How to handle energy stealers

Re: Energy Stealers

Not putting up with bad behaviour is asserting yourself. I had problems with that for a long time. When I started fighting back it upset people and upset my life. It's taken lots of adjustment and I'm still coming to terms with the changes it has made in my life. I know it is for the better. It hurts but I know it's better those people are not in my life anymore. I feel stronger.


Well-known member
Re: Energy Stealers

You have to fight back, self-preservation is the most important things in life I feel. If you don't look after yourself, you can't look after others. And anyway, these people are dead wood, why should you have to carry them?? You feel better for not having them in your life anyway, life becomes easier and simpler and you have one less thing to worry about.
Re: Energy Stealers

Posted by T-square
compassion is a very important part of the human soul....but not everyone deserves it...that sounds cruel, but it is much compassion can kill one dead....hw many people can you help drained?

I think we need to hear from you again on this topic T-square.


Well-known member
Re: Energy Stealers

Working on it..give me a moment...modem issues and numerous restarts...
Plus there is much to say...I'm putting some stuff together on this, should be tonight....I don't want to confuse people....
to be quick though I like the way Archergirl defines things, yet the deffintion I used for compassion had more to do with pity, and a want, or need to help others.....which can be tricky....I used this one here.
com·pas·sion play_w2("C0524700") (k
n)n. Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. See Synonyms at pity.

[Middle English compassioun, from Late Latin compassi
, compassi
n-, from compassus, past participle of compat
, to sympathize : Latin com-, com- + Latin pat
, to suffer; see p
(i)- in Indo-European roots.]
hm()The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
compassion Noun
a feeling of distress and pity for the suffering or misfortune of another [Latin com- with + pati to suffer]
hc_dict()Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2004, 2006
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Re: Energy Stealers

I always try to keep positive, If someone gives me an attitude, or tries to start a problem. I come back at them with kindness. I thank them. This has actually helped! I really like the Elenor Roosevelt Quote above, I have taken it to heart throughout my life. I am Natal Libra Sun conj Pluto etc, I work as a nurse, so I am giving of myself alot, I know if I don't keep some positivity, I will have nothing to give, and I don't want to be a healthcare provider who can't provide. I have seen many burnt out people trying to help people and they simply cause more problems then they help sometimes. I think that is why there is a nursing shortage here in the U.S. You can get burnt out. You can work till you drop, stress out your body mind and sprit. then continually get insulted, literally with burnt out or no assistance. Then family going off on you the nurse with their anger at something they expect you to control ok well I will stop going on. I don't wanna drain anyone with these stories of the service industry. I understand I need to be of service to others that this is good, there are some appreciative people out there, and even those few appreciative ones can make the entire day brighter, even in the midst of negativity, but the point is being positive in the face of negativity. Take a break. Then come back to give again, the world needs more of it.
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Re: Energy Stealers

Welcome IntenseWhisper. I just spent nearly 4 years working in a secure dementia unit. I did find the work draining, just as you described. We also have a shortage if nurses in Australia. My family missed out on my positive energy too. So glad I'm out of it. (My workmates were more draining than the patients).

You say you come back with kindness if someone gives you attitude. I lived by that as well, untill recently. I found people were seeing my kindness as a weakness and further stealing my energy. Now I'm fighting and feeling better for it.

Do you think I have become an energy stealer by changing my approach? It is possible I suppose.


Well-known member
Re: Energy Stealers

jamiescott said:
You say you come back with kindness if someone gives you attitude. I lived by that as well, untill recently. I found people were seeing my kindness as a weakness and further stealing my energy. Now I'm fighting and feeling better for it.
JS, I hear you on that!!! My compassion and kindness is often seen as weakness, as well and once a psychic vampire or energy stealer sees you as weak, or a target, they will most definitely go in for the drain. Protect yourself!
Do you think I have become an energy stealer by changing my approach? It is possible I suppose.
I think your positive awareness prevents you from overtly negatively stealing energy from others. I believe harmless and beneficial energy exchanges exist and occur all of the time. When you fight back, you are only fighting something harmful; and from your posts, I know you can tell the difference from when you need to fight or when you can just let things be. Continue to be the strategic warrior you are!


Well-known member
Re: Energy Stealers

Sometimes this helps in Work Situations.

In today’s society, nice, polite, caring guys are the ones who get all the abuse from the boss. If the nice guy eventually protest’s the boss’s rudeness, he gets fired.
The bad ***, is respected, and promoted, and will retain his job as long as he wishes. It is easy to learn to be a bad ***, and you need not be out ethics. Swagger a bit when you see the boss. Query the slightest negative indicator, or the slightest rudeness, or injustice, in a confident, calm, slightly arrogant way. That is a powerful way of making your space, as well as holding your space. A nice guy tolerates rudeness, and tries to understand. A bad *** never tolerates the slightest rudeness. He turn’s confrontationally toward any tiny disfavour, and soon there is no such thing as disfavour in his space.

More later....I don't have much time over lunch.
Some more helpfull things, like vector tech and how to avoid it or use it for fun, or simply becuase you have to...vectors are everywhere, especially this day in a rush.

Re: Energy Stealers

Originally posted by MamaMinnee.
....strategic warrior...

Look to Pallas Athena = prudent warfare.

Originally posted by EJ53.
OK - if you really can tell the difference between the stealer that is energised by the fighting and the incorrectly judged that is de-energised by being falsely attacked. But, who be sure that the decision to fight is appropriately considered rather than a "knee-jerk" reaction stemming from something lodged deeply in the subconscious?

Practice. There will be casualties along the way. If you or loved ones are in danger, shoot first, ask questions later.


Well-known member
Re: Energy Stealers

IT took some throwing together, may be relevant, may not, I would like to clean it up some and may's not all mine, it does have a C-rite as well...but it can be shared, that is part of the C-right, I just can't profit from it materially, that is what the author asks. this is only a few sections...and it is done somewhat messy, but I'm short of time.
Kind of a long post.

[posted by copyrighter's permission so it doesn't go against forum rules - Moderator]


A cool guy gets everything he wants by reverse vector, and operates on vector reversal himself, so, it seems he must really have a handle on life, and popularity. That is how considerations work. Daredevils, and criminals do very negative things, which, when resisted, appear very positive. They make a big racket, cultivate bad manners and bad comm cycle, never thank anybody, and so on. It works for them, but those cool dudes are digging a very deep pit for themselves. A lot of those goofy drugged up bums, and winos in the drop in centres used to be super cool guys, and criminal geniuses, only a few lifetimes ago. Their dichotomies beef up until they can no longer operate at that game.

A GUY WHO JUST DOESN’T GET IT – A NERD – DEFINITION - A guy who puts out a bunch of positive considerations, still not realizing that he will be mentally attacked every time he does so. A bunch of positive considerations from a High Toned being are perfect degrado food, because the degrado does not need to think, just disagree with every idea. scorn it, and knock it down. The degrado knows that the nerd could be a creative genius, and a very kind hearted individual, but hates the nerd for it. Degrado girls at parties watch positive individuals being chewed up, and they snicker. A nerd who masters dichotomies, and vectors can become very successful in life.

DEGRADATION – ANOTHER DEFINITION – The spiritual condition of having taken on the valence of matter, desiring to serve on a reverse org board, and covertly worshipping suppression.
A spiritual being on his planet has lost so often that he thinks he is very degraded, but he is actually a hero because he still maintains the viewpoint of spirit, and has not given over his spirituality.

