birth time


We are soon having a baby. how should be record the birth time
Is it when the baby's head is visible, comes out, whole body comes out?

also, plan on using my cellphone time. any other advice?

thank you

Lion o ness

Well-known member
Interesting, than aren't most birth certificates incorrect..

My thinking is doctors, usually note the time of birth as when the baby is fully out of mom' body.. Prior to first breath, the baby doesn't take first breath until the umbilical cord is cut..


Account Closed
You need to pay attention closely if you can be there.

They used to slap the babies on the behind to get them to take that first breath a cry. But as late as 33 years ago when the first my two were born the doctors said that was nasty for their first experience to be pain.

Both my kids started breathing at the moment they were confronted with the lights of the room in the form of a gasp, and neither made any crying noises. I'm not sure that it coincided with the cord cut, but it was my impression that my son beat the cord cutting to breathing first. The son was the second and I was less freaked by the whole event, plus he came quickly and I wasn't so much concerned about my wife who was at the end of 36 hours of labor. Daughter apparently needed a certain vbirth time and was holding for it. She almost got a C-Section.

Since I was sitting next to the receiving doctor I saw the birth of both. In the case of my son, the doctor claimed to be able to tell the sex by the shape of the buttocks. He said, "Oh you have another daughter!" I was at a slightly different angle, and I said, "Sorry, Doc, it doesn't quite look like that from here." Oddly they ran out of blue blankets and my son was put in a pink one at first. They were apparently having a run on boy births at the time.

That was about 30.5 years ago.
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dr. farr

Well-known member
Interesting, than aren't most birth certificates incorrect..

Yes-however, they are close enough for making (mostly) accurate delineations of life trends and tendencies, likely developments, etc...I am not a follower of the "exact split second as ideal" outlook regarding natal astrology...

Lion o ness

Well-known member
Yeah, with most cases it would only be off by a minute unless there is a problem..

My daughter was born at 4:18 am, but she had well bodily stuff in her throat, and stomach.
She had to have her stomach pumped, but I'm not sure if that effected breathing or not..
She was a very quick birth and labor... She took everyone by surprise.. Aries Asc

My son on the other hand, he didn't want to leave the womb, once forced out he came out swinging :lol: Leo Asc


Well-known member
thank you all!
I will try to look for the first breath
Good idea because the breath defines life and death
- even if there are technicalities such as 'brain dead'
and cases of people being kept on life support -
fact is, without the machines breathing for them,
those people cannot breathe for themselves


breath defines life as well as death

first gasp = ascendant of natal chart
last gasp = ascendant of death chart
We are soon having a baby. how should be record the birth time

Is it when the baby's head is visible, comes out, whole body comes out?

Just in case though, since any particular birth can occur only once,
and there can be no dress rehearsals
no re-runs


particularly since the ascendant may well change from one sign to the next at any stage
then you have a choice to record EACH significant moment :smile:
baby's head visible
baby's head out
baby's whole body out
baby crying
cord cut
and so on
always being alert for the first gulps of air taken by the newborn


you have an interesting exercise
as the days, months, years pass by
to observe which of those alternative charts best reflects the newborn

particularly if the ascendant changed
between visibility of the baby's head


the baby's the cord cut
also, plan on using my cellphone time. any other advice?

thank you
It's possible that cellphones may affect important electrical equipment in hospitals,
similar to the case with airplanes
so to avoid unexpected disappointment at the last moment
check you are allowed to bring your cellphone to the delivery area
have with you a backup accurate timepiece
such as a sports watch/stop watch
