choosing between 2 destinations


Hello all,

Could someone please tell me which houses to analyse for the following question:
Shall I go to Milan or to Paris? Which is better for me?
Question was asked on September 26, 2005, in Bucharest, at 15:25.
Shall I take 7th house for Milan and 9th for Paris, or 9th for Milan and 11th for Paris?

The question is related to deciding between two places to spend the Solar Return and I have my doubts whether to choose Milan where the Asc of the Solar return falls in Taurus(with Venus governing the Asc, but Venus is conjunct pluto) and Paris where the Asc falls in Aries (while Mars is on the 1st house, in Taurus and retrograde).

Appreciate any help.


Well-known member
I think the 7H represent first mention place(Milan) and 1H second (7from 7) mention place.
I did not draw horary chart, but from that you tell about solar return I prefer that variantion with Venus governing the Asc in conjunct Pluto. That variation with Mars rx is not optimistic at all.


HI Goca and thank you for taking the trouble to reply.
If the second destination, Milan, is 1st house, then shall I understand I'm represented by the Moon and the second destination, Paris, by my Asc?
I don't think the second destination is 7th from 7th because I'm not traveling from Milan to Paris. It's a matter of me choosing between them, not going both places.
Is it uncorrect to give Milan to the 7th house and Paris to the 2nd from the 7th, 9th house? What rules are you based upon?
Please help me understand.

Oh, and I think you're right about not wanting to choose an Aries Asc. I feel the same too. Mars retro and in Taurus can be a real big pain in the ......


Well-known member
Radu tells me once in private message, that when you chouse between things that are in your possetion (as children for exp) than it is 2 house from the matter (in this case 1 children is 5 , second 7 house...), but when you have things taht are not in your possetion than it is not, for example if you have to chouse between 2 jobs you are applaing for than first job is 10th house and second is 10th from radical 10th apropos 7 radical.
For the first your question I will chouse Moon to be my ruler and ruler of ASc to be Paris and rule of 7H to be Milan. But if perhaps Moon rules some of these houses (ASC or Dsc) I really do not know what when? As someone mention on this forum, we are than in a big trabble! Maybe Radu tell to us?!

You have one more chance to chouse which town- astrocartography!


I would be very grateful if you or Radu could detail a little bit about this rule because I didn't hear of it so far. It's very interesting. Can I read about it somewhere on the net?
And I do appreciate you answering my posts. Thanks again.


PS. Also related to this subject, could you tell me, in a question of this kind:
Will I go to Milan?
what houses are to be considered: 9th (meaning the trip abroad) or 7th (meaning the destination, Milan) or both and how do you correlate them?


Hi Goca,

About your last reply on this line, what if the location I want to go to involves moving abroad? Would it than be still 7th house or it will be 4th house from 9th?


Well-known member
I find this in meaning of 7H:"In journeys it indicates the destination and in questions concerning whether of not to move it indicates the property to which you intend to move". So I supose they will tell something if it is differnce in country or abroad, for now it is still 7H.