THE DOLOROUS STATE OF MIND (below Anger on the tone scale)
The ancient Greeks used a crude tone scale to classify personalities: Sanguinary, Phlegmatic, Melancholy, Dolorous was below Anger.
Whatever seems to be your will, shall be opposed, by the dolorous personality. Since the dolorous mind state is generally one of weakness, and the desire to be effect, it gives in, briefly, and sluggishly to strong spirit command intention. When a big being leads, and commands a group of such beings, he knows immediately that covert sub groups are forming to conspire against him, and gathering conspirators to topple him. For that reason, being a natural leader, the farmer, Cincinnatus, absolutely refused to command the armies of Rome, unless enemy forces were swarming over the border, and only when the terrified Romans were pleading with him to save the nation. A truly big being, who tries to hold some famous command position, will quickly have mobs and armies of conspirators forming up against him, unless he is smart with vectors, that is.
Those in the dolorous mind state will not support High Toned leaders, but will strongly support a mad dictator who threatens, and abuses them, and falsely promises them world mastery, and prosperity, with a plentiful supply of slaves and victims.
Beings in dolor are simply unable to think for themselves. The one worlders demand that the planet be toxified with pesticides, and mercury, and that the media and education system be filled with threats, and degradation, because they desire that the masses be degraded into that dolorous state, which is so easily manipulated by vectors. High Toned beings hate to use vector propaganda because it is bluntly dishonest, but they had better understand it. The media today carries nothing but vector propaganda.

We know that when such a being communicates, with all those reversed vectors, society will automatically provide him, with an affluence of all kinds of pro-survival things and services, without his even trying.
When you are entitled to a return help flow from others, you should go right ahead, working vectors, in a sensible way, and allow yourself to have your return help flows.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov pointed out that the dolorous dogs were all physically weak, and easily conditioned (programmed).
Above Anger, like attracts like. Birds of a feather flock together. Opposites repel. That’s straight talk, , and high toned power.
Below tone Anger, opposites attract. Positive repels positive. Negative repels negative. Thats jive talk, and that’s double talk. That is the power, and the attraction of sensation. To put yourself at willing effect, and covert cause, use Jive talk. It can be considered love talk. It is often criminal talk. It is used to press the buttons that have to do with sexual attraction, and a sense of play. It is also the Taming of the Shrew.
Master both communication styles, so that you can talk freely, and effectively to anyone.

contempt – admiration
rejection – attraction
hate – love
treachery – friendship
despair – hope
helplessness – power
At boredom...conservatism, a contemptible act, or a declaration of contempt are the permanent end of an association or friendship. Below Anger, the cool guy does one mildly contemptible thing after another, knowing that it will invert into admiration. He takes contempt, and rejection as a welcoming sign, and moves close in.
The cool couple also exchange contempt, knowing that it will invert into compulsive admiration. They exchange hatred, knowing that it will invert into compulsive love. They reject each other from the beginning of their association, knowing that it will turn into real, although compulsive, attraction. When they are together, at least one of the pair must maintain a continuing false, or genuine attitude of contempt, hatred, rejection and treachery, to prevent that relationship from falling apart.

During the l950’s, the common tone level was about conservatism, Sales technology at that time was simply to raise someone to excitement about a subject, and they would buy. In those days, Vector Management was scoffed at. After the beginning of the 21st Century, Earth societies generally averaged arround apathy...fear. Vectors now have nearly universal power. The high-toned being may be baffled by vectors, and schticks because he never practices them, thinking they are unethical, or sleazy at best. At very high tones, consideration vectors come into plentiful use again, because a group, which is immune to vectors will often consider them an amusing game. Criminal groups practice Vectors all day long, because down at their tone levels, vectors are the only thing that work. Vectors are neither ethical, nor unethical. It is what you do with such tools, that counts.

There is intense cruelty during a military recruit term, and a further degree of unjust cruelty all through a military career. The officers leave certain soldiers alone, but they absolutely brutalize a few high Toned individuals, within an inch of their lives.
We know that NCOs are insane bullies, who are protected by military, and civil law, from the retribution, which they justly deserve. “Why do I always get picked on?” says the decent chap. The trick is to know the mechanisms on which these psychopathic junior officers operate, and to be better at it than they are. If you are a creative individual, (an ideal target, in other words), you already have the vector tools to totally buffalo these goombahs, and live a free happy life, even in the armed forces. Just baffle their weak little minds, but remember, you always need fresh material, or you will be crushed. If the sergeant screams, “You have a speck of lint on your uniform!” you might throw him off, by saying “I think I should kill myself, sir.” So you got away with it that time. You had better have a new line next time, or you will be scrubbing trash cans.

If a magick ritual works once, it will not work the second time, if done exactly the same way. The spells in witchcraft books must be followed in principle, but never in form. That is why witches often fail. Keep Creative.

If you repeat a consideration, it causes no material effect.
To get what you want, pretend to not want it, and repeatedly, lightly pretend to desire for the opposite, in new ways each time.
If you remain neutral, you are considered matter, and are neither attractive, nor repulsive.
If you remain neutral, and oblivious, you will be moved hither, and yon by the whims of others.
If you remain neutral as a being of light, other beings of light will wait until you originate.
If you as-is every vector, you will not be affected.
If you put out causative high toned intention, you will be opposed by matter, but duplicated by spirit.
If you repeatedly put out a varied outflow, or rejection, you will provoke an outflow from another, intended to make you inflow.
If you put out an intention, with a falling tone level, it will be accepted.
If you put out an intention, with a rising tone level, it will be scorned.
If you fight a vector, all will go down tone.
If you chase a motion, it will flee.
If you flee from a motion, it will chase you.
If you push someone out of your way, they will try to get back into your way.
If you repeatedly, variedly lightly reject what you desire, you will get it.
If you repeatedly, variedly approve of what you do not desire, you will not be forced to have it.
If you repeatedly, variedly pull in on something you do not want, it will be withdrawn from you.
If you repeatedly push away something, which you do not want, it will be enforced upon you.
If you put out tractor beams onto something, it will be taken away from you.(notice the loss of the water signs....they use tractor beams..TS)

If you put out pressor beams at something, it will approach you.(notice fire with this...the fire signs are magnets...TS)

If you reach slightly toward someone, and, when noticed, flinch away, strongly, you will be chased.
The auto repair industry operates on a mainly criminal basis. Some people get dinged, sabotaged, and defrauded every time they come in for auto repairs. Others assume a correct vector attitude, and the auto repair folks would never dream of doing anything but the best work, and never replace a part unnecessarily.
Bankers are trained to be opportunistic criminals. They currently have a large bag of costly tricks, and unnecessary charges, which they can do on uninformed loan applicants. Your vector control should be strong enough, so that a banker treats you with the greatest respect, and honesty, and probably saves you several thousand dollars.

There are Army Sergeant vectors, Flirting vectors, Undertaker vectors, Magistrate vectors, Diplomat vectors, Academy Awards vectors, and on and on, and they do not look like strait talk at all. WHEN YOU RELEASE ON ALL DICHOTOMIES,YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO MASTER, AND CONTROL ALL KINDS OF VECTORS.
At the Olympic games, there are button-trading tents. The game is to trade or buy buttons, hoping to get the complete collection of one hundred fifty or so Olympic buttons. The sharks, in these tents, have vectors, which convince other people that their buttons are worthless, while the shark’s buttons are all of priceless value. These sharks make a great living with their vectors. Used car salesmen play a similar game.
High society party vectors are oooh so polite, but if you interact with these people, they can and will make you feel like an absolute dog in an instant, while speaking soo nicely to you, and you aren’t allowed to hit them. To protect yourself, you need to master their vectors.
The vectors of a Private talking to a swaggering Regimental Sergeant Major, must be very correctly tailored, because such a man hands out a day of latrine duty, on aberrated whims as light as air, but he does it on very exact mechanisms. Don’t think that honest, sensible statements will ever help you to escape latrine duty.
You should, be able to get into, and out of, a poker game, with ease. Suppose you want to leave with your winnings, or get out before you lose your shirt.
A vector reversal conversation simply does not make sense, unless you figure out the mind game, then it makes total sense, and it is all stupid simple.
Social interaction is one of life’s great mysteries. Thousands of books are written about it. Today; it is mostly specialized Vectors, also called Vector Management.
The greatest salesmen, the greatest Casanovas, the greatest comedians, these guys typically have an IQ of about 110. They must not be using intelligence. They are using Vector Management. That is the Gift of Gab. That is the Blarney. That is the ******** Baffles Brains factor. These people cannot control many of their dichotomies, so they must stick with their specialty areas in order to stay successful. A person, free from dichotomies should be able to operate vectors competently, and safely in any area.


