Pluto is sitting on my Sun in my 11th house; first it hit my Venus at 17 Sag, also in the 11th.

To say it's a metamorphosis is an understatement. I explained to someone in another thread that Pluto is like a glacier scraping away at a mountain, and certainly I am feeling very 'scraped'!

However, I am, and have been, losing *so much baggage* I can barely believe it's possible. *Everything* is changing: my marriage also went through a crisis, I had a string of intense love affairs, I met (and lost) the love of my life. My marriage is *still* shaky and I don't think it will pull through; but because Pluto is now exactly on my sun for the next year and a half, I don't actually mind this, because Pluto takes away that which no longer serves the 'true' Self and I'm not so sure this particular Sadge should be married.

Bjork wrote a song called, aptly, 'Pluto' (on the Homogenic album), where she said something like: I have to explode this body off me; tomorrow I'll be a little bit tired but brand new. This sums up this transit, and my feelings about it, perfectly.


Well-known member
Well Archergirl, I hope you do well and survive and I hope things will clear up for the better when it is over :)

As I have said previously, I went through about 10 years ago, both uranus and neptune go over my sun. My sun sits in the 10th (2deg aqu) and had absolute confusion both in terms of personal identity and career to the point of having suicidal ideation.

I did a quick transit on me, and noticed that pluto will pass over my sun and sit *retrograde* on it in 2002. This is also when my sun will be progressed pisces and in the 12th. I am petrified that I will lose everything and be alone in the world :(


Well-known member
Pluto will soon make a conjunction with my ascendant (28'50 Sag). I found this on

A lot of information about all transits can be found there.

Pluto Conjunct Ascendant: "...your relationships...will be greatly
transformed. Your personality will undergo a period of change that will
bring to light some very important but often unacknowledged elements of
your psyche...This may be a period of extreme crisis in your
may be desirable for you to undergo get more in touch
with yourself... "The process may start with compulsive actions that
are hard to may only encounter them when others respond
to may feel that you are being victimized by some outside
force, although the force is within you... "Often a tremendous power
drive will surface during this transit...You are not content to be
subject to an outside power... "The best tactic with all of these
Plutonian effects is to recognize them and try to understand...They are
there for a reason...they have a positive purpose in your life, if you
allow them to be expressed."

Huh. How scary does this sound? :p I'm not afraid though. Everyone has to llearn lessons, so do I. I know I'll be able to handle this. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It's going to be difficult, but it will make me a stronger person.


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I think everyone feels a little bit daunted by the power of Pluto, but the key with Plutonian issues is 'self-awareness'. It's hard to feel self-aware when you feel like you've been thrown in at the deep end and don't know how to swim very well, but I feel that the whole idea is to -try- to keep swimming, and stay calm while you do!

There are times (and Pluto has just made its first of three retrograde passes over my Sun) when I feel so wired I can barely contain my own energy. When I feel like this, I go for a LONG walk out in the country and process my thoughts; I always feel better afterward. It's important to be able to step away from whatever issues Pluto is bringing up. Exercise is a good way to do it. I was unable to do this when Pluto went over my Venus about three years ago as I was in a very poor state mentally, and lacked the strength and space to be objective. That being said, I feel strangely MUCH stronger and more able to deal with Pluto on my Sun this time around as I know what kinds of energy and issues to expect.