Juno square sun?


New member
My g/f has her Juno conjunct my ascendant 3 deg. Orb but squaremy sun 1 deg. Orb? I can't really find anything on Juno squares. How do you think this would play out? Appreciate it.


Well-known member
My g/f has her Juno conjunct my ascendant 3 deg. Orb but squaremy sun 1 deg. Orb? I can't really find anything on Juno squares. How do you think this would play out? Appreciate it.

I honestly have not paid much attention to this asteroid or used it much in synastry analysis. I might take notice of it's whereabouts from a distance, but I, personally, haven't found it to be vital in assessing fundamental compatibility between two people.

But hey....that does not mean it's not significant. That is only my opinion, in a sea of opinions. For example, I know the magi folks place a lot of emphasis on juno and have drawn up a bunch of different conclusions based on it. I don't know much about magi astrology, but from afar, it seems to be conclusions drawn from a purely statistical approach. So perhaps that is something that you want to check out? (BTW, I am not endorsing them or suggesting that they are wrong. I don't know enough about them to form an opinion either way. I'm only saying that there's another group out there that makes more active use of this asteroid.)

But even without Juno, just by taking the basic approach, you really should be able to draw up some stark conclusions between the two of you.

Good luck.