The relationship of MakeMake/Maoi Statues and Neptune?


Well-known member
So far, I've learned that on Easter Island, there are 7 ancient Moai statues facing the rising sun during the spring equinox. I believe this is acknowledging the seven sisters or the Pleiades star cluster. But I have not researched enough

We know that both Neptune and MakeMake are considered were considered Sea Gods.

Picking up some books today, but hoping someone has info on the Rapa Nui people and their beliefs/relations to astrology.


Well-known member
MakeMake might influence Sagittarius as well as Pisces - the sign ruled by the planet Neptune vs. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius. Easter Island is in the southern hemisphere, where the spring or vernal equinox is Sep. 23 when the Sun enters Libra. However, the astrological location of the Sun is in Virgo - a female deity or mother figure. MakeMake may be related to a "sea goddess", though I need to research Rapa Nui religion, mythology and history on this issue. Virgo squares Sagittarius and opposite Pisces, while Sagittarius in the sky resembles a god-king, and Pisces the two fishes in the sea (Pacific Ocean).