The court of King Arthur was only partly right when they answered the question, “What does woman want?” They said, “ She wants her way.” but they never finished the research, or witheld the rest of the knowledge. How does woman want to get her way? Subtly is how, because the interaction between men and women is often the effect game of desiring sensation, and that means vectors by the truckload. The woman, by her nature does not wish to initiate interaction. She likes to attract the action to herself. A man should be able to find, attract, and have a woman, with a high level of competence. There is a cycle of action here. A man’s service is to repeatedly draw attention by bravado stunts, repeatedly, lightly reject the woman with minor rebuke, and non-meaningful insults, Q and A with the rejection, then pause, so that the woman can make her intuitive, or spoken indication of approval, or disapproval. That is a typical example of how a woman wants her way. She likes to be drawn, by very strongly activated vectors. If a man prepares a strong attractive polarity, he must definitely reject women, otherwise he will certainly be repelled because two tractor beams make a repulsor ridge. One of the pair must be avoiding, rejecting, withdrawing, and so on, and the other must be seeking, attracting, admiring, and so on, or else vectors will spoil the relationship. Women are currently severely sexually attracted to men with powerful controlling, and contemptuous attitudes, then, not knowing much about vectors, spend most of their married lives moaning over the fact that they never get their way.
An couple who love each other, will actually find their chairs skidding away from each other across the floor, and that can be very uncomfortable. That is a typical interplay of masculine and feminine energy. To do life’s games with certainty, one must be very aware, of Vector Management, and must have no personal charge on the subject, which flip-flops a lot. You must be free enough to flip-flop much faster. There are an infinite number of creative ways to make this work.
There should be a large collection of synonyms for all the various vector factors, so that they can be cleared up....meditated upon. The collection would make an interesting book. Some ways, of rejection, for example, are scorn, criticism, disbelief, a light shove, laughter, refusal, disagreement, turning away, withdrawal, and disapproval. Check a thesaurus for countless synonyms for many vector situations, and acts.

Another Deffinition of Compassion:
COMPASSION – DEFINITION – Compassion is good will expressed as empathy, which permeates higher dynamics than the simply yourself, family, groups, animals, nature, other beings...etc.etc.. Compassion is an extension of personal beingness right through other dynamics knowing that they are self, as well as free beingnesses. By compassion, any number of beings can be the same person or the same dynamic at the same time, comfortably, and without conflict of interest. Compassion is a state of non-solidity, and love for one’s fellow beings, in a very high sense of the word.

There are times I think differently about how far one should reach with depends upon personal judgement and abilty IMHO.
Love is a is to be used...but there are those that will take advantage of ones compassion........and love can lead to mentalism, so it is usefull and vey worthwhile and a sign of a decent human being...but I do see that it could be overdone...maybe...I'm still working on this.
That is a denial of Life.

GROUP THINK - Since the organization has a group mind, it is a living thing, part group think and and part individual think the ideal ratio is about 55 percent individual to 45 percent group think. Sick groups run at about 95 percent group think. When a group gets that bad, better to let it die, and start over, than try to free up that much solidified group think.

Posting stuff like this actually causes me to get poked in very weird ways that I can not fully explain....

This may also be helpfull.

Suppressive deadnesses are destroyed compassions.
Lack of compassions is what separates the suppressor from the spritual Being. The suppressor killed these compassions within himself, so that he could always unjustly rule over others. Thus he destroyed his own beingness, and now compulsively harms others, so that he can gloat from his dead viewpoint. The Suppressive decided to gain freedom and powers by never caring what harm or loss, or lessening of happiness may come from his crimes, or from the crimes of fellow Suppressors. When the suppressor lost his compassions, he developed fake substitutes, so that he almost seemed compassionate, but he was really fooling a lot of people, successfully.
DIV 1. Dub-in instead of duplication
DIV 2. Motivators (external prompters, or injuries) instead of responsibility
DIV 3. Curroiuls, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit, No, Rejected, scale, instead of Affinity, Agreement, or Comunication, Broad generalities instead of personal viewpoint
DIV 4. Conformity,instead of evaluation. They explain, teach, and uphold the status quo. Unreasonable conformity is simply an oppressed condition. They believe that a new idea is merely a misunderstood instruction. They believe that there are no new ideas. They thinkYou must have found it somewhere, or plagiarized it from somewhere.
(this actually is plagerized from somewhere to save myself some time....the Author gave his OK. The book is not for sale. I'm still looking much of this over myself, and have found it helpfull...some of it is slightly unnerving...I'm posting can be a rough read.)

DIV 5. The opinion of an Authority, instead of the certainty of personal observation.
DIV 6. Competition, and Conflicts over material goals, instead of higher toned, spiritual goals.
DIV 7. Arbitrary rules instead of principles.
The Seven Suppressive Deadnesses are horrible spiritual handicaps, which Suppressors have imposed on themselves, usually far back on the track. This self-murder was usually guided by priests of highly secret dark-side religions, some of which exist to this day. The Suppressors knowingly agreed to participate in the rituals, and willingly paid the price of eternal damnation for the sake of temporary pleasures. The powers, and sensual pleasures of the Supressor, are terminated when his victims free themselves, and leave, one by one.
The suppressive deadnesses are both an org board, and a grade chart. They are seven ways a suppressor is unable to interact intelligently. The deadnesses are restimulative weapons, which are deadly against an untrained spiritual being. The Seven Suppressive Deadnesses gradually enrich, and empower the Supressive, and gradually enslave spiritual beings, and that was the motive for developing them.
A High Toned beingn, who has managed to degrade himself into deadness is no longer a source of light. He becomes literally, a black button, or black dot. A high percentage of psychics and mystics, are exterior black dot dead beingsns, usually of a less dangerous kind. PHOTOGRAPHS OF SPIRITUAL BEINGS, AND SUPPRESSIVE BEINGS. If you take colour photographs of gatherings of mystics with some kinds of ordinary cameras, you will see, on those photographs, both orbs of light, and black dots hovering near the bodies. The orbs are exterior beings, and those black dots are exterior dead suppressive, or theety wheety beings, weakly pretending to be human.
Unreliable, but very real, psychic perceptions turn on when a being is dead. Magic powers also turn on, for these dead beings, but they are not under that being’s direct control. He feels he must be first inspired by muses, or some such thing.
Most dead beings can no longer gain pleasure from sharing survival and happiness with others, only from the suffering, and dying of others. In fact such a being feels that he shall surely perish, if he fails to cause agony, and perhaps death, for other beings. So far has he sunk.

The suppressor invites spirit to fight against another kind of nothing, by inviting futile hatred, or futile attempts to contact spirit.
You can’t fight against a nothing. Spiritual deadness is a kind of nothing – at very very low tones An SP’s deadnesses are like the tarbaby, and a spirit communicator would be like Brer Rabbit. Suppressors are frustrating because you cannot get through to them with hight toned communication. Their deadness neutralizes your com. Then, when you start to communicate more forcefully, you are at that moment restimulated, and are less the spirit, and more the owned matter of the suppressor. The suppressor sees that you are restimulated, then he asks you to agree with the physical universe in one of the seven ways. When you do that, you are in a position to be attacked by one of the seven ways in which the force of a group overwhelms an individual. When you are overwhelmed by group force, you can be posted on a job, which serves mainly the SP. When you build up the production statistic of your job, you have built up the bonnes, which are fake power in the form of material accumulations. When the Bonnes are large enough, the suppressor can use their power to attack and injure individuals without fear of retaliation. When enough beings are injured, they can be enlisted into the service of a mad national dictatorship. When a mad dictatorship has enough regimented masses, it takes on insane genocidal projects, and wars, which kill off the population of that nation.
A typical example: The spiritual being prefers Affinity, Agreement, Comunication, to coercion. Every time the being makes an ARC commitment, the suppressor changes it somewhat, and coerces it The spiritual being says, “Now wait a minute. I made an Affinity, Agreement, Comunication, commitment but you are breaking that, by enforcing a slightly different commitment.” The suppressor, simply does not comprehend ARC, and keeps hammering away at the Curious, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit, No, Reject, scale. A workman says that the boss’s coercion to work harder, and get stats up, is harming.his health, and is interfering with his life. The boss makes a point of just not understanding the sufferings of workers, and he can’t understand that anyway, because he is dead in that area. The more Afiinity, Agreement, Communication, commitments the suppressive makes, the more beings he can force to work for him. He never makes Those commitments himself, because he is incapable of It. That makes a one way flow. All service and wealth goes to the suppressive, and the suppressive cares nothing for anyone else. So, he gets filthy rich on fake agreements, fake communication, And fake affinity..

