The four Aristotlean elements


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In Ancient Greece, Aristotle developed the four Aristotlean elements: Hot, Cold, Wet and Dry, and this was adopted into astrology along with the zodiacal elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Aries: Hot-Fire, Taurus: Dry-Earth, Gemini: Cold-Air, Cancer: Wet-Water.
Leo: Dry-Fire, Virgo: Hot-Earth, Libra: Dry-Air, Scorpio: Hot-water.
Sagittarius: Wet-Fire, Capricorn: Cold-Earth, Aquarius: Wet-Air, Pisces: Cold-Water.

Naturally, there's no Cold-Fire, Wet-Earth, Hot-Air and Dry-Water signs.

Ancient astrologers tried to predict weather patterns, seasonal climates and anomalies by both the sun sign and moon sign.

And according to some astrologers, Parazodiacs can alter weather for a brief period of the sun sign month. I believe a "cool" summer period can be by the constellation Orpheus between Virgo and Libra. A "mud" earth (lots of rain at once) under Orion, An "Indian summer" or milder moment under the 13th sign Ophiuchus and chances of dry spells in rain seasons through Cetus.