Can anyone tell me about these transits?


Well-known member
Pluto transitting my Uranus and Neptune in 3rd House.

Saturn transits also my 3rd House.

Uranus transitting 6th House.

Uranus transit Venus in 2019 and DC in 2021

Any insight on any of these transits?



Well-known member
Sorry for bumping this. These are my new few big, long-term transits.

Anyone experience any of them?? I'm kind of looking for big change and transformation.


Active member
Sorry for responding to your question by asking a question. Just to let you and everyone else know I am a nooby. What exactly is a transit?

Right now, I believe a transit is a house without a heavenly body inside of it. By heavenly body in this case, I mean to say: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Is this the appropriate definition of transit?