1. You are not making sense.
2. You are behaving suspiciously.
3. You are annoying.
4. You are unreasonable.
5. You are imagining things.
6. You are not cooperating.
7. You are not behaving properly.

Science is not the Authority of men in lab coats. Scientists are bought, and their opinions falsified at the whim of any supposed philanthropist. Science is a native attribute, of any being who can observe, with certainty, and compare those observations, with his own ideas. A free individual dedicated to exact observation, can far surpass the number of scientific discoveries made in the laboratory, and such an individual with a laboratory to serve him would make an amazing number of physically valuable discoveries.
A sane being must know the difference between observation, and meaning assigned to observation,and the difference between actual personal observation, and delusion. The dead being is unable to distinguish the second difference. A characteristic of insanity is the compulsive denial of the fact of the certainty of observation.
The dead being is incapable of being certain of observations, and incapable of comparing those observations with his own ideas. The suppressive compulsively disbelieves the certainty of personal observations, and compulsively refers conversation to the superstition of belief exclusively in Authorities. Certainty of observation is senior to logic, and also senior to all Authority.
The suppressive does not need ten cents worth of intelligence to defeat a High Toned Being in this kind of argument.

You must be in valence to operate on principles. The Dead Being simply does not acknowledge that principles exist. If you talk of principles, he can think of an arbitrary rule, or law, which you will break if you try to do the right thing, and operate on principles. If you try to explain a principle to him, he just won’t get it. He will compulsively redirect the communication toward arbitrary rules, and will not trust judgement.

Sir Walter Raleigh is credited with founding the British Empire, (assisted after his death by Benjamin Disraeli). Raleigh corrected England’s laws, developed the military, glorified her culture, and raised her economy to power. His reward was to be falsely accused, and beheaded at the tower of London. Raleigh, had time to analyze the causes during his final imprisonment. He stated, more or less that he now knew that it could not have ended any other way. He was doomed to be executed, from the first day of his career.
He was aware of the incredible strength of the suppressive forces, systematically following him, and installing reverse org boards.

1. No, I won’t reduce my space. I have ethics.
2. No, I won’t take up a moral code. I have integrity.
3. No, I won’t be coaxed and coerced, I have understanding.
4. No, I won’t be belittled by retraining regarding forms. I have an idea, and logic.
5. No, I won’t consider that I might be delusive about that observation. I have certainty.
6. No, I won’t take up a material goal, nor the conflicts of an dirth material goal. I have a higher toned cooperative goal.
7. No, I won’t obey a treacherous rule. I have a principle.
These commands are highly restimulative. Try to hold your stability postulates, in a damaged group under supression group, and you will soon have lots of personal injury come to view, that is if they don’t crucify you first.

You can sort of herd both oppressors, and victims in the direction you want by their non-confront on imaginary troubled subjects. This method works on you too, at least uintil you have cleared up allot of those issues in yourself. I do not recommmend the method, because it is self-degrading, but, on the other hand, it may be fun at times, especially if used on another being, who knows the game, and does not take it seriously.
Example, when you find that you are not being duplicated, and are being thwarted, you may describe your situation, which you wish to handle, as a collection of problems, pertinent to what you wish to have done. Example: “This place is such a mess Harry. My feet hurt. I need to get some sleep.” “Okay, June, I’ll clean up the supper dishes.” That was a creative use of imaginary problems. Going on up the divisions, you can mock up witholds, ARC breaks, service facsimiles, fixed ideas, failed purposes, and valences. People will do things for you because they think you are restimulated. You can get to be quite an actor, doing this. You can do this on other flows too. Okay, you are on your own
I don't recommend it.....but many do it already..some don't even know they are acting anymore, you'd be suprised, really,...once are on your own

1. Give up your communication reach, because you are not duplicated. Accept a social status, slightly inferior to that of the Dead being, and imaginary barriers to communication.
2. Give up your integrity, because no one is that responsible. Accept moral codes, guilt, motivators, hostility, and punishments.
3. Give up your understanding because no one has your viewpoint. Accept agreement, and coaxing, and coercion.
4. Give up your ideas. No one has such logic. Accept instruction in the status quo.Cognite that current forms are more important than your ideas. Accept a position as a laborer.
5. Give up your beliefs because no one has your certainties. Accept Authority, fixed ideas, and superstition.
6. Give up your HIGH TONED GOALS goals, because they are not real. Accept LOW GRADE MATERIAL goals, and take part in conflict.
7. Give up your principles. They are open to interpretation. Accept laws, rituals, rules.

When you succumb to one of these insane invitations, you have gotten yourself a big reading item. Meditate upon it..remove it if you can and know how...trace it down to a begining, the first instance...that is too painfull for many to do fully, and difficult to expain quicky even harder to do, otherwise it would have been done long ago. There is much opposition to doing such.
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Well-known member
Re: Energy Stealers

Every one of these steps comes in sevens.

1. The suppressor waits for a spiritual, compationate, comunicating, high affinity, agreement oriented, resposible, knowlegeable, being to come along, like a spider in a web.
2. The spiritual being communicates one of the seven classes of High toned concept but gets a surprise black response. Now, that dark being is either highly restimulated, or suppressive. Now, which is it?
The Spiritual being if he is wise enough to recognize suppression, immediately drops, the comm line at this point, even makes it snap back, hard.
3. The dead beings response will be one of seven classes of mental blankness (suppressive deadness), so the high toned communication clearly did not arrive.
4. The being makes the mistake of trying harder to communicate the high toned com, but at that instant, he has made an error. Trying harder is the exact wrong postulate, which restimulates your own bank, and puts you at effect, not cause.. There are seven of these erroneous, self restimulating responses each one matching a suppressive deadness.
5. Closing the trap, now that you are restimulated, the dead being will harshly bark out a more restimulative disguised request. He will ask you for a substitute concept, but that concept will covertly request, “What is your button in restimulation.” The question will stated as an incomplete cycle of action
6. The being falls into the trap, when he completes the cycle of action for the dead being. The spiritual being, unthinkingly describes the content of his restimulated bank, to complete the cycle of action for the dead being. It will probably be a subconscious compliance on the part of the spiritual being. (The spiritual being may win here, by smugly refusing to complete the cycle of action for the dead being.)(this works...TS)

7. The dead being carefully notes that bank item, because that is a tool, which that dead being can henceforth use to restimulate and manipulate the High toned being.
8. When the dead being has gathered enough of these button tools, he can manipulate the being to do darn near anything, in other words, the suppressor can now command one of seven types of robot.
9. Every dead being is different, and specializes in gathering, and manipulating different collections of buttons. Usually a suppressor specializes in only one of the seven types of bank button.
10. The false reward for any successful dead being is one of the seven kinds of material accumulation. The dead being is unable to enjoy the fruits of his labour, because it is all tainted plunder. It is all a mixture of dirty material gain, and dirty spritual gain. If the successful suppressor looks happy, he has a pasted smile on his face. If he has an emotion, it is a fixed emotion.
11. The suppressor does take pleasure in one thing. He gloats at the misfortunes of all the beings around him when he makes a point of suppression makes someone suffer.(nasty isn't it...TS)

You got restimulated, and you told the dead being what your button was. The dead being will recall those button words, and use them against you. All the dead being needs to do, from now on is, keep repeating your button words, when he wants you to back down regarding something.
The dead being can even do this by telepathically thinking those words, or throwing mocked up images of your incident, at you. The dead being wants you to react, under the influence of the pain drive. He gloats at that.
Notice the restimulation, and don’t punch the suppressor in the nose. Take it into session, mediate upon it. Whenever you are restimulated, you are finished, done, and defeated, until you handle that item in session. All other alternatives do no good. They are all reative mechanisms, and they control you.
(I tend to punch them in the face..or have in the past anyway(laugh) was never worth it, at least it never worked...they like that....but it can be difficult to trace this stuff back or remove these people from ones life....TS)

My idea of Hell

1. To live, and operate with fellows at your social class, not your spiritual class.
2. To live so that you can be watched over at all times..
3. To be always busy, at the duties of your job, or household, or other area, every waking minute.
4. To always work to perfect drills, and exact standards set somewhere, by somebody. Careful uniformity of behaviour, clothing styles, possessions, even inflections, and mannerisms, and maintainance of conformity.
5. To accept, believe, and proclaim official group truths, and beliefs, with conviction..
6. To join and participate in group competitions, ritual combat, and battles against other individuals and groups.
7. To perfect automated behaviour drills, on a stimulus-response basis.

