Anyone with any planets conjunct Unukalbai fixed star ?


Well-known member
In the neck of the Scorpio serpent with a saturn/mars energy, giving it a dangerous and destructive nature.

I've got a lot of keywords for this star from online. But i'm looking for some more personal experiences with this star, so anyone who has any planets conjunct this star, as to what effect if any it has had on you, obviously this will be depending on the planet conjuncting it.

Its 22 degrees 19' scorpio at this present time.


Well-known member

In the neck of the Scorpio serpent with a saturn/mars energy,
giving it a dangerous and destructive nature.

I've got a lot of keywords for this star from online.
But i'm looking for some more personal experiences with this star, so anyone who has any planets conjunct this star, as to what effect if any it has had on you

'.....In the Neck of the Serpent (Serpens)
Unukalhai shows its properties as a Martian force
combined with Saturn
and is often really dangerous and destructive.
There will be chronic diseases, which are not easily detected
these will result in a weakened state of health
and operations will be necessary.
There will be accidents.
If with the MC and in conjunction also with 'malefics'
it is damaging to the social position
often there will be many difficulties in the professional life.....'
Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.67
under 'Unuk'

this will be depending on the planet conjuncting it.

Its 22 degrees 19' scorpio at this present time.
Fixed star: UNUKALHAI
Constellation: Alpha (α) Serpens
Longitude 1900: 20SCO40
Longitude 2000: 22SCO05
Declination 1900: +06.44'
Declination 2000: +06.26'
Right ascension: 15h 44m
Latitude: +25.30'
Spectral class: K2
Magnitude: 2.8

Obviously "conjunction slely by Longitude" is insufficient when delineating Fixed Stars
Fixed Stars require conjunction by Declination and/or Latitiude
for "what effect if any" :smile:

With Sun: Many quarrels and disappointments, unfortunate life
seriously affected by death of family or friends

With Moon: Clever, evil environment, hatred of authority, involved in intrigues and plots
banished, imprisoned or hanged for crime probably by poisoning.

With Mercury: Dishonorable, accused of forgery or theft of papers
ill-health, narrow escapes, danger of bites from poisonous animals.

With Venus: Enmity, jealousy of own sex, bad for domestic matters
favorable for gain, secret death probably by poison.

With Mars: Violence, quarrels, lying, crime, violent death
probably by poison.

With Jupiter: Hypocrisy, deceit, banishment, imprisonment or exile.

With Saturn: Secret insanity, drug taker, secret crime and poisoning often for no reason
shrewd, cunning, intelligent, studious, often physician or nurse
usually unmarried, may commit suicide or be confined in an asylum or prison.

*[Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923].



Well-known member
My dad has Mars there. So does my wife and my son. My Mars is in leo exactly square that place. I've always been concerned with my son's inclination towards violence. And fighting is honestly my dad's proudest achievement he never stops talking about. But he's good at it. So is my son he's quick. But my wife is kinda just a sex addict she really really craves sexual attention and it's sometimes her primary focus like my father is with fighting.