Study Chart: Will I get a job at Llewellyn?


Well-known member
Hi guys/gals, Gaer esp,

Since Gaer posted an EXCELLENT question/statement with a bit of a doubt on will modern/traditional methods of reading horary charts work, i have decided to post a chart from Anthony Luis'book

I believe it was asked by Joan McEvers.

Will I get the job with Llewellyn?
*Llewellyn is a publishing company where they publish pretty much all astrology books"

It was asked on June 24 1987
10:00 am


Mercury rules her
her co-ruler is moon

job is mercury as well

plus we outta consider venus/jupiter

Okay so

Merc rules both we gotta use moon
Mercury is retrograde plus it is in silent sign who lacks voice.

mercury itself is semistong
sees itself by term and face
maybe she is unsure that she can handle the job

even though mars rules the hour and the chart is not radical by william lilly's terms.. it is radical due to moon's location which is in 10th house representing that she is concerned about the job!

moon conj venus - is a big plus
mercury and moon are in mutual reception by sign and MAYBE it is in mutual reception by house.. due to mercury leaving the 11th house which is a salary. so there is no problems with salary

moon's last aspect is to sextile jupiter .. another plus with a geting a job

mercury is about to get burned by sun maybe she wont like it there or feels intimidated!

moon aspects to jupiter ruler of 4th sealed the deal!

plus moon conj venus .. venus ruling 2nd house her money there is an agreement financial.

so that is a big YES.

MODERN APPROACH Ivy's style and Anthony's

mercury ruling both asce and mh links the 1st and 10th house suggesting the querent is asking about a job about writing books, or communciation

sun and moon in 10th hosue also imply a question about a career..
cancer on the cusp of 11 and mercury the questions in 11th house highlight income and editing
the chart appears radical and fit to judge. EXACTLY as it is above.

Leo on the cusp of 12th ppoints to work done in solitude such as writing and editing.

with virgo rising, mercury - her ruler - is retrograde at 16 deg 20 min cancer in the 11th house *i used Regio.. he used Koch*... shows that she might change her mind or something will be re-negotiated

6th house ruels routine tedious work and 10th governs career and profession .. since there is so much of 10th, he uses 10th house plus Anthony does not imagine her doing tedious stuff.
there are 3 planets in 10th house .. moon, venus and the sun all considered benefics by Bonatus suggesting a psositive answer

there are no major ptomemaic aspect between merc and the 3 planets represeting the job. however, moon and mercury are in mutual recpetion and also mutually applying to an exact semisextitle in only 3 minutes of arc. According to modern rulers semisextile is great for financial questions. the compbined MR and mutual application are compelling indications that she will get the job

there is more

fastest body moon will semisextile mercury then co-join venus which indicates the she will get a job

He also says that
application of the moon to conj venus the job .. venus in this chart also rules 9th house .. house of publishing
and 2nd house *6th of 9th* of the publisher's employees
the moon cojoins with venus - yet another sign that she will get the job


let's go to Ivy

4 mutable signs on angles - very unstable situation and probably will change dramatically

mercury is NOT dignified / nor debilitated by sign/detriment/exalt/fall in essential dignities

however it is accidently dignified by being in 10th house

Mercury is 16 cancer - which is in scorpio decanate

Ivy says

Fixed decanate of any sign on asce signifies an inner determination or stubborness that may not be t once appearant in the querent or quested of register in the matter sonner or later. it stedies a cardinal or common sign . where this i fixitu there is more or less adherence to some detail and usually a promise that must be kept esp because of being nagged. something already begun has established itself and must be taken into consideration

Evennumbered sign - easily imposed on/attracting within

if the significator is combust the sun or via combust area the person does not control his own affairs he is insecure and on unsound ground.

if the querent significatior is in the house of questied, he has gone over to the other side and will easily yeield to his lead.

when both querent and quested are ruled by same planet take moon for the querent .. the questied is at a disadvantage and insecure. *** SO is the job that is insecure tha tshe will accept the offer? .. Anthony does not mention any of this ***

a significator retro

when a significator is retro it tells u s that the person will not reveal his nature entirely because of retro planet having much that they are keeping themselves on inner plane as it were.
kinda there is more that meet the eye

if the ruler of signification is retro it shows that theperson will rewrite renegotiatie.. that is exactly what Anthony was saying

when merc retro in any horary chart when it is a significator, it denotes a change of a plan and of mind .. and aslo a change on prive in charts involving money.. probably the person is ill as well .. *Anthony does nto talk about this either**

i find this puzzling

if significator conjs sun he has some authority or concertain right in the case and succeeds proportianally
assistance of an influential man; advancement and honor
OKAY .. what about when it si under the sun beams and etc?

you can look at this Merc/sun as mutual application .. Ivy ssays they come to an agreement

the moon's last aspect is a sextile to jupiter
little trouble if any will be expereinced!
looks good here

IF a significator is in cardinal sign, expect things to develop very fast!

planet in angular house act openly and frankly so that signifcator here would hide very litlttle in the matter inquired abou t.. hmmm kinda flickering and oppsing each other .. retro and cardinal but okay i guess. maybe she was straight forward with the bosses but not straight forward about her feelings// who knows

part of fortune represents substance ! well it is in 12th house

south node in 1st house showes that she might be depriveving the querent ofhis full measure of benefit addicing weight to his afflication sand curtailign his freedom

now we will go to 10th house

success honor fine reputation welath and happnienss are locked with sun/jupiter/venus in 10th
we got SUN and VENUS there! GOOOD

moon in 10th showe conferred authoridty in a temp position
changes in career
inclanation to give up

if 10th house ruled by mercuyry acts for or represents anyone who calls him and usually in a clerical capacity

neptune/uranus/pluto - newcomers - we are not seeing this here

in common signs, planets serve travel communicatied, teach write and publish! We got that!

if a ruler of 10th house is on asce side then it signifies the profession *we got that*

if a ruler of 10th house is retro it indicates that a person will be working for soemone

shall she get the job?

ruler of 10th and ruler of 1st / ruler moon or a planet in the 10th esp if it is involves jupiter / venus / sun and merc - she gets the job! .. We have that except Jupiter

moon/merc/jupiter/venus - aspect to each other gurantees the job! well we got moon/venus conj!

no malefics except merc being combust

looks like she gets the job judging by all 3 styles

there you go ..