For a Laugh...
Soul Suckin Jerk: Beck

Mountain Dew Rock-Beck

Perfect balance is an attitude, and a stance such that you cannot be shoved, and toppled. With perfect balance, you can always shuffle sideways, or turn away from some unsettling force. Always maintain such a stance that betrayals by Org Management cannot harm you, because, per available records Org management has always done treachery since genesis.
Always behave as if you may be fired at any moment, and as if you may walk out at any moment. You would not trust a scorpion, now, would you?
When a group goes into reverse ethics, drop that group into the next lower ethics condition, and if that does not work, drop them into a still lower condition. You will assign the correct ethics condition sooner, or later.


1. ALWAYS RETAIN YOUR RIGHT TO LEAVE A GROUP. If a senior says that you will be punnished in any way for directly routing out of the group, tell him to read your contract, or whatever, always be able to walk...if you can. Demand the resignation of that senior, and leave the group anyway.
Thats the Dicipline.
It's not easy but worthing having....odly it becomes a bartering chip...but I'd rather be able to get the **** out alive.

ALWAYS TAKE A HOSTILE THREAT AS AN INVITATION TO DO REAL BATTLE. If a senior menaces you, ask him if he wants to go for it, and mean it. If he says yes, its pistols at sunrise, or whatever you wish. It is your choice of weapons because he initiated it. A hostile threat is simply not acceptable in a junior-senior relationship, and make sure that the relationship ends right there.

ALWAYS REFUSE TO ALLOW THE BOSS TO PUSH YOU AROUND AT WORK BY CLAIMING A CRISIS. The senior can do that once, but must present a completed writeup of some sort to the junior soon afterward. If you get a whiff of a faked crisis, then that is the end of your working relationship.

ALWAYS RETAIN YOUR RIGHT TO DISH OUT WHAT YOU GET. It is a crime for a senior to pull rank. If a senior says he can yell at you, and you had better not yell back at him, perhaps you might scream his face off, and throw him out. Refuse to work for him, or cooperate with him, ever.

General Von Moltke hinted at the ideal scene when he ordered an officer to be harshly disciplined. The Officer, who had caused a disaster, said he was only following orders. Von Moltke replied, “I made you a Major because I believed you knew when to disobey orders.” That famous interchange greatly improved the morale of German soldiers for two whole wars because it implied that the individual was worth something, and no stupid fool could order a man to a useless death.
Always demand the resignation of any senior who demands that you do things, which do not work, and does not care if they work or not.

ALWAYS DIG DOWN TO THE SOURCE OF ANY ATTACK, VERBAL,OR OTHERWISE. NEVER TOLERATE THIRD PARTYING BY A SENIOR. If a senior tells a half-truth, or a lie which gets you into trouble with some disciplinary body, that is the end of the working relationship. Either the senior goes, or you go, and make that very clear.

(I had to do that one to my father....its still working out...I'm very busy right now...(laugh)....fighting the good fight or whatever...I'm busy, well see how it goes...TS)

ALWAYS KEEP YOUR PRINCIPLES ABOVE ANY JOB YOU DO. If a senior orders you to violate your principles, he is ruined, and tell him so.

A being weakly fights back against suppressive deadness by making jokes, which are often very, very, very funny.(haha) A gloater can make jokes, which are very oppressive, and boy oh boy, can you spot a victim then.
In mad dictatorships, jokes, are made illegal. Degrading jokes are considered acceptable to suppressive management, if they degrade lower classes.
I find it important to analyze the interplay of suppression, and jokes.
Whether a joke is degrading or not, depends on palpable polarities, lifestyles, and randomity levels and some things I do not understand.. When a team of workmen has been dragging, and erecting heavy objects all day long, they can say the most outrageous things to each other, and find them both welcome, and funny. I do not know all the rules of how this all works, but sometimes the rudest jokes are very entertaining for all concerned.
(Jane, you ignorant slut...SNL)

If a joke feels oppressive, go ahead, and handle it. The fastest way to destroy a joke, and joke teller is to ask, “What’s funny about it?”

ARISTOCRACY - A monopoly on communication translates into social status. The suppressor gains total control of communication in the comunciations universe, and that translates to social status in the material universe. Suppresors build aristocratic status by knocking everyone else into Q and A, and non-confront.
Soon the idiot suppressor wears fancier clothing, and swaggers, when he walks. Being the only one in the area, who is allowed to communicate, of course, he has all the status. I would absolutely not enjoy the privilege of eating in the officers’ mess, trying to chat with fellow experts on Question and Answer. They would use their techniques on each other. No one would be able to communicate. What a bunch of goombahs.

DIV 2. POLICE FORCES, demand a monopoly of hostile force, and on the right to keep secret, the information, which might lead to exposure, and capture of criminals. Suppressors build police forces by accusation, and gossip, causing destruction of reputation.
The license plate numbers of stolen cars are always a police secret. Secret police, spy networks, surveillance networks, hostile forces inspection before the fact, and blackmail, is their stock in trade.

DIV 3. WEALTH. International bankers want to own everything. Suppressors build unearned wealth by coercion, to enforce unfair exchange causing poverty for others.
They demand laws, which make it both necessary to go into debt, and then make it very financially dangerous to be in debt. Their loaning laws make it very unsafe for an entrepreneur to do business.

DIV 4. ENFORCED CONFORMITY. Suppressors want monopoly on supervision of work forces. Slaves, labourers, workers, servants, and armies, are kept enslaved by constantly referring to status quo forms, to ignore, and crush new, helpful ideas. A being governs with his ideas. A suppressive being governs by fixating forms.Technology is ideas, not forms. Suppressives oppose improvements in technology, and enforce ignorance, by opposing ideas with mest forms, and that alone is sufficient to destroy, or retard technology in a society.

DIV 5. AUTHORITY wants monopoly regarding what is declared true, or believed true The bonne is collections of praises by authority, and collections of superstitions. (fixed ideas). Vast libraries of Psychological, and Psychiatric superstitions exist. There are many superstitious subjects in our civilization.
DIV 6. DEMAGOGUES want monopoly of fame, leadership, and influence The bonne is Monuments, and awards, for conquests of defenseless people, businesses, groups, nations, etc.
Suppressors build fame by announcing conflicts of interest, and conflicts of selfish goals, then third partying both sides into competitions, and battles. Suppressive political campaigning, is to get some friends to covertly set up conflicts between groups, then, take a stance of pretending to work to resolve those conflicts.

DIV 7. LAW MAKERS want unprincipled, compliance with rituals of behaviour, so that they can run on automatic. Robotic rituals, assigned valences, and collections of civil laws. etc. Monopoly on the right to make the laws, and to interpret the laws.
Suppressors build mind control ritual by inflicting, and restimulating pain, molding men into executives, and automating workers and soldiers, thus making brainwashed robots.

Decent beings are generally allowed to live their lives so long as they do nothing to harm the Dead Beings Bonnes. The Bonnes are always directed to restimulate, and undo the actions of the free Being Positive Org Board. The moment a being acts restimulated(pissed, shakey, buttons), or resorts to any force, even force as mild as speaking a little bit louder, the *******, and his servants attack to protect the Bonnes. To quote loosely from the Bible, “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.” Never threaten the Bonnes. Decent beings are trapped by their dependence on the Bonnes for physical sustenance. Dependent beings are obliged to protect their jobs and their group. If you threaten the Bonnes, you oppose good men as well as evil ones, so do not do it.
Unless you are suicidal..some artists are that way.

