Black Moon Lilith in Libra


Well-known member
how many of us have skipped over a few paragraphs of well-meaning advice not wanting to be lectured at? I know I have! :D

This quote came from A.M. in another thread relating to something entirely different than this thread heading, yet it has coincided with thoughts I have had in what I have been noticing happening a lot recently. Throwing advice to the wind, an adversity to advice, not wanting to heed advice, challenging advice, not wishing to discuss, etc.. It has made me wonder, studywise, if this could have any reference to Black Moon Lilith's current transit through Libra and, consequently, also be a trait representative of a natal BML in Libra because its position in a sign has been shown to often be significant of what lay dormant, or isn't surfacing, or what feels to be lacking in the way of character of that sign. 'Feeling accepted as an equal' seems to play a large role with BML in Libra. Could 'advice' and all it entails legally and otherwise be a reason behind it?

MEAN BML has been transiting Libra since late October '06 and is now on 17+ degrees of the sign. If anyone has any examples of how 'advice' has effected them through transiting BML's aspects to a natal planet, I would love to hear them.

P.S. It's merely coincidence that A.M has BML in Libra.:D


Arian Maverick

Well-known member
If anyone has any examples of how 'advice' has effected them through transiting BML's aspects to a natal planet, I would love to hear them.

As you mentioned above, my natal BML is in Libra and I believe I experienced my Lilith return several months ago. Coincidently, Lilith is currently located at 17 Libra 45 and is separating from an opposition with my first house Sun-Venus-Mercury conjunction in Aries and a trine with my chart ruler Mars in Gemini. I have always been something of a rebel, wishing to forge my own path in almost all areas of my life, and throughout this year I have found myself resisting questions about my future plans and inwardly scowling at less intelligent peers who proudly wave about their college acceptance letters. I have not applied to any schools except the local community college, for which I am eligible for receiving free tuition from the state. Yet even with this offer in my back pocket, I wish to explore other options and take a reprieve from school, much to the surprise of others who still likely view me as a model student. I don't know if my situation has anything to do with Lilith's transit through Libra, yet I cannot stand the subtle cues given by the media that insist that there is only one path to success and proceed to strictly define this word to include a six-figure salary as the means of possessing all the luxuries money can buy. Most of all, I have difficulty tolerating the smug superiority some high school students possess and their self-righteous expectations for themselves and for others; they judge without knowing all of the circumstances that may discourage another from attending college right away. Equality is a big thing for me, and I think I desire to meander from the common path because I never want to believe I am superior to anyone because my level of education; I want to live a "normal" life and survive in this society on perhaps minimum wage before I even attempt to make an identity for myself. Perhaps my aspirations are nothing anyone else would admire and chose to emulate, but I wish to learn as much about the world as possible and I believe this is the only way I can truly understand. I do not wish to be isolated any longer...

Arian Maverick
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Active member
Lilith was conjunct my Vertex a little while ago, I had a huge and traumatic fight with my ex-boyfriend which made me reassess our relationship and my tendency to get into emotionally abusive relationships. I don't look forward to ever experiencing this transit again...

I have natal Lilith in Aries, which is intercepted by the 12th house -- serious difficulties with asserting myself physically, with a tendency to assert myself psychically very powerfully (I have to be careful using the Sabian Oracle, because if my emotions are too powerful it will only tell me either exactly what I want to hear, or exactly what I fear the most).

It's no fun to have these two points of energy in intercepted Aries & Libra, as my 1st-7th house axis is tough enough as it is, with a Sun/Saturn vs. Moon opposition, Pluto (chart ruler) conj. Descendant, and the Nodes there too.

Still trying to figure out Lilith's energy. She quintiles Mars in the 10th and trines a Mercury/Uranus conjunction across the 7th-8th cusp -- actually, Lilith is in exact trine to the 8th house cusp. Whatever.


Well-known member
Hi all,

I´ve recently found some stored info on Black Moon Lilth on my computer so I´d think I could post it here.

Black Moon in Libra:

Here is the difficulty to place oneself in relation to the others, to
find the way - behavior - and the true word in each relation. On a
relationship point of view, Libra means harmony. Equilibrium between
oneself and the other(s) must be found. To accept the other without
denying oneself. The notion of the couple - association - has an
important value, which lessons are conciliation, comprehension, and
defense. There will be a lot of problems regarding the couple or the
associations. Though the native needs harmony in his life and wants
to set peace in his relationships - often to the detriment of
himself - the other(s) decides for him. In the same time, the native
can't assert himself and can't live without the other(s). He often
sees the partner (associates) as invaders of his own(private)world
but can't organize his contacts with them. These lacks of self-
confidence, of trust oblige him to let be impressed and to suffer.
Even if one feels unhappy, shirking confrontation is not a good idea.
On the other hand, to protect oneself, one can react with violence,
impulsiveness at an inopportune moment. There is no place for own
will, the others will being stronger. The native will have to endure
trials as other people will not allow him to have a self-expression,
or will oppose to him, even if he deeply knows he is right and the
others are wrong. And yet he must keep self-confidence and simply
accept the others as they are. To give without interested motives, to
be subjected to others desires, to put own desires aside. here are
some of the lessons the native will have to learn before he will have
the opportunity to express his own will. Moreover, Black Moon in
Libra may develop a pathological indecisiveness: the native might
never take a decision. Therefore, he will have to clarify his
positions and to affirm them without ambiguity under pain of creating
awkward situations. As his life's choices are taken at an unconscious
level, the native can't explain them and does not bear to be obliged
to wait and to be patient. He is obliged to sacrifice some values, to
keep just the essential. The air signs tend to mental emotions.
Because she loves peace, the Libra pays attention to be not submerged
by its emotions. With Lilith here, Librans tend to refuge in
indifference and insensitivity. The danger here is to stay in an
ivory tower.

Aries opposite Libra will oblige to solve the problems. The ego has to
find his place between the others. Paralyzed at the beginning, the
native must find the happy medium in his relationship if he wants to
express himself. Every 9 years cycle, an other kind of relationship
starts which may proceed through changes in life, allowing a better
self-expression. So, the ego that was very much debated at the
beginning, will gradually assert itself. Even if he dreams of an "
other world " the native has to live on a day-to-day basis, what he
is offered, and has to always maintain the stability. Equilibrium
between being patient, respecting, co-operating with other people and
his timidity and sensitiveness. The native might have artistic
abilities to be used or develop a job where the spirit of conciliation
is required. Personal expression will always be related to human

In the past lives, the soul might have misused the social power she
had and was unjust. On the other hand she might have suffered of
injustice. There is here a trauma bound to equity and social
position. The soul might have chosen between rebellion and submission.

Today the native may be obliged to endure situations which will lead
him to clarify his position, to take sides or to refuse the social
power. He also may have a karmic debt with justice or endure an
injustice that will oblige him to change.

If Lilith is a the very beginning of Libra, the native as to find his
way himself, to learn how to be with the others without underestimate
himself, but in co-operating with them as equals. In these cases,
associations will be of utmost importance. They must not be on a
dominant/dominated basis.

If Lilith is at the very end of Libra, changes occur in life either on
an inner or on an outer mode. Venus position and the house where Black
Moon is, will help to understand the process and the probable
results. There will be renunciations, self-sacrifices the native has
not to live as frustrations, but as necessary detachments for his

Keywords: difficulties in unions, associations and meetings - tendency
to refuse social conventions - egoism - magnetism - frustration -
snobbishness - unsatisfied desires - great power on others - health
problems (nephritis) - widowhood

Hope it hepls to shed some light on this natal position of Lilith (BML).
