Is possible for a Cancer Ascendant not to be shy?


Well-known member
-Any Cancer Ascendant out there? I've suffered from shyness my entire life. No matter, how much I tried to appear sociable and confident, everyone would identify me as a 'shy' and 'reserved' person. I always got angry at them for this. I like to talk to others about my life and myself, and I don't mind sharing personal information. I don't think I'm actually reserved. Albanians in Kosovo typically hold back a lot of information about themselves, and compared to them,I'm definitely a open-book. But, what concerns me is that no matter what, we Cancer Ascendants, can never be sociable. There is something in us, that makes us suspicious of people we don't know. No matter what, I can not help myself but blush when talking to strangers. If you are a Cancer Ascendant, or you know someone who is a Cancer Ascendant, can you tell me more about it? I love this forum, and I really love talking to you.

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
Seems like your self-perception doesn't sync with how other view you. You say you're not reserved and you're willing to share personal details about yourself and open up, but then you also say that you can't help but blush when speaking to strangers. A lot of communication is non-verbal so people might see the blushing before they see the opening up. And then say, hey, this woman is quite shy.


Well-known member
Where's your moon sign??

The cancer ascendant or your personality will be flavored by the sign of your moon.


Well-known member
@CancerEvolve Ascendant rules how you behave in the world. I asked only about Cancer Ascendants. Having a Cancer Sun can be quite different.


Well-known member
You probably would get a better response if you posted your chart.

But, what concerns me is that no matter what, we Cancer Ascendants, can never be sociable.
That is totally untrue.

There is something in us, that makes us suspicious of people we don't know.
I'm not suspicious of people unless they've already thrown red flags.

No matter what, I can not help myself but blush when talking to strangers.
I can't relate to that at all. I thought people only blush when they are embarrassed.


Well-known member
-Any Cancer Ascendant out there?

There are many. :happy:

If you are a Cancer Ascendant, or you know someone who is a Cancer Ascendant, can you tell me more about it? I love this forum, and I really love talking to you.

I know several Cancer Ascendants and I would say less than half of them are shy, but all tend to be more cautious in new environments and with new people, testing the waters before diving in. Depending on what their personality is like normally, this ranges from slightly more reserved to completely withdrawn. My brother is Cancer Rising with Aqua Moon/Mars trine Libra Sun and he's an outgoing, friendly airy person. He does not understand people who don't feel the need to be sociable or connect with others. On the other hand I have a friend who is Cancer Ascendant with Venus/Mars in Cancer, her Sun in the 12th and her Moon in Libra tucked away in the 4th house and she is quite shy. You always have to consider the whole chart and a person's life experiences.
I am both a cancer ascendant and an Albanian so I understand what you mean as far as being misconstrued as shy. I wouldn't say I am shy as much as I am more of a listener. Us cancer risings like to feel out a situation beforehand, which can actually work to our advantage. Many actually tell me that they admire how although I do not speak much, what I say actually has substance. That's because cancer rising grants intuition and empathy, both very underrated in regards to communication (great communicators know to listen, then speak). Although, when I am with friends or good company I speak a lot, maybe too much lol (this is probably due to my excitable aries moon though). It really depends on the rest of your chart as I have many friends with Gemini rising (which is known to be outgoing, etc.) who are much more shy than me (one of them even has sun, mercury, and venus in aries).
I have a cancer Ascendant and I've been shy my whole​ life but I break out my shell whenever I see fit. It's possible. You just have to be confident in yourself.


Well-known member
I am a Cancer Ascendant and I have always been shy. While I have learnt to be aggressive in the workplace and even in personal situations, it has never come naturally. Am also a very good listener and form deep friendships with a few people.


Well-known member
I am a Cancer Ascendant and I have always been shy. While I have learnt to be aggressive in the workplace and even in personal situations, it has never come naturally. Am also a very good listener and form deep friendships with a few people.

Do you have an aries midheaven?



Well-known member
well I'm not shy...then again, I'm not way out in the open, but I stand out.

Cancer ascendant with Aquarius Sun/Moon here.

and this is my 1000th registered post as a member of AW for 5-some years.