The spirit-material game of this level is to calculate Que Bonum, “For whose good?” It is a very easy process to ask, who benefits by all this harm, and all this gathering. When you know who benefits, there you have your dead being identified, so you can try to handle him.
In theory, the cure is done, by widely pointing out, who is the beneficiary of evil, and there the ******* stands, but that does no good at all. When the whole group is restimulated, they are completely unable to act, and will even protect the dead supressive *******, whom they know is destroying them.
Some have tried sending missionaires out, yeh, sure, guys like The Lone Ranger, to remove the established evil punks but their identification tech was very sloppy, and furthmore, being under the thumb themselves, they missed their quarry more often than not.

In Vietnam, they had a ritual called fragging. American officers knew that if they lost all their men, they would be promoted, so, it was quite common for them to order their men to charge machine gun nests. After such a futile charge, it was quite common for the surviving members of the company, to drop several fragmentation grenades into the tent of the sleeping officer who had ordered the charge. One hundred fifty dead decent beings, and one punished Dead Being– not a very good score at all is it.

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Well-known member
Re: Energy Stealers

Why things are so tricky....
Since decent beings cannot confront restimulated areas, (it's not easy), there are seven styles of safe lying, done by dead beings, one for each level of the Grade Chart. The suppressor can lie freely about information supposedly from restimulative areas. An broken being will not communicate into an area of an break. Therefore the suppressor can safely manufacture lies about the painful area. Understand??

The dead being memorizes acceptable answers, and acceptable behaviours so that he can fake helpful behaviour. That is mere social machinery. A clever individual can break through social machinery with ease. All he needs to do is dream up unique social situations.(hehe)

The Seven Suppressive Deadnesses can be detected, by metered questions about ways to help, and would then ask the individual to discuss help, and pro-survival solutions for those situations, one at a time. The Dead Beings answers will express truly crazy counter-survival computations, and logical twists, which would horrify a Decent being. Bang! You have caught yourself an Evil *******.
The correct answers for such an interview could not be memorized, because the techie would mock up entirely new test questions for each interview. This is high toned, intelligent, wise, and clever being territory. No dark being can enter herein. In the words of a popular song: “It can’t be sold. It can’t be bought. It can’t be learned. It can’t be taught.” THIS IS A VITAL ETHICS FORMULA, WHICH EVERY BEING MUST MASTER, AND APPLY IN LIFE.
There was a Sci Fi movie called “Blade Runner”. Harrison Ford focuses an optical device on a woman’s eye, and interviews her to determine whether she is human, or an artificially created replicant. He talks about a wounded, rabbit found on a roadside. What should one do? The replicant is unable to answer the question. Similarly, Dencet Beings will be able to interview, and detect Suppressors, in such dramatic futuristic ways.
Any decent being should be able to casually run these anti-evil ******* tests on his friends, and associates during friendly conversation.


The reverse org board is all reverse processes.
1. Good manners being used to avoid communication, and to cut communication instead of to enhance communication. Q+A instead of discussing the specific subject.
2. Suspicion used to introvert
3. Pushing or coaxing to work harder versus developing understanding of policy, and life
4. Arbitrary commands instead of application of policy, and common sense.
5. Authoritative demands, and pressure to believe, versus allowing and assisting good logic
6. Competition versus cooperation and teamwork.
7. Robotic monkey rituals versus principles

You must, at certain times, be willing, and able, to be a suppressor, in order to be free of suppressors. When you get into communication, and things that happen to you just do not make a whole lot of sense, and you seem to be in trouble, someone in the group is probably operating on a Highway to Hell Org Board. If you suddenly become a suppressor yourself, all of it will make sense. You will, happily, have a lot more control than the real suppressor, because your creative abilities are far greater than his dead ones. Just remember that it is a mockery, instead, of the real thing, we hope.
The Suppressive Establishment Org board is intended to not allow the High Toned Decent being any control. It has ways to hurt you if you try to control anything. Its invisible operating basis is that you have a lot of inner termoil on its counter-survival activities, and cannot, in theory fight back. You can gain an amazing amount of control over the Suppressive Establishment, by merely assessing for it on such group activities, and erasing that iner termoil...which is tricky. You will feel endangerments because of what the Suppressive Establishment might choose to do to poor defenseless little you. Do it anyway..or get out.

A staff member, at work, every time he is aware, that he, or the group is doing something wrong, or is doing something in a non-optimal manner, and is unable to do anything to correct, or improve it. Sound like someone we know? Just meditate upon every one of those restimulations.(I'm overbooked)

The responsibility of an enlightened manager is to makes sure that every single junior knows that the entire group is doing as much righteousness as they possibly can, and that the group will expand to include new rightnesses as soon as is workable. A happy staff member is one who can always count on improving righteousness, whenever needed, among his fellow group members. With this in mind, the entire Doingness Org Board (A list of all org doingnesses.), is simply a current list of group righteousnesses.
A Dead being will rail on and on against management, so under the thumb management shuts down the staff beingness, and jams them hard shut, by adopting the seven suppressive deadnesses(the markets?..shot in the dark). Management, when it does that has just signed its own death warrant. Awww, such brilliant management we had, tch tch. So sad to see their psychotic asses kicked out of there.
A Decent being, who is a junior, might briefly complain against management, but only when restimulated, or misinformed, or when management is making genuine blunders. Part of a manager’s job is to differentiate betweeen the howlings of an upset junior, and the railings of a Ded Being. If management cannot do that, they should seek other employment. Quite tuff.






Here is one of your tickets out of this hell hole.
Some have gave executives a license to act in an insane manner when they set up a system of one-way flows regarding spirit. All the dedicated juniors in the place wanted to be sooo sane, and wanted to behave sooo sanely, that they set up a dichotomy, whereby they were always generating the spirit, and the execs were always free to generate the dirt, and to run this as reverse processes on all junior staff. All scio juniors worked desperately to 1. duplicate every communication from seniors 2. treat seniors with perfect integrity 3. understand every single order, and every aberrated whim generated by seniors 4. conform with all norms set by seniors 5. have absolute faith in the correctness, and Authority of senior management. 6. cooperate perfectly with seniors, no counter-intention. 7. Stay, always in your own valence, and never in the senior’s valence. Now that’s a good little robot slave.
If you treat suppressors with nothing but high toned beingess, the suppresor wins every time, and you eventually crack. Be Dirt? Oh no. Be a suppressor? Oh noo not me, not me.
The way out of the trap is to be the trap. Now, for the obvious next step. BE WILLING TO BE A SUPPRESSOR. You can do creative mockery of being a suppressor yourself. Yes you can, and the world will not end. Trust me.







EXAMPLE – A PUSHER - is a degrado who supposedly makes it his job to push others to work harder He raises stats briefly, but is counter-productive because his product is a SHITTY graph. ie. a roller coaster.
A pusher does not work. He watches other staff members so he can give them verbal orders. If workers appear to slacken in their tasks, he gives them a verbal push. A pusher cannot produce because he is too busy watching others.
People pushing is a worse than useless service. The pusher operates by taking work orders, which should be in someone’s in basket. He keeps those orders to himself, then orders the worker to do what he would have done anyway.
The pusher falsely claims to be a management asset because he really drives up those statistics, but he ignores that fact that stats soon fall lower than they were before because he increasingly enturbulates staff members and because of distraction from normal organizing activities. A worker who cannot control his own time will put off vital maintenance of self and job site. Laundry gets left for another day. Unanswered communication piles up somewhere. Bulbs don’t get changed. Eventually the unhandled maintenance work catches up and stats must fall.
According to SOMEONE UNMENTIONED(laugh), a job is generally 50% cope and 50% organize, therefore, every staff member should have two stats, a cope stat and an organize stat. A pusher throws all staff into constant cope, and pretends that his refusal to understand the complaints is a great company asset. Sorry. The intentional non-understanding of complaints is suppresive.

The staff member will gradually go down tone until he refuses to work, and comes to hate his job and the entire group. Thereby the pusher gradually destroys the group while pretending to help it. Surprisingly, some top execs were taught the criminal attitude, that it was their duty to work junior staff members to death, then to spit them out. I spit scio those execs out, and when I spit like that, I mean it.

Production is the basis of morale only when that production is self-determined, or pan-determined. High production at the hands of a pusher always degrades one. Any senior who appoints himself to the job of pusher is automatically demoted.
High effort work is greatly helped when a bosun, for example yells, “All together now, heave, heave, heave.” That is a command of coaction, and that is very healthy for a group. Dynamic orders to guide and coordinate efforts are very acceptable. A sane group can differentiate between the pusher and the high end control of a bosun.

THE ACCEPTABLE PLACE FOR A PEOPLE PUSHER - The dam has burst and the sandbag dike must be built, or we will drown. A degrado people pusher cannot handle this. A typical big being leader can yell at thousands of people, making them work harder than ever before in their lives, and they will get that dike built, like you would not believe. The big being leader stops pushing the minute the dike is built. He would never treat people like that in normal life. The group might do a parade for him if they recognize that he is a leader.

Decide to fail to understand his push push push commands. He does not understand your need to expand your storage area, or some such thing. You can fail to understand, him too. He will ask what you do not understand. You tell him, I do not understand how to import these widgets without storage space. You got him. If he comes up with more push, just keep failing to understand it, because of any **** reason you please, which benefits you. If you came to him directly indicating your need for storage space, he would have not understood. Now, he reacts, even though he still does not understand.

A REGULAR LEADERSHIP ROLE – is to flow High Toned goals at a group until they collectively rise high, on the scale, (high willingness), and he keeps them there. Other ways of raising the group in the absence of great leaders are group processing, De Dinging, and group singsongs and high toned entertainment, (not big screen television nights). More like group dynamic activities.....youll know it when you see's not Jazz night where everyone "Understands" in's to move people up...dynamically...then you have something above have dynamic individuals and a decent group with high dynamic goals instead of push button animals and mad dictatorships.

REVERSE PROCESS (evil as evil is)– GETTING EVERYONE COMPETING. – WHILE COVERTLY SETTING UP COOPERATION FOR MANIPULATIVE POWER. Criminal public relations is to set up a fight or competition between any two groups or individuals. The real victors are the fight promoters, rule makers and referees. Every group that the Suppressors want to subjugate, is set into competitions. The fight promoter automatically becomes the leader of both fighting parties. Poof, instant demagogue.
CREATIVE MOCKERY – Mess this guy up by declaring lots of competitions, which do not exist.
A team is much stronger than a group of competing individuals any day. There is much pride in being part of an effectively coordinated unit. There is extended pride and wealth in larger and larger coordinations up to the size of nations and beyond. Degrados compulsively work to weaken coordination by setting units of any size against each other in countless games conditions. The High Toned formula is that any time there is competition, conditions can be improved by cooperation.
Example: Chaos and Rollercoaster stats.


There is a sort of ringing metallic voice, which says, “I am a power to be reckoned with. Open wide your breath passages in your head so as to generate resonance. Enunciate very clearly. Say every sentence with a slight descending pitch, and end every sentence with a sense of finality. It sounds like a military officer making a statement to his men. It sometimes sounds sexy as hell. Women can do it too. You often hear that cultivated voice, when talking face to face with politicians. Many, but not all politicians have that authoritative ring to their voices. When done right, it makes even a suppressive degrado sound like a god. Cultivate such a voice for yourself. It is very valuable at times.
Such a voice requires a commanding attitude, which can only exist with any consistency when an individual has lots of power, to back his words up. Now, to access that power, you need to master the Double Talk Org board. The power comes either from High Toned intention, or from restimulating the other person’s bank. If it is High Toned intention, then one commands with simple sentences, like, “All aboard.”. If it is junk power, then one speaks two concepts, or often, two sentences at a time. The first sentence is intended to restimulate. The second sentence is intended to offer a key out, or some kind of destimulation, by serving the will of the speaker, of course. Example: “The money you paid for your ticket is going to waste. Better get up, and dance with me.” The big being says, “I’m not restimulated by that double talk line, but I’ll go along with it anyway.” Thereby occurs a very mild willingness to go under the thumb. In many under the thumb areas of society, double talk is the only way to get compliance, and cooperation.
When cooperation is initially very willing, and someone still uses double talk, to get their way, then the willingness slowly evaporates, leaving permanent contempt in its place.
A suppressor, who fails to gain control by double talk, will often collect bad news from a newspaper, or generate a real crisis, so that his restimulation has more power. A suppressive medico might warn that everyone is in danger of rabies these days, so they had better come in for their shots. Nobody comes in, so the medico injects a few local dogs with real rabies. When the word gets out that some rabid dogs are about, people swarm in for their shots.
Suppressors are very resistive to High Toned control, but they are generally far more susceptible to control by double talk, than are other people. When you detect a suppressor, go ahead. Control him as needed.

Hope it was relevant..I took speed, not care with this.
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Re: Energy Stealers

tsquare said:
Sometimes this helps in Work Situations.

In today’s society, nice, polite, caring guys are the ones who get all the abuse from the boss. If the nice guy eventually protest’s the boss’s rudeness, he gets fired.
The bad ***, is respected, and promoted, and will retain his job as long as he wishes.

THAT is awesome advice for me, actually I must tell you. I did get fired once from a job when I protested how I was being treated. That was a very depressing and angry time for me. Fortunatly the universe fought back for me. A week later I recieved a job where got paid substantially more. A month later that company had to sell off to another name. A year later the whole company dissolved. The storefrount itself remained vacant for years. Oh and the real nice part --those women who fired me came to look for work where I was already. Thanks for the advice, I need it I tend to be a bit too nice. Hard to express anger. InWh


Well-known member
Re: Energy Stealers

There should be a little of something in there for everyone.

I thought I would mention...I have Sun square Pluto as well.


Very interesting post. I'm still struggling a bit with what an "Energy Drainer" or "Psychic Vampire" is. Can people give more examples of what they do or the experiences they've had with these people?

Here's a couple of examples of some people I have known, would you call them Energy Drainers?
(a)Sounds like healing, and a person having a hard time with life...sounds like a decent person.
(b)Watch that one carefully.
(c) Not sure, too hard to tell.......could be someone under someones thumb...some form of that anyhow...parents can be abusive in odd subtle ways, many of those are OK'd by society, but deep down people know better..some are just sleepy...he may have just been rollercoastering...up and down, because of his troubles and the people he was connected too. That can be draining as well, for him and means he's under controll....but the trouble may lie with who they are connected to moreso then with the person. He may be trouble for tht simple reason..but if it was a good friend then it would be better to find a way to work together then to abandon them IMO, simply because they have enemies or people trying to knuckle them under in covert or overt controll, if that be the case...I don't know if it was or is.

Now would you say these are Emotional Vampires or not? If they are, maybe I'm just resilient and detached? I am Aqu Sun (opp Saturn), Libra Moon, Aries Rising, Jupiter conj ASC in 1st, Mars sextile Jupiter/Asc, Pluto opp Asc, Pluto trine Mars.
Possibly. I'm not sure on that yet personally.
But B) is one to look out for IMO.


Well-known member
Re: Energy Stealers

THAT is awesome advice for me, actually I must tell you. I did get fired once from a job when I protested how I was being treated. That was a very depressing and angry time for me. Fortunatly the universe fought back for me. A week later I recieved a job where got paid substantially more. A month later that company had to sell off to another name. A year later the whole company dissolved. The storefrount itself remained vacant for years. Oh and the real nice part --those women who fired me came to look for work where I was already. Thanks for the advice, I need it I tend to be a bit too nice. Hard to express anger. InWh
there was probably someone within destroying that company.
I'm glad you found something better.:)


you may like this then as is in that mess I posted.
1. ALWAYS RETAIN YOUR RIGHT TO LEAVE A GROUP. If a senior says that you will be punished in any way for directly routing out of the group, tell him to read your contract, or whatever, always be able to walk...if you can. Demand the resignation of that senior, and leave the group anyway.
That's the Discipline.
It's not easy but worth having....oddly it becomes a bartering chip...but I'd rather be able to get the **** out alive.
I'm still working at this in some areas....many do not want their slaves to be sovereign.

ALWAYS TAKE A HOSTILE THREAT AS AN INVITATION TO DO REAL BATTLE. If a senior menaces you, ask him if he wants to go for it, and mean it. If he says yes, its pistols at sunrise, or whatever you wish. It is your choice of weapons because he initiated it. A hostile threat is simply not acceptable in a junior-senior relationship, and make sure that the relationship ends right there.

ALWAYS REFUSE TO ALLOW THE BOSS TO PUSH YOU AROUND AT WORK BY CLAIMING A CRISIS. The senior can do that once, but must present a completed writeup of some sort to the junior soon afterward, at the least an explanation. If you get a whiff of a faked crisis, with the sole intent of "raising stats", then that is the end of your working relationship.

ALWAYS RETAIN YOUR RIGHT TO DISH OUT WHAT YOU GET. It is a crime for a senior to pull rank. If a senior says he can yell at you, and you had better not yell back at him, perhaps you might scream his face off, and throw him out. Refuse to work for him, or cooperate with him, ever.

General Von Moltke hinted at the ideal scene when he ordered an officer to be harshly disciplined. The Officer, who had caused a disaster, said he was only following orders. Von Moltke replied, “I made you a Major because I believed you knew when to disobey orders.” That famous interchange greatly improved the morale of German soldiers for two whole wars because it implied that the individual was worth something, and no stupid fool could order a man to a useless death.
Always demand the resignation of any senior who demands that you do things, which do not work, and does not care if they work or not.

ALWAYS DIG DOWN TO THE SOURCE OF ANY ATTACK, VERBAL,OR OTHERWISE. NEVER TOLERATE THIRD PARTYING BY A SENIOR. If a senior tells a half-truth, or a lie which gets you into trouble with some disciplinary body, that is the end of the working relationship. Either the senior goes, or you go, and make that very clear.

ALWAYS KEEP YOUR PRINCIPLES ABOVE ANY JOB YOU DO. If a senior orders you to violate your principles, he is ruined, and tell him so.
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Well-known member
Look up ADAM NICHOLS... he's an Chiropractor in Sydney, NSW and the most amazing man on the planet at programming crystals.

Ask him to programme the right crystal for you and then wear it round your neck. It will work 24/7 and protect you from everything negative/vampirish/inappropriate for you in this lifetime...

Failing that, buy a crystal necklace and programme it yourself. If you need help on that, just find me and i'll guide you through it.


Well-known member
Look up ADAM NICHOLS... he's an Chiropractor in Sydney, NSW and the most amazing man on the planet at programming crystals.

Ask him to programme the right crystal for you and then wear it round your neck. It will work 24/7 and protect you from everything negative/vampirish/inappropriate for you in this lifetime...

Failing that, buy a crystal necklace and programmer it yourself. If you need help on that, just find me and I'll guide you through it.

Here's another chiropractor....coincidence, I just found this yesterday, he has started a therapy or workshop not sure how to describe it, don't know too much , but I like his discussion of Morphic fields.....His names Richard Bartlet and it's called Matrix Energetics....I don't know the whole story, but he had a near death expereince, witnessed a blue light...he does an intereview here on a radio show..seems like a pretty cool guy...Living Successfully Radio Interview (mp3) - Dec. 1, 2007

I've been wonderng what to do with this interview since yesturday I liked it so much.....but I don't know too much....he's a clarovoyant now....started as a chirporactor...then his child became ill and he tried regular medicine and decided to read all the what he calls...Weird medicine beeks and(laugh) and he also covered quantum physics...he brought up the right brain conectionsomewhat in the interview and it sparked my interest as well being Im left handed....he took a seminar from another I believe chiropractor, claroyoayant, and saved his childs life in I think 3 days after he began the therapy he learned....interesting story and I see some validity to what he says.
Not much on crystals if anything at all.....I never payed much atention to chrystals thinking them odd VIAs, and I knew I would come across allot of odd things along the way that were silly, or off course...but it's an area that I'd like to look into at some time in the future...thanks.

I bring it up because Jaime you mention, and while I do not know much of the Islamic Schools and Mosques , I came across this some time back and I never followed it down....I could be sending you down a dark alley..I don't know..but I find Morphic Field discussions interesting and if say, Prayer can be used in a way to heal, I suppose it could also have the power to harm or controll, could it not? I havn't read this but am passing it on.
Prayer: A Challenge for Science
Noetic Sciences Review, (Summer 1994 ), 30, 4-9
by Rupert Sheldrake

[deleted overly-long copyrighted text - Moderator]

Heres some more Rupert. and from where the above book was found....
There is much ^here^.

Here is the main Homepage.

Someone once told me, Before you think a thought asks whos it is.
I have always thought that improtant concidering telapathy.

Bartlett recomends some intersting books himself...I've only read the ones in red....
Primary Recommended Reading

  • Yoga of Time Travel ~ by Fred Alan Wolf
  • The Field ~ Lynn McTaggert
  • Holographic Universe ~ Michael Talbot (...and not very well, my reading that is.)
  • Quantum Mind ~ Arnold Mindell, Phd.
  • Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance ~ James Oschman
  • The Power of Intention ~ Wayne Dyer
  • Parallel Universes ~ Fred Alan Wolf
Secondary Recommended Reading

  • Science and Human Transformation ~ William Tiller (best for science)
  • Eagle's Quest ~ Fred Alan Wolf
  • Muddy Tracks ~ Frank De Marco
  • Using Your Brain for a Change ~ Richard Bandler
  • The Reconnection ~ Eric Pearl
  • Remote Viewing Secrets ~ Joe McMonagle
  • Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul ~ Skip Atwater
  • A Touch of Hope ~ Dean Kraft

(laugh) I havn't read too many of them...I thought it maybe an interesting book list for myself to check out later.

I suppose the above has more to do with Healing and healers then Energy Stealers...but healing is also a form of protections. And I found it interesting...I just wish sometimes there was more time for myself to look into all of it.

The Water element has, it seems, always been tied to charismatics and healers, also it seems to deal with imagination....and I do think it has a connection to the "spirit world" in a way......Water itself is interesting as a healing device...not sure why I bring it up other then it seems Morphic fields and telapathy seem to fall under the water astrology we always look to, it seems, the houses that are associated with water signs for occult ability....such as Edgar Cayces' loaded 8thH....the 8th has been described as indicating occult ability...same as the 12th...but taht has always been descibed as occult sorrows....bummer....but it seems ther is something to the water element and claroyoyance...maybe something to do with empathy and sympathy....not usre the full connection...but the mention of the healing effects of even physical water can be foudn in hermetic texts...I would like to look more into chrystals at a later would be intersting to actually see some results using hte proper cameras to do so, witness the changes in the bodies ressonant field...I always have wanted to get into something like that since i was a child having witnessed fields myself in high expereince with this changed my views completly concerning Life and people....and that was an out of body experience while fully concious...I was even walking while out of body...and that has made looking at other things intersting...such as what people say about if the body is touched when OOB it can die....I don't se that as accurate, but it may be true if one is using one of the subtle bodies to travel....But I was doing something else completely...I don't think Iwas using the astral body to see arround corners etc. becuase the body was doing just fine..walking and talking and we worked together in a way...after that Remote Viewing became an interest, but not for a few years...I still ahd high school to finish and I became quite introverted after the expereince...the expereince of doing such was so naturall to me that when i lost the state I honestly thought everyone else was always doing this on a daily basis...and fully aware of it..I also thought it was just one of things everyone normal was supposed to know so noone ever talked about it...thats how natural the state was..and I could "see" better from out of the body then in...and I could move better from out of the body then in..and I have read of that elsewhere as well...I have recieved so much validation from others on their own expereince with OOB expereince that I can not ignore the phenomenon...when it hapened I had never in my life read a religious text, didn't go to church(still don't, HA), or even concidered me being inside a body as odd...not untill that some of this stuff will always be intersting to me...I felt very alive that is something I will never forget.
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